• long running

[SUBS] Poor Things (2023) Now Streaming on Disney+


Critically acclaimed film fast tracked to streaming. Surprised to see it popped up today as it's still playing in some cinemas.

IMDB: 8.2, Metacritic: 88, Oscars-hype: 100

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    • +27

      I'd say Emma's Stone acting, Mark Ruffalo's acting, Willem Dafoe's acting, the directing, the smart/funny script, the score, cinematography, set design and costume design all make the movie worth watching TBH

      • +4

        This director is one of the few genius level out there. Check out The Lobster and The Killing of a Sacred Deer

        • -4

          The lobster was horrible. Horrible story horrible writing, voicelines and acting. I know what they were going for but gosh i wish i didnt watch it and just turned it off

      • +2

        Best Actor goes to the goat at the end

    • +42

      Poor thing

    • It does get better. I didn’t think i was gonna like it but I’m glad I kept going.

    • +5

      Well it ain't another Marvel movie.

  • +2

    I liked the movie… A bit weird style, but interesting…

    • +2

      I liked yorgo's The Lobster. I could not understand The killing of sacred deer, apparently you need to read and understand bible references.

      haven't seen Dogtooth (just found on imdb) but I am willing to give this a try. 💁‍♂️

      • +1

        Dogtooth is… something. Definitely worth checking out, but it’s challenging.

  • +4

    Love it, movie of the year.

  • +4

    It's weird, wacky and hilarious. I thoroughly enjoyed it

  • I literally just told someone today that I wish to see it again soon. Love love everything about this film!

  • +5

    Damn, what a movie. Not for everyone

    • +37

      Seek help

    • +21

      Are you having a stroke?

    • +6

      i read this as 'wookie, wookie, wookie' and was like oooh it has wookies in it? 🤣

      • You can see Emma's Chewy in it.

    • -2

      Disney's trademark these days even though the new CEO says changes are being planned away from that agenda.

  • +1

    Definitely not for everyone but damn everyone involved in this movie knocked it out of the park!

  • Any update whether this deal still works?

    • Considering it has ‘Expired’ added in front of the title I’d hazard a guess it’s most likely not going to work. Sadly, Disney doesn’t believe in giving you a trial period for free. Save your money, find a friend with a Plex server, and ask them to share their library with you.

      • I thought I’d check as sometimes deals expire because prices change rather than the method not working

  • +1

    Would have loved to see a 4K disk release of this one, it was so beautifully shot. But the bargain side of me can’t complain with the stream.

    • +7

      Do you need a hug snowflake?

      • Yes please rainbow king

        • +4

          I thought so, being triggered by such things is a sure sign things aren't right. Enjoy my 🌈 👑 hug.

      • +1

        I thought it was thé woke who needed the hugs

        • +1

          Conservative snowflakes are no different, their views are just on the opposite side of the spectrum.

    • -1

      Do we even get Fox News in Australia, because that's the only thing I can think of as a reason for this one.

      • +3

        Sky News is basically the same

      • Fox News is free to air in regional areas and some tv brands

    • +2

      Sadly thats whats happened to Disney.

    • -1

      I fully agree with you!

    • +2


      Not only that but it’s another way to have people not own anything.

      Although this is free I never understand how posting a free movie on a paid streaming service as a bargain.

    • -1


  • I would prefer it if it was a Blu-ray release as I don't want to sub to Disney+ but I guess I'll have to import it when it gets released in the UK.

  • +3

    Quite enjoyed this movie - didn't expect it to be so sexual, but alas it was a lot of fun. Just feel that the ending didn't land as it could/should have. Very enjoyable if you don't mind arthouse and a bit of depravity

  • +4

    Yes, it's definitely better to watch this in the privacy of your own home. I watched it at a cinema in late December (limited release) and it was extremely awkward/cringe in some scenes.

    SPOILER below - sorry not sure if Ozbargain has spoiler formatting so I used the strikethrough format instead.

    I was particularly disturbed by the sex scenes - Emma has a woman's body but a child's brain. I must be overreacting because no one else seems to have the same issues with this aspect, and have hyped the movie up so much.

    • +3

      I really like the movie, but I did notice the same thing as you. It is a genuinely demented premise and literally no-one seems to bring it up or think its that weird. I guess its just us :D

        • -1

          just part of the process of disney normalising pedo behaviour. watch all the neg votes come in from the rainbow mafia xoxo

          • -1

            @kamelataturd: Yeah… Check out the negs on my first comment lmao! My neg vote on the deal got revoked because of so many negs on my comment. Bloody unicorns!

    • That's not even spoiler, more like the synopsis.
      It's a child's brain in a fully developed woman's body, including morphology and physiology, which could explain the sexual behaviour. I'm pretty sure the writer, director, and actors were aware of what they were doing. It's weird and can be uncomfortable, but that's just a movie. We watch movies about paedophilia, corruption, serial killers, ETs… It's all fiction, unfortunately based in reality at times. A child's brain having a developed body and enjoying sex is not that disturbing if you consider phisyilogy.

    • +2

      Not sure that ‘no one else seems to have the same issues’, it’s the very frequent major comment about the film.

    • -2

      Nope very much agree with this.. it's why it's not a movie I would recommend. In all honesty I see this as no different to paedophilia.
      Also the premise of a brain just being a brain is down right stupid. Forget that it's a tangible network of dendrites and afferent/efferent nervous system with the spinal cord attached.. but hey art…. I thought it was a particularly stupid and criminal movie.

      • +1

        Also the premise of a brain just being a brain is down right stupid. Forget that it's a tangible network of dendrites and afferent/efferent nervous system with the spinal cord attached.. but hey art…. I thought it was a particularly stupid

        reading all these spoilers/hints it does sound pretty extreme kind of "try hard"y. like "what's the most crazy difficult possibly offensive concept I can come up with for a film do it for the views". at least movies like midsommar and mother etc were kind of subtle and smart about it.

        still gonna watch it though. those who "liked it" must see what the director is doing as just the usual. I don't fully get yorgos movies myself.

        if you want a more normie recommendation I think "The favourite" is also on disney+. it got a few good laughs out of me. it's not a comedy and the laughs are spread out but I found a few moments hilarious.

        • Thank you for a very sensible response. It's people such as yourself who help promote good discussion. Sincere thank you.

          • @maverickjohn: yea maybe I should mention the things I tend to laugh at are pretty odd. for example might as well plug another recommendation lol um the movie The wizard of lies (it's on binge last time I watched it). it's a dead serious bio but I burst out laughing a few times in that one too when most people would not find the movie funny at all. don't want to give any spoilers so I won't be specific.

        • +1

          "what's the most crazy difficult possibly offensive concept I can come up with for a film do it for the views"

          For me the whole "child's brain in an adult's body" concept is more a way of showing that Bella is a blank canvas rather than portraying her as a naive object to be exploited. Considering the source material and Frankenstein influences it works better as a plot device than say, total amnesia from a knock to the head.

          The humour and absurdity in the movie comes from dropping such a person into polite society and watching the results. We see Bella respond to everything that comes her way with no preconceptions. Nothing is good or bad, she just responds naturally with the most logical / pure acts and observations.

          The whole sexual awakening thing just reminded me of Freudian psychology.

          • @Pantagonist: ok you are making sense but yeah for now I think I was just thrown off by the comments mainly because I watched the trailer for this months ago and it didn't give much away other than a quirky film kinda like wes anderson with few stooge like characters. I think it hinted to a bit of "scifi" which got me interested. I don't like wes anderson films btw.

            blank canvas kinda makes sense in terms of scifi brain transplant. like things arent "great" being funny. I guess I should really just watch it for myself first. it's a unique concept just maybe everyone is focusing too much on the sex (still don't know how much of the movie that actually takes up if I had to guess it's not much).

            • @n3ck3ntry8bort0rgasm:

              (still don't know how much of the movie that actually takes up if I had to guess it's not much).

              If you don't like sex or nudity (male and female) in movies then you'll have a hard time. The sex there is doesn't pull any punches. It's a fairly bawdy movie, just like The Favourite was. It's nothing like a Wes Anderson movie.

              Easy to recommend if you like Yorgos Lanthimos' other movies.

  • Awesome cinematography, great acting, weirdest movie I’ve seen in a long time. 10/10

  • +1

    What’s the cheapest way to get Disney+? Any VON-style, overseas deals people know of? Not much listed on OzBargain

    • +1

      just go to the high seas

      • -2

        Where does one find Disney+ on the high seas? 🤔

  • -1

    I am expecting yorgos lanthimos to shoot a stupid low IQ marvel superhero movie soon. he is on that route.

  • Started watching this and couldn't even get a quarer of the way through. Only afterwards I went to see what the audience reviews were, and they are shockingly bad! So so many 1 stars!

    This is basically a p0rn film for paedophiles!

    Yay, great acting, but seriously? What's society coming to!
    May be unpopular to say, but what a trashy film.

    • -1

      Yep pretty much what I said above. it's good I'm also not the only one who viewed it that way.. the fact that people are openly praising it and accepting it is also worrying in all honesty.

  • -1

    havent watched this yet because I subscribe through apple which I got 10% flybuys dollars worth for and accessing via apple subs was broken for awhile.

    well what do you know I can access them today but they removed disney plus from the available resubs. this happened with another service too. great.

    maybe its a good thing because a reply above is suggesting that sex and nudity does take up most of the movie.

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