Title basically says it all!
Claims include at fault and not at fault claims.
I’d love to see ozbargain’s driving record.
Title basically says it all!
Claims include at fault and not at fault claims.
I’d love to see ozbargain’s driving record.
Four not at fault - one that maybe could have been avoided.
I can top that: five not-at-faults. Last one was a bit sketchy but I still maintain it wasn’t my fault and my insurance company eventually agreed after five months
five not-at-faults
LOL at that point, I would stop driving, or you must be a car magnet haha
I was gonna say that’s a bit unlucky. 5 sounds like a lot, but sometimes people travel on roads more prone to accidents or just drive a lot!
Is there another way to drive?
The horn wouldn't have come into play for most of my accidents - minor rear end by a drunk driver, car on the wrong side of the road when I was turning right, "gravity" denting a car door in a carpark.
None, i need to start getting into accidents and getting moneys worth
Made one not at fault claim in 1970. That's the only one I've ever made.
Nice driving record, ever considered just not paying for insurance?
That is when you will hit the Rolls Royce.
I hear that all the time, but if you had no insurance I'd drive more carefully near a RR lol.
In 25 years, I've had zero at-fault and one not at-fault where someone took off my back corner while I was waiting to turn right.
Just want to say that having zero incidents does not necessarily mean that someone is or has been a good driver! Sometimes it's the drivers around them that are good and took evasive action to avoid a collision.
Agreed. 0 for me in many decades. But for the grace of God…
When I was on my Ps went through a roundabout without giving way; other driver shook his head and I felt so bad.
Just in last month because of rain, I stopped at a roundabout but the brakes locked and went in a bit; other driver stopped in the middle of roundabout because they were slowly doing a right hand turn and let me through.
So many times I had to break when someone changed into my lane without doing a head check to avoid an accident.
Only claim has been for a cracked windscreen.
Last time I had one it costed less than $200 for a replacement, not worth the excess
Very different price with a modern vehicle with sensors or cameras in the windscreen, often requiring calibration post replacement.
Plus many would choose to pay the minimal diff for no excess windscreen cover.
Yeah. Mine would cost about $2000+ to replace as I also have a Head-up display that projects directly onto the windscreen. Which is also why I have the windscreen option selected on my insurance policy
No excess on my policy, for a windscreen.
oh nice
1 because 'Straya (kangaroo).
Does claiming for a broken windscreen count?
One, got T-boned at a roundabout (not my fault)
I drove into the back of a stationery bus. My front-end was heavily damaged. The bus barely had a scratch.
Not my greatest moment.
Police officer: "So do you believe you had a medical episode?"
Smulder: "Nah the bus was in my blind spot"
I'm taking the piss ofc
2 neither accident my fault - unfortunately you cant do much about 'bad' drivers
Are there seriously people driving around with no insurance?
If you can't afford insurance, you can't afford to drive.
You calling lies?
Look at last posts, plenty of people who don’t it seems
Well there are people who drive unregistered. I don’t know if they’d be on OzBargain but they’re out there.
I’ve made one claim for being rear ended on a freeway in heavy rain, but the damage was quite light luckily, just needed a new rear bumper.
2 not at fault (if you count claims against others' insurance)- one rear ender and one break in
Once in my car I'd had less than a week, I was reversing from a narrow driveway into a busy intersection, was paying too much attention to the traffic and not enough to the front end of the car, who met a brick pillar.
The second time was because someone smashed my window and broke into the car.
Considering a third claim because someone slid a concrete block across the bonnet of my car in January, covering it in deep scratches, but I don't think it's worth the expense.
Twice. The first one I was rear ended at a turn left with care sign. And second one a guy changed lanes without checking his blindspot and made contact with me.
Fingers crossed for no more accidents.
twice. once my child opened the door while reversing out of the garage and bent the door. Second time - parked on the side of the road in a designated car space sitting in the car which was turned off. Little old lady in a church owned car sideswiped my car. Painless fix both times with RACQ insurance.
Good try insurance companies tracking ozbargain cookies.
One. Someone wrecked my parked car.
Not at fault/excess still payable-category.
If you're gonna claim, the write off is the jackpot.
Claims include at fault and not at fault claims.
I’d love to see ozbargain’s driving record.
You're not going to get a very good idea of OzB's driving record if you're combining at fault and not at fault claims. Some of us are good drivers with dumb as shit luck.
Luck has a way of averaging out over large numbers
Two no-fault claims in the last ten years - some mongrel keyed my car nose-to-tail in the parking lot in 2014, then in 2019 my car was damaged in a hail storm.
Two claims in the decade prior, too - both times I was rear-ended at the same set of traffic lights, driving the same car. How does anyone miss seeing a bright red Falcon….
I think it's a red car thing. Three of my not-at-faults were also rear ends
Keyed nose to tail ;s, what car are you driving?
Believe it or not it was a Mitsubishi 380 so definitely not a case of car envy (having said that, I loved that car).
The two recent claims are a perfect example why this poll doesnt reflect ozb driving practices.
I've also had one, not drivng related - backed into in carpark.
Name does not check out "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs".