Replacement Fuse for Clip Circuit Kit

The included fuse for the kids' Clip Circuit kit keeps blowing. We're looking for replacement fuses. Can we use a bit higher rated ones (also, it's not clear what the included ones are) to reduce the blowing while balancing with chance of damaging the kit? We've been using rechargeable batteries; does this have any impact?

What rating do you suggest?



  • +1

    What rating do you suggest?

    Depends what current your circuits are using.

    If you short circuit, you will blow the fuse regardless…

  • +5

    Maybe find out why the fuse is blowing…? its blowing for a reason…

    • +1

      its blowing for a reason…

      most likely, short circuiting…

  • +3

    Use a nail. It will never blow.

    • +4

      landlords love this 1 simple trick

      • +2

        It's a sure fire way to find the faulty component. Just follow the smoke.

        • +2

          sure fire


      • +1

        Nails make amps… Thanks.

  • Looking at the kit, the fuse is likely to prevent the bulb blowing (unlikely) or a led inserted backwards from damage.
    There is no safety issue, so a little bit of wire or foil would be fine, if you are conscious those components could possibly be damaged.

  • +2

    As others have said, the fuse is not the problem and the use of Rechargeable batteries is irrelevant.

    The only reason the fuse is blowing is because something has gone short circuit or you're pushing too much voltage. ie 2x battery packs in Series instead of in Parallel.
    In either case, the problem is most likely an incorrect circuit layout.

    If there is a short circuit, and you have a big fuse that wont blow, then something else is going to be current limiting the circuit and that might well be the batteries.

    The light bulb will act as a fuse… it'll also give you a visible indication if current is flowing when it shouldn't.
    Put the bulb in where the fuse is supposed to go, but just tap it to close the connection, don't clip it. If the bulb flashes on when the switch is off, then you have a short circuit somewhere.

  • +1

    I have similar kits at home and find that if I uses one of these fuses I dont get many issues.

    • Thanks for that.

      I've been waiting for those to go on sale…

  • +1

    Are you using rechargeable AAs or a different kind of battery like a lipo? the former will not cause issues, the latter absolutely will

    • Why would a lipo cause issues? Doesn't look like there is anything that would be sensitive to a slight overvolt in that circuit.

      • +1

        Whats the motor etc rated to? A fully charged 1s lipo will deliver 4.2V

        • Motor will be completely fine, it will simply spin a little faster.

  • +1

    Fast Acting 2A M205 fuse. 2.5A is also fine. I just replaced a couple of those.

    Do not skip the fuse. It's there to protect short circuit and kid can do that accidentally.

    • Is 5A too much?

      • Probably a bit too high. AA battery may not have enough amp to blow 5A.

        • I was just checking the Ozbargainer option. There's a pack of 5A fuses available for cheap, but best get a pack of 2A fuses.

    • Cheers, checked again. It's f2al250v - so indeed 2A.

      The printing is tiny and when I looked before and saw a number, I assumed 25 had a decimal between (yep, I might need long sighted glasses!).

      • Just get a 5A one from Jaycar then… 90 cents.…

        • Yep, that's what I've done.

      • yep, I might need long sighted glasses!

        or the magnifier app on your phone…

        • +1

          Will use it more often. Once you get the hang of getting small stuff in focus, it's pretty good.

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