This was posted 11 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[iOS, SUBS] Free with Netflix - Hades @ Apple App Store


Good morning! Is there anyone left that it's still subscribed to Netflix?
If you are subscribed, then you can get Hades on iOS (I don't know, why not also Android?)

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Apple App Store

closed Comments

  • +1

    Good morning! Is there anyone left that it's still subscribed to Netflix?

    Huh? Why won't anyone be? More of social media's <fill in the blanks> machinations? lol

    • +2

      I think he means that people have blocked streaming deals from appearing on the front page

      Like so when people post that Taylor Swift concert is coming to Disney on 15/3, they won’t see it as a deal (I don’t know when it actually is coming, it was an example)

      • +2

        I've noticed that there does seem to be a very different reaction to games or movies being added to subscription services. A post about a movie being added will result in a cascade of comments crying foul at the umpire's decision to allow these posts on OzBargain at all. A post about a game being added (Netflix, Game Pass etc.) doesn't seem to attract that at all and gets an (overall) much more positive response.

    • +15

      Why won't anyone be?

      I think he meant for those that are fortunate enough to survive the Türkiye banhammer

      • This

      • +8

        Correct, with cheap geolocation Netflix a bit hard to get nowadays. And all the price increases here in Australia, it's a lot of people that abandon ship.

        • Is there any way still, even jumping thru some hoops?

      • People survived it? Lucky.

    • +4


      • Stremio

        In a nutshell, a simplified clone version of Kodi/Plex?

      • Tell me more about this please, free to join and good contents?

      • thankio

    • +4

      After all of us in Turkey got deported and moved to Stremio-Land. Couldn't be happier to be honest

    • Microsoft have Hololens but are discontinuing them. There's heaps of headset brands, and few of them are cheap.

      Or have I missed your point that Apple's products are expensive and have fans of their products?

  • +13

    Amazing. Highly recommend it if you enjoy playing roguelike games or Diablo

  • +13

    Have it on switch
    One of the best game ever

    • How is the performance on switch? I was going to get it on pc, but like the idea of playing this on the move.

      • +2

        I played it on switch, its amazing! Probably put 150+ hours into it. Loved it

      • +1

        I found it more fluid and easy to play on switch that on PC.

      • +3

        Not great to be honest.

        Have it on switch and PS5, much much better on PS5.

        Combat almost never chugs unless using the magnetic gloves, but that almost seems like by design.

        Switch would chug on higher difficulties like hell 15+ with lots of projectiles on screen.

        Also just seems like switch controls were less responsive overall.

        Don't think I would've gotten the perfect clear related achievement on switch.

  • +4

    One of the most addictive games I've played. Highly recommended.

  • +3

    Addictive game, however don’t know how easy it will be on a phone/tablet

    • +1

      Definitely not the type of game you could play without a controller attached.

  • does the game support controller?

    • +2

      Surely. It's made for controllers, and iOS supports controllers so should be sweet

    • +1

      I can’t imagine playing this without a controller. It’s difficulty would have spiked dramatically

  • -1

    Great game, will definitely be getting this. Glad it's made its way to iOS!

  • Such a great game. can't go wrong

  • great game not sure about how the experience would be on mobile, but on PC this is goated

  • Such a great game, hope it plays well on mobile

    • -1

      I used steam link to play it on my S21 using a GamesirX2 Controller
      its played very well, not sure how it will go with touch screen controls tho

      • That's not at all the same as playing it natively on a mobile.

        • no its not but it gives a decent idea of how it will be

          Screen resolution / Hud layout

          Granted performance or controls will probably be different but it does give an idea on how well it could scale to the small screen

  • +5

    Wow. I can’t believe people were angry for years over epic games exclusivity and nextflix is out here locking mobile hades behind a subscription paywall.

    • +2

      Especially given how poorly handled they are, I wanted, The only way to play Into the Breach was via Netflix subscription which was completely broken and unplayable on my Chromebook tablet.

      It needed to authenticate access via another app, which it couldn't do properly. Pirating Netflix subscription only games is completely fair game.

    • Wait so this is the only way to get Hades on iOS?

      Why on earth is Netflix even involved, so weird

  • Didn't know Hades was.on mobile

    • +1

      It's not… yet. Been wanting it for ages

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