Is anyone else experiencing being logged out of Facebook and Instagram? I can't seem to log back in, it keeps telling me my password is incorrect.
Facebook and Instagram Server down
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Hope they fix it by the morning or imma gonna get a lot of phone calls about this.
Do you sleep or work overnight?
Myspace also suddenly stopped working in a huge outage. There were 2 users who couldn't log in.
Might do the world some good.
Messenger is how my wife and her family back home communicate - everyone is always quick to wish the end of these platforms without realising that some people actually rely on them for actual communication.
theres still the phone.?
@pharkurnell: Or email, or Signal messenger, or Google chat (or whatever it's called this week). Haven't missed Facebook apps in years.
@Ezekiel2320: Or Telegram, or WhatsApp, or Viber, or Wire, or Element, or Skype, or Discord, or SnapChat, or WeChat, or LINE, or iMessage, or Session, or probably other's I've forgotten…
How did we ever cope beforehand.
Facebook, the sewerage of the Internet.
The Internet is a reflection of the human mind.
Considering there are 3.049 billion users on Facebook so that is a given. There are many different reflections of the the human mind. Some good, some bad and some that don't have a clue, as it is here.
There are over 5 billion that aren't on it.
Oh, how terrible, anyway…
How am I going to dO mY oWn ReSeArCh now?
Never understood how doing one's own research became a "dumb" thing to do?
Isn't doing your own research what academics do at all levels? What we want school kids to do for their homework assignments?
What is the alternative to doing one's own research? Getting Google to do it for you? Asking our Dads to do it? Shutting down our brains and placing our hand up the AI bot's rear dispenser?
Because these people think doing research is reading posts on Facebook
@fredblogs: It literally is research.
Let's say you wanted to find out about Tax in Australia. Reading Facebook posts from the ATO is perfectly legitimate research. Likewise, you may follow numerous others on the subject, including accountants, or just regular mums and dads sharing their experience. It's all research.
What is the alternative to doing one's own research?
If you are using social media posts as authentic sources, you are not researching, you are regurgitating un-moderated, unsubstantiated opinion. Look for peer reviewed papers, authorative resources - documentation from people who are experts in their field, you know, the people who have spent their careers working on this stuff.
Look for peer reviewed papers
Do you have a peer reviewed paper on how doing your own research is detrimental to the researcher? Or are you pulling second hand memes out of your arse that you found on social media?
Good way to control the worlds population..
What's your password and username? I'll have a go at logging in for you.
It's working fine now. It went down 1 hour ago.…
What a scary one hour that was.
Hope you survived this ordeal..
Headline in nine months time “birth rates above average”
True story. Spike in birth rates when SA had it's statewide blackout:…
Thankfully, I can now continue my own research into the horrors of the Covid vaccine and how 15 minute cities are set to imprison us all.
Gosh no! Don't read about covid. You MUST obey your screens. DO NOT THINK.
Read about it, but don't base your opinion on Uncle Ian's neighbour's daughter's boyfiend's weed dealer's Facebook posting.
Well that's 'how not to form an opinion', and conversely points to the pitfalls of limiting your research to one source.
You are not alone in disparaging "doing your own research". It's ironic you may have fallen trap to adopting the dubious position of others on this trope. I find that funny, at least.
"If you are using social media posts as authentic sources, you are not researching…"
Shifting goal posts much?
Doing "one's own research" doesn't mean limiting that research to a single Facebook post from your cousin's weed dealer. What an absurd position to double down on.
Many reputable sources are on Facebook. According to your logic when the department of health posts something there, we should disregard it.
Obviously there's a scale. Weed dealers on one end, and on the other the smiling government services who just want to "keep us safe". In between those two extremes exists an ocean of information sources. An educated or curiously intelligent person will look and… wait for it… do their own research.
How far you roam from the main branch of "un-moderated" sources, is up to you. But announcing your disdain for those who read wider than you, only points to a problem you have, not them.
@cerealJay: Read my actual post:
Look for peer reviewed papers, authorative resources - documentation from people who are experts in their field, you know, the people who have spent their careers working on this stuff.
Read my actual post:
I read and quoted your actual post.
Facebook posts may be from experts, or they may link to external studies, or they may be nonsense. There's nothing inherent to "Facebook" that disqualifies it from contributing to legitimate research. Anyone who says otherwise is adopting a meme designed to disparage those who read more. It's a tough hill for you to die on.
There's nothing inherent to "Facebook" that disqualifies it from contributing to legitimate research.
Try quoting a Facebook source in a professional setting…..If a legitimate source is quoted or posted to Facebook, to be accepted as authoritative, it would be quoted from its source.
Anyone who says otherwise is adopting a meme designed to disparage those who read more
"read more" and Facebook. LOL
It's a tough hill for you to die on
Facebook really has its hooks in you doesn't. Why so invested?
@DashCam AKA Rolts: Now you're gaslighting. I don't use Facebook, but that's beside the point.
The point is you've adopted the ridiculous idea that "doing your own research" is synonymous with lapping up the ramblings of random conspiracy theorists or information trolls without question. When in fact, conducting your own research (as opposed to kneeling at the alter of your favourite leftist news source) is a constructive information gathering exercise that educated people do every day. Try it some time (doing your own research).
@cerealJay: Now you're gaslighting. Facebook, was the entire point.
@DashCam AKA Rolts: Your original post doesn't mention Facebook. But you do spout more than once in this thread - your delusional flex about doing one's own research.
Again… the irony of you lecturing about needing qualified sources, when your meme comes from the gutter of social media memes.
What's disturbing, is your ideological meme about research is designed to discourage people from, for example, deciding when and if to take covid jabs. Speaking of which, the TGA no longer recommends boosters for anyone under 18. And 18 - 64 only if you're vulnerable… which is what many in the "do your own research" crowd were saying it should be for a long time before TGA changed their advice. But anyhoo…where were we? Ah yes.. "do yr own research - bAd !!!".
@cerealJay: The post was about Facebook. Lost are we? Intend on baiting?
the irony of you lecturing about needing qualified sources, when your meme comes from the gutter of social media memes.
Cookers love the dO yOuR oWn ReSeArCh.
Triggered much to be so obsessed.
Must be hard to be such a snowflake in all this heat.
Wonder how many stressed suicides there were in that hour
Unfortunate it didn't last a few days.
Facebook and Instagram Server down
And we should care…. why?
Mind I do have a distinct dislike for Fakebook and Co'.
Merged from Facebook, Instagram, Messenger down: Meta platforms suddenly stop working in huge outage
Meta's Facebook, Instagram Down For Tens Of Thousands…
March 5 (Reuters)
Meta Platforms' Facebook and Instagram were down
for tens of thousands of users on Tuesday,
according to outage tracking website
There were more than 300,000 reports of outages for Facebook,
while there were more than 20,000 reports for Instagram,
according to the website, which tracks outages
by collating status reports from several sources,
including users.
Meta did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.