Fantasy Audiobook: A satirical comedy, revisiting the zombie genre from a zombie point of view.
In a world torn apart by never-ending political debates, a coalition of violent zombies emerges, seeking to save the Earth from mankind by force. Once bitten, humans are converted to eco-friendly zombies. Enter Zander, a peaceful, vegetarian zombie defies the way of zombies by kissing humans instead of violently biting them. Frustrated by his disobedience, they assign Zander the impossible mission of converting Crystal, a mysterious woman residing in the depths of the Wild West. Throughout his mission, Zander finds himself caught in the crossfire between liberal and conservative ideologies, leading him to question his dearest beliefs and learn to see the world from different perspectives.
Checked out the book sample on amazon and it's weirdly-written schlock. Since the cover is AI generated I have to wonder if the book content was too.