Hi All,
Looking to buy a used motorbike from a private seller. Saw the advert on marketplace.
Communicated with the seller and test rode the bike. Had the bike close to 30 mins. Liked it.
A few observations:
The seller wasnt there themselves when I drove down to test it. It was their brother in-law who handed me the keys. Didn’t think much of it. People are allowed to have a life.
The rego had expired a few days ago but the seller made sure it was renewed the night before I went out to try it.
No red flags and I put a small deposit so the seller could get the rwc done.
The seller said the bike was owned by their dad who is no more. Has assured me that the bike was transferred on their name. I’ve asked for documentary proof of that. That point is worrying me.
The seller says they’ve got the RWC done. In Qld the RWC is loaded by the checking person directly to TMR’s website. Does anyone know if a hard copy is provided to the customer? If so, I can request that.
The seller now says he is not aware there is a second key of the bike. He has asked his mum to check his dad’s stuff.
There is no service history recorded in the manual. The bike has sub 2000 kms on the odo. There should’ve been atleast one service record. He says he will call the dealer and enquire.
My exchanges with the seller have been very pleasant.
Am I walking into some sort of a trap?
Hoping for some real answers.
A) Should probably state that it's a motorbike.
B) do a Qld rego check, it should have rwc info down the bottom.
C) not sure what to say about the rest