30% off if your name is not Michelle with code NOTMICHELLE
50% off (up to $50) if your name is Michelle with code MICHELLE
30% off if your name is not Michelle with code NOTMICHELLE
50% off (up to $50) if your name is Michelle with code MICHELLE
$0 Delivery Fee on your First Order. Referrer receives something too (Likely free delivery on next order). Cannot be stacked with new user signup codes.
What if I am Michelle Obama? Do I get 110% off
BIG Mike!!!
Nah her purse is already so heavy
I'm totally Michelle.
Changed my name to Michelle**
Does it work? Haha
Want to know as well.
I just tried changing my name to Michelle, still 30%.
No unfortunately. Bring them to ACCC now because my name is spell differently but pronounce as Michelle
Some alternate spellings that should hopefully still work…
Also in fairness the male version of Michelle should work too… Mitchell…
It's actually Michael..
Can i change my name in uber app?
Where is this in the app? I couldn't see it under promotions?
Then you are no way related to Mitchell.
I now identify myself as Michelle
Is this single use or a repeat voucher
T&C says it’s single use
Wonder if anyone can confirm if changing your name to Michelle before applying the order works. Seems you can't do it the other way around.
I have asked Albo to initiate another $360M referendum to see if changing one's name to Michelle is feasible…
The 30% off voucher takes the Albo prices back to Scomo prices.
Damn leftist Labor supporters negging you.
Labor is anything but leftist these days. Hence why we keep paying billions in tax consessions for people with multiple houses and giving billions away in subsidies to big business.
Enter iloveScomo for 5% off…
How do I get to apply this offer? Didn't get any email nor can see it in the app.
I don't get it in the app and it's not under promotions and I didn't get an e-mail.
Looks like this offer is targeted.
Not eligible for me
@dealsgrabber @bob19 @sh4hp This promo did not show up in my app and also not in my email.
I got the code NOTMICHELLE to work by doing a dummy order, then before final payment, add the code and 30% off shows up on the final page. I haven't placed the order yet but this 30% promo is there now as an Uber One promo.
Hope this will work for you
I can confirm this worked. And can stack with voucher-free reduced deals, in my area most Asian spots.
Missed that it was for Uber One. All good now.
Code NOTMICHELLE Works! use by 10 Mar 11:59pm..
Thanks mate, this trick worked.
Thank you. I was able to add it to my account.
If you just go into promotions page and add the code there, it works. No need to go through the order process.
Thanks for the short cut
Made a fresh Account with the name MICHELLE SMITH.. but am still unable to apple the michelle code… as 'i am not eligible'
*verified email address.
I'm a turtle and this is Michelle.
Thanks OP.
Still makes everything overpriced
Majority, not all. Some stores put same price on UE and in store and if you pickup, you actually save money. I ordered pat thai and other meals at local thai restaurant ( walking distance) and saved decent amount!:D
I go by the name Michelle after dark
Just over 4hrs left, use it while you can…
I just got FOMO'ed and ordered some favourites to keep in the fridge to use up during the week.
That’s Michellist