Just sign up and play without any ads..
the Movie. Without have to pay other sites to streams..
I saw no ads during my watch.
Just sign up and play without any ads..
the Movie. Without have to pay other sites to streams..
I saw no ads during my watch.
People are paying streaming services for early access and convenience. So, I doubt streaming services care where it's played once it's lost it's popularity.
It's same thing with Cinemas, they don't care all movies end up on free to air once the buzz dies down.
If you aren't hyped about seeing movies on release(which is still not the rule yet for streaming services, cinemas still get first view 90% of the time), then I reckon most people can survive off the free to air streaming services, great idea if you are trying to cut down on costs.
Can you link to where 90% of movies are released at the cinema? And of course it saves money to ditch streaming.
But this doesn't change people wanting convenience and having big fomo. The main driving forces of online streaming.
@Thisisananagram: No need to take it literally, but most AAA movies will release in cinemas well before it comes to streaming services, I am sure you don't need proof for such a well known thing, that's how it has always worked. Some recently have tried to do both but I haven't heard a simultaneous release in at least 6 months.
But this doesn't change the fact people want to have convenience and have big fomo. Which are the main driving forces of online streaming.
Yeah and that's why I said if you aren't hyped about release its a great way to save money. if you are then obviously it wont be..
The point I am trying to make is aside from you, I am saying people don't realize there is actually a solid amount of content available, free to view(albeit with a few adverts) and they could ditch streaming services entirely if they wanted to save a few bucks per week. It might be obvious to you, but not to everyone, hence me saying it :)
@Faro: Think they're talking about this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anbanavan_Asaradhavan_Adangadh…
@Faro: It’s not exclusively a gaming term, although the games industry uses it also yeah. The three As refer to A list celebrities, A list director and A list studio. In other words a high budget, main stream movie.
@doobey1231: Upon googling, I see you've paraphrased a Quora answer from 2011, but have found no further evidence of this in terms of film description. I believe you may be spreading some misinformation and are justifying your gaming terms being used elsewhere
@Faro: I really didn't, although yeah it does look like that. You seem to have a chip on your shoulder over semantics, is it really that deep? I wouldn't be calling it misinformation, just because your quick google does not come up with anything. I am sure most if not all of us can figure out the meaning behind the term. Mincing words is what I would call it, a waste of time when the point is still being put across adequately, I would put this discussions along the lines of old mate wanting data on movies released to cinema before streaming services, which is a pointless waste of time.
@doobey1231: But are you able to show any evidence of a movie being called "AAA" outside of Quora and your comment here?
@doobey1231: "I'm going to say a thing that has no proof, say it is well known as a term, fail to provide evidence and leave another comment saying the other person is wasting my time. Misinformation is not my responsibility because I'm just passing it on 😎"
@Faro: What you are asking for is in bad faith and has to bearing on the original point of conversation, wasting time like I said.
@doobey1231: Burden of proof falls on the person who initially makes the claim. There is no evidence based on my own research that suggests the term "AAA" is used for any entertainment medium except video games.
I don't know why you're insistent on defending an incorrect claim instead of saying "oops! My bad! I was lead astray by an old Quora comment that justified my use of gaming terms for movies"
@doobey1231: For someone who said I'm wasting their time, you seem awfully fixed on continuing to respond and avoid the topic. Funny that you're doing the same thing with another commenter here about another topic, too.
@doobey1231: The classic online deflection technique of "what you're saying is funny. I am above you".
Waiting for your trails of "hahaha" and laughing emojis as future arguments
@Faro: I’m not deflecting, I’m laughing at you. You care more about words I used than the actual topic at hand. You’re lucky I’m still giving you entertainment at this point, be grateful, you could be sitting at home playing with yourself once again, you’re a lucky lil fella
@doobey1231: Wow. Straight to ad hominem rather than admitting an inconsequential word you used may have been incorrect.
You seem like a great guy
@doobey1231: "I am unable to accept responsibility for my actions and words and must offload this onto other people"
@Faro: I wouldn't say actions mate, you just cannot focus on the topic at hand and would rather mince words everyone else is capable of comprehending except you.
@doobey1231: Are you a politician? You are very efficient at deflecting the core issue and making it about other people
@doobey1231: So again, feel free to advise where I can find a source for movies being referred to a "AAA". That is, of course, how information is verified. When you show me, I'll gladly admit I was incorrect and moved on.
Wouldn't want to be a part of the spread misinformation, hey?
@doobey1231: No, I actually brought it back to the original subject. Please provide your source ✌️
(But boy, you sure do have it out for insulting me as a human rather than backing your linguistic claim)
@Faro: The original subject is about streaming services, not words said, so no you really didn't, boy do you struggle to comprehend stuff hey
@doobey1231: Since my first comment (that you rebutted), the subject has been the use of "AAA" in response to the description of movies. You tried to explain your use of the word by taking the unsourced comment from Quora as proof, then pretended you didn't, before responding to me asking for proof 11 times without providing a source - 9 of which were after you said you wouldn't waste any more time responding to me three hours ago.
I've asked one question and you've avoided it. And you're still avoiding it.
@Faro: Because you think its worth even discussing, you aren't getting what you want mate, its amazing you can count but you still haven't figured that out.
@doobey1231: So because you're unable to provide a source, you are intent on playing the emotional manipulation tactic of "witholding what you perceive the other person wants" as a means of asserting power over me.
I'm gonna dip from this now. You may want to do some reflection on whether the last three hours have been worth it for you
I know, and can admit, they haven't been worth my time and has frankly just made me feel resentment and disappointment about how you've chosen to act towards me, despite knowing nothing about me, instead of answering my simple question or admitting you may have been misinformed.
Hope you can enjoy the rest of your day whilst pretending you somehow "won" something here.
you are intent on playing the emotional manipulation tactic of "witholding what you perceive the other person wants" as a means of asserting power over me.
Lol were you not the one that just listed how many times you have asked for the information? You've made it quite clear thats what you want, and I have made it quite clear you are not getting it from me. The word salad is laughable.
@doobey1231: Sorry, but making any major claim requires proof, especially in a world where information is at your fingertips.
Both Psychology and Marketing serve as great examples of what goes wrong when using anecdotal evidence based on our gut.
And there is no doubt endless content that is on free to air. But, it still requires you to stream, or you'll be at the mercy of what the channel picks.
Honestly, a much better option if you want to ditch streaming subscriptions is to sail the open seas.
@Thisisananagram: I don't think its a major claim to suggest most big budget movies go to the cinemas first before anything else mate..
You know how sometimes we don't bother quantifying something with data, because its logically assumed to be true, I reckon this is one of those moments.
But, it still requires you to stream, or you'll be at the mercy of what the channel picks.
Not really, the app allows you to pick whatever you want, whenever you want, provided they have the rights to provide it to you. The libraries combined are quite extensive is my point.
Honestly, a much better option if you want to ditch streaming subscriptions is to sail the open seas.
I agree completely but not everyone wants to go to that effort so these free to view apps are a great alternative for those people.
@doobey1231: Just how marketing logically assumed loyalty to be a thing?
Or how psychology assumed memory recovery was a thing?
So let's take a look:
Netflix had 140 original movie releases, and boxofficemojo lists 200 movies.
Both netflix and boxofficemojo include foreign films, so that issue is mute.
Boxofficemojo includes movies which weren't made in 2023 i.e titanic so the number is inflated.
The Boxofficemojo count also includes the syndicate movies and documentaries, while my count didn't.
Netflix released 20 more movies in 2022 them 2023 so it was slow year, and we didn't include Disney, Apple or Stan.
So it isn't the whitewash you claim.
For your second point. I said you have to stream "or" be at the mercy… so? what is your point?
@Thisisananagram: Speaking yappanese mate, the majority of high budget movies release in cinemas before coming to streaming services. That is all I said.
For your second point. I said you have to stream "or" be at the mercy… so? what is your point?
I mean what's yours?
There's two arguments here.
The first is you need to backup claims, as first you said that "cinemas still get first view 90% of the time".
This was wrong, so you tried shifting goal posts. My point our assumptions are often wrong.
And let's assume that's what you wrote,
your point was that blockbuster movies generate more buzz then netflix.
But Netflix releases movies and TV shows. Not to mention Netflix is also the most popular way to watch.
And TV has more buzz than movies.
So to reiterate my original point netflix is the most convenient way to watch things and it generates the biggest FOMO so to cut streaming isn't that easy.
That's it.
@Thisisananagram: You are a time waster if you are requesting a back up for something that is common knowledge to anyone with two brain cells to rub together..
Cutting streaming services is easy if you don't have fomo, which is what I said from the beginning.. go figure mate did you even read properly?
@doobey1231: You know what? I'm just going to let you be right and say I'm 100% wrong. Is that fine with you?
@Thisisananagram: This isn't really a battle of right and wrong though, I just think you have entirely missed my point, I don't disagree with you, I am just adding on that its a great way to save costs if you don't feel the need to watch something on release.
Just get stremio and don't look back.
Shhhhh or some big company will kill it one day thankyou…
That's terrible…
One of the best comedies in recent years, very silly
but it's a true autobiographical documentary.
Actually a funny movie. It's not a true story of his life, but a parody. True weird Al style.
Exactly, we all know UHF is the true retelling of his youth
I still find it funny how in Australia it was released as "The Vidiot from UHF", rather than just UHF. I guess they were worried that UHF would be meaningless, not being associated with a class of media as it is in the US
Yes , a parody a parody story ,
Just too much , and weird Al accordion/polka music ,
after 20 minutes I had enough .
Also free to watch on Prime ..
Yeah I went into it thinking it would be an actual biography with some comedy, instead it was just too stupid. I like Weird Al generally so maybe I just didn't have the right expectations.
Thought the same thing ,
I should have known better but
I think 3-4 minutes for a music video could be his limit .
It's not a true story of his life, but a parody.
So it's a "parody about parodies"?
Was Seinfeld involved in the production?
Only if you think that the Seinfeld show was a parody of
Kenny Cramer’s and Larry David’s life .
I think Curb is more of a Parody perhaps ,
or maybe just an awkward situational comedy .
Also available to stream for free on Kanopy. Just sign up with your library card.
Thanks for sharing. I didn’t know about this option. Do you know if kanopy still has 10 streams limit per month? (I saw limit on reviews.org, but not on kanopy website)
Late reply here. It's changed a little. You get 30 tickets a month (more or less depending on the library/uni) and the titles are usually 2 tickets to stream for the next 72 hours.
Kids content can be streamed all you like for free.
I loved the way this movie started off as a believable portrayal of his life and then de/evolved into something very different. Worth a watch.
Free to view streaming apps are pretty slept on I feel, they need to advertise that they actually have movies and stuff not just reruns of old shows and whatever is currently on tv.
I enjoyed this. Watched it a while ago, but remember it just being silly fun.
Great retelling of weird Al's life. Stays true to his life and very accurate. Reminds of Boogie nights at certain sections though.
This movie really took me off garde.
Damn, and I pirated this last year like a chump when no one picked it up on a streamer.
The kind of movie that leaves you sitting there at the end for 5 minutes thinking "what the hell just happened". Bonkas weird. A good movie if you're in that mood.
worth it for the pool party scene.
How did you not see ads? I’m watching it now and getting 2 mins of ads every 10 mins!
I’m on a Hisense TV with no ad blockers.
yup great movie,. I was surprised at how well it was made. I expected a documentary and what i got was like some facts but also a parody, it was done really well. A fun watch.
Apparently your subjective take is bad. Be downvoted you disgusting enjoyer of movie
certain popular add-on on a PC = no ads, dare say the OP is using it
I thought the first half of this movie was great, but leaned too far into absurdity in the second half. It started as a smart parody and just ended up being stupid.
I bailed out at 42 mins.
Lots of movies that are on paid streaming services end up being offered on free-to-air tv networks at some stage.