Pioneer Surround Sound Amp No Sound (Diagnostic Mode)? Please Help

Hi Guys, got given a Pioneer 1122k amp. Do like that it has a nice mix of old and new inputs /outputs.

It turns on perfectly, no error codes or flashing lights. The setup menu / video comes through HDMI just fine.

However, there is no sound. Tried all forms of sound input and speaker outputs. Everything works perfectly, except there is no sound from anywhere. Not even a hiss. Currently using a tuned in radio station for sound.

I plugged in a pair of headphones. Can hear the relay click, and it switches over to headphone mode. But nothing comes out the headphones either. Completed a system reset (via power +enter button). No change. Done an extensive google search, but can't find anything where there is complete sound failure and no flashing lights/ obvious sign of problems.

I did see some mention/s of a diagnostic mode (that shows run time and any over heat shut downs etc). Anyone know how to enter this mode, or any ideas?

I do have some PCB repair ability (and found a service manual flow chart), but for now looking for as much diagnostic info as I can while it's still 'running'. I can't see any mention of the diagnostic mode referenced in the service manual.



  • Have you opened it up and cleaned the PCB? This thread suggests it is caused by corrosion.

    • Not yet, just waiting to find the diagnostics read out first.

    • Opened it up…looks like new. No corrosion or dust.

      Blew it all out chnage.

      BUT…did read that this generation has an iffy DSP chip. Pioneer replaced them at their cost (up to 10 years past warranty expiry), as they are indeed faulty, Apparently all spare / replacements have now gone. It's a 2013 mnaufacture date, so past the 10 year spare rule.

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