Are There Any Reliable Sites That Show When Education Apps Go on Sale?

I work in a school and as you know, our budgets aren't huge.

I want to build up our iPad app collection, but so many of them are ridiculously priced even with volume purchasing. Years ago, there used to be sites that would post when apps were free/reduced. Are there any sites or apps around anymore that do this? I did a bit of a search but many of the apps seem to have reviews saying they don't work well etc.

Ideally, I'd love to be able to tag a bunch of apps that I really want and get a ping when they go on sale so that I can snap them up.

Any ideas?


  • +2

    AppSliced( is my go-to for this if there are specific apps you are looking at. You can follow apps and get email alerts when they (or their in-app purchase) go on sale. AppRaven( is another alternative if you want an app rather than a website.

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