Great kids books and serve well as a gift for someone with younglings.
Cheapest i've found for these is around $20 on sale so add nearly another 50% discount and these are a bargain - especially for those with OnePass!
Great kids books and serve well as a gift for someone with younglings.
Cheapest i've found for these is around $20 on sale so add nearly another 50% discount and these are a bargain - especially for those with OnePass!
We're both right :P
Look at this. Two people agreeing on the internet. Totally unheard of these days 😂
Thanks again OP. Nice find. I’ve used the book personally (not for me 😅) and as gift and parents go insane when they get this as a gift!!
Also I’ve seen these retail between $35 and $70 so hectic find. I actually bought 3 as gifts
lol I didn’t know you had kids jv…
You surprise me every day.
My personal fav is actually reading this to my nephew/nieces and getting their reaction
Lift-The-Flap Very First Questions & Answers: What is Poo?
lol I didn’t know you had kids jv…
It was a surprise for me too…
Thanks OP. Got 2 sets
Pinko commie rag
It sats 38.90 now .. or am i missing sth?
Deal is finished. Sorry bud
It got ozbargained
Shows 38$ now
Thanks OP you’re a legend but you’re worse at math than me lol
Nearly 50% discount!
It’s 40% discount to be exact.