A great price on some American made reciprocating saw blades. I'm unsure why they are so cheap considering the 5 piece set is more expensive. Includes 2 different lengths for both timber and metal cutting.
A great price on some American made reciprocating saw blades. I'm unsure why they are so cheap considering the 5 piece set is more expensive. Includes 2 different lengths for both timber and metal cutting.
I got a set on the weekend at Modbury SA for $10.
Wow that's a good deal, I might check if there's any left tomorrow
You have any luck at Modbury?
Bi-Metal not = Carbide whereby the latter is much much stronger.
can i use this kit to open all of my sealed packets of other reciprocating saw blades?
Been this price for about a year…
Please post on OzNormalPrice…