Noticed this on the Costco website. This is the Ultra S1 but it does seem to be a decent discount. Also if you don’t like it you can take it back for a refund. Only certain band colours available.
Maximum purchase of 5.
Noticed this on the Costco website. This is the Ultra S1 but it does seem to be a decent discount. Also if you don’t like it you can take it back for a refund. Only certain band colours available.
Maximum purchase of 5.
solid watch for trainings.
Anyone has a good deal for SE?
Actually I find my Apple Watch incredibly useful. However YMMV.
if you don't also own an SUV, you need the Apple Watch Ultra to signal to others that you lead a rugged, active, outdoorsy lifestyle
They are a tad astronaut watch chunky. However, I’m a 5 ft female and the watch is singing to me.
Legit, both my cousin and his mate purchased one and it looks ridiculous on their wrist. If they had large wrists though, it might look ok. Neither of them do anything remotely active that requires a predominantly active lifestyle watch. Some people are so obsessed with Apple. I'm happy with my SS S7. You know what the ironic part of your comment is though? These Raptors & Warriors you see on the road probably won't see a speck of dirt in their life.
I've been wearing apple watch since Series 0 and have upgraded multiple times. I have basically retired all my other watches except for dressy events. The apple watch is the best wearable tech out there IMO. OTOH AVP for $6k is mental when Meta Quest 3 is <$1k and does almost all of the same suff.
It's a very different device the Quest 3 -
Here's a video by a VR Youtuber that sums up the AVP reasonably well -
It's a first-generation device with a different focus.
If you are a Quest 3 user, you should be happy about this device. You will benefit from it as it is competition that will force improvement from Meta.
A P is the same as the first ipad and first iwatch, a publicly available dev kit also sold to early adopter wanna-bes. In a few iterations time it will be worthwhile for consumers.
I have the apple watch since series 0, less than a month for each watch for each series.
Deal for aw2 too please 😭
damn might have to wait another year or so
Then the Ultra 3 will be out.
@try2bhelpful: then i can maybe afford aw2 haha!
oh who am i kidding, i will probably be lusting for the aw3 too
@Jimothy Wongingtons: Yeah, I do have the same problem. My current watch is an Apple 5 with a failing battery. I need a replacement before I travel in September/October. It is annoying because I will be just too early for the next generation to come out. I have a theory with the Costco 90 day returns policy.
me laughing at all the apple nerds and their 24 hr watch battery
Closer to 50 hours on this one.
I agree. The apple sheeps sadden me
Apple haters impotent frustration of Apple buyers sustains me. Get rekt, Android baby
"Maximum purchase of 5." - sorry - I'm out.
Ya need at least seven to get one for each day of the week.
yeah its not worth it if its the ultra 1 if it was the ultra 2 it would have been a good deal.
It's hilarious how big these things are. Ridiculous device
yeah it's too many numbers in a row for how big it is.
Im waiting for Apple Watch Ultra Max M3
Super Charged Limited Edition Turbo Boost Plus Nitros Oxide Luxury Pack Pro.
I need a huge watch to match my other bits.
Don't forget your GMC or Silverado to suit.
I had considered AW Ultra but after trying this in the shop, I ended up buying AW8 Stainless Steel. I think it was the right choice as it does pretty much the same and does last 1.5days for me. SS is more suitable with work wear. I currently switch between AW8, Withings Horizon and Fenix 6 pro depending on how sporty or how dressy I feel. Both Garmin and Withings talk to Apple Health for my use.
Note - AW is extremely frustrating as it does some things really well but other basics are missing such as stress monitoring, weights training with reps, detailed sleep monitoring and a function such as Body Battery (Garmin) or Resources (Suunto). Also, the AW rings are useless with no relevant tracking and no way of amending it. Also, blood ox is also not automatic like in the Garmin and makes no sense to have it in manual mode. Withings has pretty much the same health tracking functions but is more of tracker and not a Smart Watch.
Note - AW is extremely frustrating as it does some things really well but other basics are missing such as stress monitoring, weights training with reps, detailed sleep monitoring and a function such as Body Battery (Garmin) or Resources (Suunto). Also, the AW rings are useless with no relevant tracking and no way of amending it. Also, blood ox is also not automatic like in the Garmin and makes no sense to have it in manual mode. Withings has pretty much the same health tracking functions but is more of tracker and not a Smart Watch.
ah ok. my watch tells me the time
I have a few of those too! Haha
Recently I received an ultra 2 as a gift, it shocked me with its battery life.
I recall apple watches to be lame in terms of battery life (mine last was a series 8, which I just neglected after a few wears), but this ultra 2 lasts 3-4 days easily without ever requiring a charge. Of course, I use it only to read messages.
I do have the always-on-display enabled and this apple watch now becomes a reasonable 'watch' for me.
Not sure about u1 but I recall u2 to have some very minor upgrades so it should be similar.
Have you gone rock climbing yet?
I have concluded Apple understates actual battery life to avoid the grief if it didn’t make it. The ultras of course have longer battery life than the standard AW.
Aww, we have another Apple fanboy amongst us negging my hurtful comments 😢
Don't be sad, the Vision Pro will be out soon so you can virtually leave your house.
Honestly mate go start your own fanboy club. Just a tad pathetic really.
Except I'm not the 5ft girl who wants to wear an AWU, you tell me which is more pathetic.
The Watch functionality is something I would like. I already have the 45mm Apple 5 so it isn’t that much bigger. I’m not really into conventional or other people’s expectations. I don’t feel the need to gatecrash someone else’s posting to promote something that is irrelevant here. If you think your ideas are so vital to other people then post your own deal and see how many people you attract. Go on, off ya go. I don’t know why yiu guys feel you have to gatecrash Apple postings. We don’t feel the need to do the reverse because we are secure in our choices.
@try2bhelpful: I'm not gatecrashing anything, I'm simply adding my 2 cents wether you want it or not. If it hurts you so much, don't post another deal. You see, the problem with Apple deals are, you have fanboys all over them ready to neg any comment that may sound controversial because they're overly insecure about their purchase. So contrary to your belief, I don't think they're secure at all. This doesn't occur in Android deals for a reason. They don't have a mob mentality. Oh and one more thing, I own an iPhone 14 Pro Max, Apple Watch SS S7, AirPods 3rd Gen, MacBook Pro with TouchBar and a HomePod mini. Before calling people you don't know pathetic, get your facts straight.
@Maths Debater: Nah mate we don’t feel the need to gatecrash because we allow people to post up their own deals and people can go view them if they want. The joke is this has sold out so there will be almost nobody here to read your justification for your behaviour. People who will be reading this will have already made up their mind one way or the other. As I said go post your own deal and see how many people it attracts.
You can use all the false justifications you like but the only “mob mentality” I see with Apple people is we are polite enough to not gatecrash other people’s posts and we let people make up their own mind without denigrating them.
Can you please show us on the doll where the lady hurt you?
Ahahahahaha imagine a grown up man commenting like this. Really pathetic. Bro grow up. Really.
Hope no one neg you so they can easily ready your comments. You are sick bro.
Coming from the person who writes "hahahahaha". I'm not the one who needs to grow up.
Gosh… why can't people just let people buy what they want with the money they have…
Yups totally agree, here at ozbargain, "No good deed goes unpunished"
Because such mindless consumerist behaviour is irritating to people who use OzB to be intelligent with their money
People get to make choices based on their own criteria as to what is important to them. I’m not sure what you are claiming is mindless consumerism and what would be considered intelligent behaviour? However there is nothing to stop people putting up an alternate post if they want to claim something is a deal. Then they can stop annoying other people.
Its OzBargain not OzFinance. The website is centered around sharing bargains not money advise. So no need to get irritated. People just need to relax IMO. Cheers
All gone.
Bought for $999 in November via Amazon Prime. Very good for that price.
This watch defnitely looks much bigger than previous Apple watches, one thing putting me off it as I don't like big watches.
Still on my AW S3! Works well, tracks workouts, Spotify controls ect
Looking for some cool bands - any tips which ones to buy apart from the Apple products?
Maybe have a look at Etsy?
Only Blue/Grey with Trail Loop S/M in stock.