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Oral-B Essential Dental Floss 50m 2-Pack $3.49 ($3.14 Sub & Save) + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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This has dropped again to $3.50, good value floss, 100m for $3.15 after sub & save = $0.0315/Metre.

Satin 25m is also down to $1.80 after sub & save = $0.072/Metre.
Glide Pro Health 40m is $2.69 after sub & save = $0.0675/Metre.
Basically the same as the previous deal.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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  • anyone know if the colgate one is back to the tape shape, or is it still the new shitty different shape floss

    • Didn’t know it changed as I used this crappy oralb stuff for ages but my Colgate one is more like a 0.5-1mm tape rather than a string like this, not sure whether it changed before or after I got it

      • Yah the colgate one changed 6 months ago, its like the crappy oral b string now, always breaks etc.

        I miss the old colgate floss thats like tape

        • If you want floss that's like tape, try Liserine/Reach floss.

          • @ak47wong: Yes this one is good but no where as good as the Colgate one used to be. I find that the Reach one does fray and sometimes gets stuck in my teeth and needs some work to get it out but it is no where near as bad as the new Colgate one. That one is one of the worst products I have ever bought, period. Got it stuck in my teeth and very nearly had to go to the dentist to get it removed.

        • Yeah. I prefer the oral b satin now.

    • Can't use OralB tape? It's the only one I use now, all floss is too thick now for me.

  • Does anyone know a good dental floss which (1) is thin and (2) has fluoride?

    • +4



      This is the basic lowest of the low supermarket brand floss.

      $2 for 50 metres, all the time. Used to be $3, one of the few things that have actually come down in price.

      It has fluoride, but it is thicker than Oral B.

      • Does it shred easily?

        • +1

          From my experience, it's much more resistant than the thinner Oral B floss, but I haven't tried every single floss variation out there.

          In my view, the value is excellent and the quality is better than the Colgate 100M floss (comparable thickness), thicker and more resistant than Oral B floss.

          Both the Coles and Woolworths likely come out of the same factory with different stickers, given that the plastic housing and price are exactly the same.

          Bear in mind that I'm not a floss snob. I've tried the cheap supermarket brand ones and some of the branded ones when on sale.

          It's entirely possible the super expensive ones are significantly better in some way and some floss nerd will come in and let us know, but I don't think that's likely.

      • Yeah my dentist says the Coles one is good and I get that now. Not a fan of the thin Oral b stuff either.

    • Do you need fluoride on it? It's in the water and in toothpaste - floss first, brush second

  • +1

    This one for me is the strongest vs Colgate which snaps

  • Glide pro is the best to use. Thin and easy to glide, the oral B is not bad and good value.

  • Better than the thick colgate one which shreds and snaps…

  • -1

    I always feel guilty using these. They are essentially single use plastics.

    • +2

      Just reuse them

    • +2

      You can't just not floss, unless you want to die at the age of 40 via an easily preventable infection because of your poor dental health.

      Water flossers are not a full replacement for traditional flossing, because you're supposed to use an up and down motion (and throw in some side to side too) for each side of the tooth that are touching each other and cannot be cleaned by a toothbrush.

      A jet of water can eject bits of food still in there, but it can't compete when it comes to scraping that invisible biofilm.

      • +7

        Id go far to say less than 30% of the population actually floss on a regular consistent basis.

        There's be a lot more dead people if what you said is true.

        • +1

          Yeah that message gave off BigFloss vibes… I see you!

  • -2

    people buy floss? I can't even get through what we get for "free" from dentist check ups

    • Nice dentist. We have only ever got toothbrushes from the various dentists, sometimes mini toothpastes.

      • +1

        floss, brush (good for overnight guests), wouth wash and toothpaste in a paper envelope. we used to get oral b power brush heads but unfortunately that ship has sailed. I am pretty sure it is promotional stuff that colgate supply

        • mouth wash is not good for you. look into it.

          • @ilove: Mouthwash..

            Yes not the best for mouth microbiome kills everything. The dentists never say it's bad as they only care about teeth health and mouth health, but don't push it either.

            Best to use before brushing. I don't consider it essential either.

    • Supposed to floss daily apparently.

      • +1

        Allegedly. It's a big ask lol.

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  • How does one compare this to using a waterpik? Since I'm unable to use floss; too many teeth tightly sitting together and wide af jaw.

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