Is It Time to Cut Funding to Private Schools?

Why is the government covering up to 80% of private school's SRS (schooling resource standard)? Considering the amount of money that the private sector charges, as well as the exclusivity of it; would it not be in the public interest to divert all that funding to improving your local public schools?……

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  • Yes

  • -2

    Yes, why should 5 private schools have more money than the lowest 3000 public schools?

    Its time to eat the rich.

  • why do some people think it's ok to park their private vehicle on a public roadway, sometimes for hours or days without moving it?
    they're blocking a lane of public road thoroughfare from legitimate users, and users on public transport buses and trams.

  • +1

    A good private school will cost $50K (total), a family of 3 kids will be $150K per year?
    That's almost 1 million for 6 years of high school.
    These private schools also have entry exams and long waiting lists. Its crazy that so many people can afford this….

    • How many schools you think are $50k/year?

      • School fees is exactly that, school fees. Then you've got other levies/charges on top of that, then there's school bus, uniforms ($300 a blazer and that's mandatory), music tuition and it bloody adds up real quick. Before long, your low $40k a year school is over $50k.

    • -1

      Regardless of cultural background, grandparents picking up the tab seems to be the norm.

      • My grandparents barely have enough for themself…

  • Here are some:…

    Fees are above $40K, with $10K for misc.

  • I think what's funny is that if the government did cut the funding, the private schools would close.

    Where would you suddenly put all the private school kids? In the already full public schools?

  • Eh I think all schools in Australia are pretty good as is but it is the teachers that make a difference a good teacher can really nurture a students growth and understanding of the subject whereas a bad teacher can make a student completely ignore it or worse hate the subject.

    I mean if the student is as good as we believe they can be then the funding around them matters least.

    Just my two cents.

    Vote AlienC for Prime Minister of Education 2025.

  • please cut NDIS funding first, soooo much wastage there!

  • Stop changing the syllabus!! Every time the syllabus changes, teachers waste time updating their programs.
    Bring back textbooks.

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