• expired

Marquee 3 x 5m Charcoal Rectangular Shade Sail $29 (was $99) + Delivery ($0 C&C/in-Store/OnePass) @ Bunnings


Sailing… take's me away to where I've always I've always heard it…

Here's a steal compared to the regular Bunnings price… was $99, now $29 for this large sail as spotted on Price Hipster.

Choice of colours - charcoal or beige.

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  • Is this easy to install without council approval?

    • +5

      Is that two separate questions?

      I assume this type of thing doesn't need council approval as it's not a permanent structure… but I'm guessing.
      As for ease of installation, it would depend on your skill level. It would need to need to be properly attached to a strong set of anchor points. Can be easily done but you need to understand what you are doing.

      • ah yes apologies, i'll have a look, i bought two lol Thank you.

    • +1

      Personally speaking, my local council, I can put in a shade sail up to 20m2 without approval

      • Right, i might give them a ring to see if its the same. Thank you

        • The difference is usually permeable/non permeable - waterproof or not. If air can pass through the shade sail it isnt much of a risk

    • I installed one over the weekend. I am not the most handy person. But it was Pretty easy.

      • with concreted posts? id say thats pretty handy

    • No you can’t. Also can’t fart either… only kidding

  • +8

    Bought this a couple of years ago at this price and it's doing well. You'll need additional hardware for mounting which is where the price goes up. Keep in mind there are pretty big requirements for footings regarding wind loads, and also tensioning stresses the columns, so don't go doing some garbage second rate installation or attach to something flimsy or not anchored

    • +9

      $29 for the hardware in an upcoming Aldi Cat too. This looks to be a price match of the Aldi version coming up


      • Why are there items in the first photo? And they look exactly the same.

        I get that the sail (Garden Shade Sail, $29) might be one item, then the kit (Fixing Kit, another $29), but what's the third one?

        • In the Aldi link? I can only see two photos, the Shade Sail and the Fixing Kit

          • @JumpingUnicorns: I meant what are the THREE items in the first photo. Yes, there are only 2 pics.

    • Any recommendations?

      • On what? I used Bunnings stuff and did it myself

  • +1

    1+ for the Christopher Cross line

  • I have a roofless outdoor area but the timber structure is there, can I somehow afix this to it?

  • +1

    These are also non-permanent, so if a storm comes along, you need to take it down, otherwise it will get destroyed.

    The permanent ones, have a steel reinforced wire along the seam. They are also $$$


    • Makes sense, however the second photo totally suggests it's safe to have it in the garden, mounted high on 4 rather flimsy stakes.

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Have some gazebo frames that the covers perished on. Will resurrect them with these.

  • What sort of poles would be required to hold this (would need to concrete into grass)… isn't that the higher cost? I'm assuming you would use metal poles?

  • Damnit, got refunded. They said there were none at the local stores either, even though all of them are with the green stock logo..

  • +1

    Can someone recommend posts for the structure please

  • +2

    my neighbour installed one of these, it blew over the fence and is now our pool cover

  • Folks, I want to use this to add cover to my West facing bedroom windows where the sun just burns in through the window.

    The curtains barely manage and make the room dark. The rooms are 3*3 meters, so small room and smaller windows.

    Right outside the window is a narrow passage (two wheels garbo bins width) and then the fence.

    I'm happy to pay someone to do it. Will I be able to get someone who can? Or are these too big?

    • Forget this and put reflective tint on your windows.

      • aluminium foil for the budget conscious

        • Agreed

        • sorry, some window nerd talk

          If for the mitigation of Solar Heat Gain, both a solid object in the front of the window and film that reflects solar iridescence will both work to some degree. But solar shading [the marque] will generally perform better.
          Most reflective tints have an solar absorption element, though it varies widely as to the amount of reflection/absorption/transmission. If looking for a film, look for a low SHGC [Solar Heat Gain Coefficient] as this will reduce the the reduce the heat issues. Though the better the performing the SHGC, typically the lower the visible light transmission [VLT] as the more of the spectrum is removes.
          A film will typically work better curtains alone, as the solar heat has already gone through the glass as is already in the conditioned space[room] and will gradually warm the room as air in the hot pocket between the window and the curtains starts to equalize with the rest of the room.
          In super simple terms, typically [but not always] for control of Solar Heat Gain;
          External Solar Shading > Window Film > Internal window furnishing

          Though do know, anything external will subject to wind effects and so may need additional work to make safe and secure as a permanent installation.

          • @stuntmanron: @stuntmanron
            Mate, I'm loving the nerdiness. It all does make sense. I've always had a gut feeling that we were doing it backwards.

            Since I need light in the rooms, (living, bedroom and office) having a dark tint is ruled out. Come winter, or on a dark gloomy day, those rooms will look even more gloomy, forcing us to turn on lights.

            Same issue with the external blinds. And blackout blinds. The requirement is to keep some light, but not the heat and uv that comes with it.

            I've seen diy videos (Bunnings / Mitre10) where they just use those u hooks and drill into the timber on the home.

            I'll get a picture of the area and post it later today.

    • +1

      cover to my West facing bedroom windows where the sun just burns in through the window

      You need external window blinds. Not this.


      • @Nom thanks.
        I did think of that, but the sail will cover more area, cover the pathway, and also shade the walls, so therefore reducing the uv even more.

        I'll try and post a photo. Tia

        • The sail is significantly more work - you need to concrete posts deep into the ground etc.

          External window blind just screws right on to the window frame 👍

  • Doesn't seem to be waterproof so unsure what i can use it for

    • +1

      Hmmm shade? It is in the name.

    • Emphasis on the "shade" part and less on the "sail" part.

      • +1

        Unless you don't anchor it properly and then the emphasis will definitely be on the, "sail", part…

  • Hmmmm wonder if I could use this for the back yard as a wind and sun block (like a wall)
    Would that work ?

    • It's not meant to block wind, just the sun.
      The sun moves. So if it's vertical, like a tree, you won't have much shade coming off it at all, if you install it perpendicular to the floor, like a wall.

      You want it up and parallel(ish) to the floor.

  • Bunnings Malaga (Perth WA) has atleast 3 of the beige ones on shelf as of 4pm 27/02/24.

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