We're offering this special deal for Halo 4 and a Limited Edition Tritton Halo 4 headset for $144.00 (that's a saving of $5.50 off our already low prices if you were to buy these items separately in our store or $35.90 off RRP - value of both items RRP $179.90)
We do our best for release date shipping and you'll most definitely have the game by launch if you're in Metro Aus.
We've also got a pretty special price on Halo 4 X360 separately: http://skillpointgames.com/index.php?id_product=58&controlle… at $77.50
And the Tritton Headset separately: http://skillpointgames.com/index.php?id_product=158&controll… at $72.00
Let me know if you've got any questions as always! :)
JB seems to be the cheapest in price (so far) for Halo 4 - $69