This was posted 1 year 1 month 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[VIC] Free GA Entry to Grand Prix on 21/03 for Residents & Business Owners of Postcodes 3182, 3205, 3206 and 3004


This year, the Australian Grand Prix Corporation is pleased to offer free Park Pass tickets to our local community on Thursday, 21 March. Thursday entry also includes free access to all grandstands. Residents and business owners within the postcodes 3182, 3205, 3206 and 3004 can present a valid ID (or a utility bill accompanied by an ID showing your name) showing their address to be granted a Park Pass access. Those eligible are able to receive one ticket per person living at the address. These can be redeemed on Thursday, 21 March, at the ticketing box office at gates 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 and 10.

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Australian Grand Prix Corporation
Australian Grand Prix Corporation

closed Comments

  • +40

    Bribes so they don't complain about noise

    • -4

      More like an insult to anyone who can’t take it, the decibel levels questionably pass what people can tolerate.

        • +14

          I’m sorry about your business, but a personal gripe doesn’t warrant a neg.

        • +1

          Try running a business in the evening when people flock to the markets for drinks and food or the night before.

        • Strange that most of their customers only seem to be able to drive into the city to visit these businesses.

        • sth melbourne market traders take a hit due to changed traffic conditions

          i'm sure many of them rocked up after the GP moved there…

    • +17

      F1 cars are not loud like they used to be. V8 SC’s are louder…

    • +1

      noise isn't the biggest concern

      it's getting in and out the suburb, plus crowds of people, plus the whole area fenced off with a disgusting black fence for good part of 2 months

      least they can do to make up for all this

      • +2

        The crowds are for a weekend essentially. Really?

        • I live across the road from the track. crowds are for the week, not just weekend. fencing off, closing of the Lakeside drive, and overall traffic clusterfok is there for 1.5 months at least, at random times and places

    • Or traffic

  • +3

    Damn, one of the post codes is just +1 from mine.

    • A fellow Balaclavian?

  • Great I have to listen to the tiny spaceships and I don't even get a free ticket out of it. (On the edge of the next suburb.)

  • How many tickets for business owners?

  • +18

    The circuit at Albert Park has been used for motor racing since 1953.

      • Not sure when you were a kid, but the Aussie GP has been held every year at Albert Park since 1996 (aside from a couple of COVID years).

  • +1

    why no free entry to taylor's tour

    • +6

      she whines less than a turbo v6 f1 motor… except when it comes to private jet travel

      • +2

        GP sold out extremely quickly. But Thursday is a boring day, hence spare tickets

      • +1

        grand prix they need to give away

        bro how about actually reading up before you start spieling BS.

        GP sold out in 30 minutes for this year. 21st March isn't even an F1 day, but a support race day.

      • +1

        Lol, way more people pay to attend Albert Park GP, and I'd guess pay a lot more on average too. Hilariously out of touch.

  • +10

    Postcodes 3182, 3205, 3206 and 3004

    3004 — Melbourne |
    3182 — St. Kilda, St. Kilda West |
    3205 — South Melbourne, Albert Park |
    3206 — Albert Park, Middle Park |

    • +16

      Lol lets give free stuff to rich whiny people

      • This could be a sweetener, If this group are an influential base for securing votes for next elections.

      • Yeah. I mean they don’t have to live there next to an F1 track?

        • In all fairness I can understand that people who were there before resent it, but you are that close to the city you will be influenced by events…plus have the options of selling and rebuying, values aint going down

      • 90% of people who live in those suburbs are renters..

  • This happens every year, why is it a bargain?

    • -6

      the final day gets crowded, hence no free tickets, the other days it’s a bit empty so makes it look better, like when at work they ask people to sit at the front so meeting looks full on teams. if you want more people and that needs free tickets unless corporates tickets who book booths so hand out free tickets to clients but that includes food and drink, used to go, eat drink and then go home but work has clamped down on accepting gifts and we need to declare on gift register. working from home i have food and booze already, fridge is easier walk than travel 3 km to albert park.

      • +4

        Saturday a bit empty lol

      • It sounds like the real reason you're salty about the GP is that you don't get free tickets anymore.

      • Saturday stands sold out in minutes, empty, lol

  • Work at Docklands but not a business. Damn.

    • +1

      Docklands isn't included. I live in Docklands but Postcode is 3008.

    • Docklands is km's away, you really hearing the cars?

  • +1

    Just note that they don't run F1 cars on the Thursday. You'll see a bunch of other cars drive but no F1 ones.

    • Thursday is actually a fun day to go as hardly anyone else is there and you can go basically anywhere you want. Also the Porches and Supercars are fun to watch!

  • +9

    They have been doing this for a few years now and I actually think its a great little "thank you" to the locals.

    I live right next to the park and walk the dog there every day and the setup this year has been immaculate compared to previous years, we are only a few weeks away and most of the park is still 100% pristine and useable.

    I honestly don't get the hate. Its a huge event for Melbourne and its really not that bad, this is just a nice little cheap way for them to keep the locals happy.

    • +1

      I honestly don't get the hate.

      If you live anywhere South and have to drive North for work, you would suffer an extra 1-2h in traffic every day for a couple of months at a minimum. I'm sure everyone would be happy about it.

      • Only if you're an idiot. If there's a 1 hour delay down st kilda road, loop north.

  • -1

    Melbourne GP in 2023 sold 444,631 tickets vs Tay Tay 288,000 ; guess who gets the most media love? GP is a huge boost to the economy

    • -1

      except Tay Tay's tickets were a lot more than the GP

      • +2

        Were they? $379 A reserve right? Stand tickets for GP just on raceday (Sunday) are $350 to $525. More if you want extra days. But yes agree general admission for GP is $149

    • -1

      GP is a huge boost to the economy

      I don't think most people would notice that "boost".

      • +2

        not directly, no. But many businesses would and the income it generates state-wide.

    • -2

      Except the GP stole $60+ million from Victoria…

      These free tickets are just a media stunt and bribe.

      • +2

        I think you need to check the definition of "stole". Enforcing a contract isn't stealing, in fact it's the opposite. If you don't agree with it you're better off blaming whoever negotiated that contract for Victoria.

  • Nothing left.
    How can I get a park pass on Sunday?
    From memory it was fairly easy to get one and shows all sold out

    • +6

      Waaaaaaaaaaaaay too late. Since Drive to Survive series the GP sells out very very fast. Most stands barely last an hour. They do releasea few more stand seats every now and then. But general admission goes fast

    • since Covid/Drive to Survive you won't find tickets easy. sell out super quick. i think theres a resale section but it's a waiting list and you'll be pretty far at the back of the line.

  • Pretty rough that 3181 (Windsor) isn't included despite being 330m from the track.

  • -1

    I'm miles away, and hear the whine. Not a fan. I'll fight against it with any and all legitimate reasons. That said it's been in the area for longer than I have…

  • ITT: people arguing yet have no clue what they are talking about. saved you a read.

  • Easy to edit an address on a PDF bill … not that I would suggest anyone doing that :-P

    • a utility bill accompanied by an ID showing your name i think you missed that part haha

      • Yeah so edit the PDF utility bill to show an address in the area with your name on it, and take your passport? Also not suggesting anyone do this.

        • Just says "ID showing your name" - not even specifying a Photo ID. A bank card has your name on it or Medicare card - no address

      • But what if I am boarding with a friend?

  • can't you change your address on the government website without any proof, then get the government stickers and pop em on your license?

  • Fine, for that particular day I won’t complain like the unbearable NIMBY I am.

    I do hate how much it ruins the park and golf course. Albert Park Lake could be something very special but it’s poorly managed.

  • Can this only be done on the day?

  • Well that means I'm entitled. Thanks.

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