This was posted 1 year 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, XB1, XSX] Palworld (Argentina Region) from A$8.42 (from NITE Enterprises, Fee Included) @ Gamivo (VPN Req'd to Redeem Code)

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Although Palworld it's currently on Game Pass you can currently buy for as low as A$8.42 (service fee inclusive).

Note: This is the game for Argentina, you will require a VPN Argentina in order to redeem the code. You won't need VPN to play the game once the code it's been redeemed.


  1. Sign in to your Gamivo account or create an account

  2. Choose the cheapest option available (also consider the store score) and add to cart.

  3. Deactivate (untick the box) customer protection program

  4. Select Basic Plan

  5. Apply Promo Code: GGDEALS22

  6. Pay with PayPal

How to activate code

  1. Sign in to your Microsoft account

  2. Set VPN ON to Argentina (There are free VPN's that you can use, such as TunnelBear)

  3. Redeem your code

Credit to MyDealz

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closed Comments

  • I see $3.87 from a seller on gamivo?

    • AUD?

      • Yep!

        • I filtered by AUD and low to high pricing and could only see $7.90 AUD by the time it was in cart with fees.

  • Is Gamivo legit and safe and if so, which seller should I go for? Out of all the sellers available, CDKeys is the only one I have heard of however Buy-n-Play has the most amount of orders, 4x as much as CDKeys Discount. I have heard of CDKeys before but not CDKeys Discount. Are they the same thing?

    • +1

      I've used gamivo probably 5 times and it all has been legit. I think it doesn't really matter who the seller is as long it's the cheapest.

      On one occasion though, they did send me a key to something completely unrelated but rectified it the next day.

      Would recommend.

    • +2

      I've purchased like 30 keys from them. Only once the code was used but support was great and rectified it after I showed a screenshot of my Xbox account's purchase history. I've had no issues any other time.

      Support is fantastic and very professional. I have even been able to refund keys a couple of times when I couldn't redeem them. A game/bundle needs to actually be available on the Australian Xbox store for you to be able to redeem it with an Australian Xbox account, so even with a VPN if the game (or bundle) isn't being sold on the Australian store you won't be able to redeem it. This happened a couple times, once when I purchased The Vanishing of Ethan Carter (not available in Australia) and another time for a complete edition of a game that also wasn't available in Australia. Both times I was able to get a refund. Basically they relist the keys, and as soon as someone else purchases them and redeems them you get a refund.

      Just one weird/dodgy thing to be aware of is how prices go up. I notice that if I browse too long or come back another day to browse, the prices go up and have a "No hidden fees" tag that isn't usually there. Just open an incognito window and you'll see the lower prices again just how they were. Never make a purchase when you see the "No hidden fees" tag!

  • +8

    Urban VPN is a Chrome extension, so it will work on anything without worry of installing a shonky .exe or anything, 100% free. I have and use it literally only to activate foreign Xbox codes. It's like 2 clicks and done, honestly I only buy games via foreign codes at this point, save a boatload.…

    • Does it have Argentina and is it comparable to signing up for a 7 Day free trial at NordVPN, SurfsharkVPN, and ExpressVPN?

      • Yeah man. Argentina, Turkey, Brazil, all the usual cheap code countries are on there.

        For me, I just like it because I use Chromebooks, so it's always welcome when something will run without an app or "proper" computer.

        • I'll check out that VPN. I switched from Chrome to Firefox like a year ago. So it's unfortunate I'll have to use Chrome. I stopped using Chrome because I didn't like how intensitive it was. When I recently downloaded Chrome, I noticed it is on Yahoo Search for some reason and I can't access any websites which is weird.

          • @NotReallyaMoneySaver: Opera has vpn built in if you are into experimenting with browsers. It gets me into sites that are normally blocked by the government. Not sure about Argentina tho.

            • @Alley Cat: Is Opera and Opera GX any good. When I wanted to switch to a new browser, I decided to check out Opera GX however it had mixed reviews so I decided to opt for the safe route with FireFox

              • @NotReallyaMoneySaver: I don’t know if they are related. I tend to use different browsers for different tasks now, as opposed to using a different browser window. If I don’t have vpn access, I’d use opera. For cashback shopping I use brave -no extensions installed and ad blocking turned off. Gmail is on Firefox and chrome for banking-related tasks. I’m on Safari most of the time though because I use my phone to look things up. And if a website looked unbearable (filled with ads), I know I can’t trust whatever info is on it anyway and go elsewhere.

    • +3

      Urban VPN is a Chrome extension, so it will work on anything without worry of installing a shonky .exe or anything

      Please don’t assume because something is just a Chrome extension that it can’t be shonky.

      Not saying this is the case (also not saying it’s not - never heard of Urban VPN), but speaking in general it’s dangerous to blindly trust browser extensions.

      • Second this. Lots of Steam API scam was because of these extensions like this from what i know.

  • Anyone knows where to buy gamepass gift cards for Argentina?

  • Side question, can you buy DLC from gamivo for another region, load it and then and play on my AU gamepass games? The DLC is dirt cheap on there!

    • +1

      Xbox DLC is not region locked, so yes you can.

  • +11

    Note that this isn't the Steam version so may be a bit behind in terms of QoL updates and no crossplay due to version differences. Devs have said it'll be a while until the stars align on this front

  • This isnt going to affect my current Palworld file I have running from GamePass?

  • Pal-kemon? 😅

  • I got an xBox code from eBay for under $10 last week. I had to install and use Tunnel Bear VPN on my PC to redeem the Argentina code as I couldn't get the location with Avast VPN. It worked perfectly and I was able to then install on my xBox.
    I'm really enjoying this game so far.

    • Why do you say that?

      • Did you play craftopia?

  • Thanks, got it for $6.12 AUD

  • +2

    Im currently getting addicted with this VPN codes. My top 3 atm would be CJS, Eneba and Gamivo with occasional G2A and Ebay.

  • $6.04 with a Macquarie Plat Debit!

    • Same, you have to be careful because they add back in the purchase protection after you select your payment method.

      • Yep, saw that. Removed it just before confirming.

  • +1

    yeah got this on steam haven't played alot of this but its pretty much a weird combination of games if you have played ark this is basically Ark with pokemon. The muliplayer setup though it buggy AF.

  • +1

    Damn…. Key has been redeemed.
    Lodge a complain now

    • Got my refund in 24 hours

  • What do they mean by "(Game Preview)"?

    • +1

      Early access..

  • Get redeemed code from argentina and can I play like same?

  • Successfully redeemed with NITE Enterprises for about $6 and was able to use nordvpn to Argentina to redeem it. Just downloaded the game, no problems so far

  • I'm using my AU-based Microsoft account to redeem (which I've since converted over to Argentenia), then using CyberGhost VPN to spoof that I'm from Argentina.

    Error message thrown says This code can't be redeemed. It was purchased in a different region from your account.

    • Check your VPN. Might not connect you to an Argentinian server.

      • [8.15pm update] - It was CyberGhost at-fault. Used the above Urban VPN and it worked fine

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