AITA? Strategically Getting into The Back of a Very Long Checkout Line in ALDI, Knowing That a Second Checkout Will Be Opened

So I'm sure you know the situation, Aldis keep as few checkouts open as possible and when the line gets too long they'll ping someone to open another one and the people at the back of the long line get to be first in line at the new checkout.

So when I'm checking out and I see a very long line I'll kind of hang back a bit and let other people join the line before I hop into it, knowing that another checkout will open and I can be the first in line for that because the people at the back of the line join the new checkout. Anyone who has already unloaded some stuff on the conveyer belt, or is stuck in front of someone, has already made their bed.

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  • 42
    You're the asshole
  • 48
    You're a genius

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  • +2

    I use the self checkout. No need to line up.

    • +2

      Most Aldis near me don't have self service yet. But I would use it too. Sometimes I buy less than I'd like just so I know I can bag it quick enough at the checkout.

    • +2

      I have never seen an Aldi with a self checkout. I thought they were deliberately not having them to reduce theft.

    • +3

      Self checkout is the only reason I’ve started to go back to Aldi tbh.

      I’m only there for the ground coffee beans, and the chicken burrito bowls. So good to just get in and get out.

      • +1

        Unpopular opinion. Their beans aren't that good 😝

        • +1

          Yeah but I can tell the office the beans are @WatchNerd approved

          I also find Nescafé 43 unironically palatable… so maybe don’t trust me on my taste of coffee.

  • +9

    I'm passionate about this topic, and I think it tells a lot about a person.
    You're a POS and it's even worse that you do it on purpose.
    Let the people in front of you who've already been waiting go ahead.

    That's why some people don't let others go through with just a couple of items coz it's a freaking jungle there

    • +7

      First in best dressed getting to the new checkout unless it’s someone with just a few items.
      At aldi the (profanity) is the person with a lot of items not giving way to the person with just a few.

      • +4

        Funny that you expect a level of common courtesy if you only have a few items (to save them the time of waiting for a whole trolley to be unpacked), but you won't extend that same courtesy to the people who were there before you who now need to wait even longer.

        • +1

          I don’t get it, if that person wants to go to the new checkout they can. Unless you shop at a shit tier aldi the vast majority of people are courteous and anyone from any position in the line can move across.

    • +1

      I totally agree. People are POS. Simple, if everyone had the same courtesy as us, the world would be a better place. Unfortunately some people are flat our dogs.

  • +12

    Yes, YTA, because it should be offered to the people who have been waiting the longest.

    If I turn up at a checkout and they open a new lane and just tell me to come across, I always offer it to the people in front of me who have been waiting longer.

  • +1

    You know that this is true, rather than just waiting behind a long line, you always be in watch of new checkout opening.

    By the way, Aldi self serve doesn't check your bags and trolley, that's a plus if I bring things from other store so no hassle to open them all. And another from recent news that Aldi self serve system didn't check weight when you put them to the platform after you scan them. Winning. No hassle of the need to wait for staff member.

  • +1


    No, but you're a bit passive and silly. I just wait at the next empty checkout; ask for a new aisle to open, etc.

  • I stand to the side of the queue and when the aldi staff look up to see how long the queue is (because they will be thinking "do I need another checkout open?") then I try to make eye contact and give them a nod (yes, you need to open another queue)- and usually they will nod back and I start moving towards the unopened check out which then opens (as they can open the check out remotely from a little control panel beneath each register).

    i will let someone with one or two items go ahead of me (If i'm doing a big shop).

    one of the 2 my local aldis just got self serve, so that's easy. the other one is still pure checkouts.

  • Neither, though, possibly the store weirdo if you're hanging back and watching.

    In my experience, most Aldis in Sydney are a free for all when a new register opens. In more regional areas, people are more polite in terms of who moves.

  • But if you're hovering around the back of the line, you're further away from the new checkout. People ahead of you, can still change lanes, and they're closer.

  • Imagine South Australians would run our government!
    Only green coloured Teslas and hippies?

    Better ask Dick Smith, he would ban Aldi tomorrow!

  • +1

    I don't shop at aldi.

    • +1

      Please hand in your Ozbargain membership.

      • -1

        Is this Gerry in disguise?

  • +1

    You can do anything, first in best dressed. It is because they don't implement a queue system that has single line for all of registers so first line in queue can go to the first available register, which is the fairest you can get.
    Very easy to implement but for some reasons, most supermarkets don't bother to do that.

  • +2

    Hmmm I don't think its bad, you are taking a gamble. It could pay off. It might not

  • I would hate to be an Aldi checkout person. Most of the times I've walked into Aldi to pick up a few things I end up putting them back and walking out again, because of the long line of piled high shopping trolleys waiting at a single checkout.

  • If you have to ask if you’re YTA, then you probably are.

  • I would suggest the real problem is the (profanity) policy of not paying enough employees to man sufficient registers.

  • You snooze you lose - I would do the same as you.

  • Yes, but not for the reasons you suspect

  • 28 YTA / 28 YAG (NTA) at time of my comment. Perfectly balanced, as all assholes should be.

    I've abstained voting to preserve said balance.

  • +2

    At the Aldis I have been to, when a new checkout is opened people at the back of other lanes always go to the opened one. I've never seen anyone giving priority to the other people in front of them in the old lines. But hanging back on purpose so that you become at the front of a new line is bit exessive. What if a new checkout isn't opened for a while? Haven't you wasted your time?

    • I guess it's a gamble. But my spidey senses have served me well so far.

  • +1

    I was in this situation yesterday where I joined a line and the new one opened, then everyone rushed to the new line. I wasn't in a rush at all so I didn't really care. I do think that if you've been waiting in line longer you should get first dibs at queuing up but I know it doesn't work that way so whatever really. People in this country are just becoming more selfish as time goes on and as our cities become more congested and crowded.

  • YTA

    Because the fact you have to run/speed waddle to be first (and don’t lie, you do because you always get their first despite being at the back of the line) shows your an inconsiderate profanity to the other people patiently waiting.

    • -1

      No, I position myself just so that I can walk slowly to the new checkout. And I have the grace to act like it was a happy accident.

      • -2

        Given most people turn into animals in this scenario, it is extremely unlikely you carry yourself with as much grace as you imagine you do.

        To be the physically furthest and still be first involves being quick as everyone takes notice when the next checkout has a person start setting up.

        What is the rush that your time is more important then the people in front of you?

  • +4

    Self-checkout ALDI's are the best. No lines and no one throwing your groceries at you while you're expected to frantically pack them from a 30cm squared bench top.

  • My local Aldi recently installed 6 self-checkouts. One of the best things happened this year and the reason I started to go back to Aldi.

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