This was posted 12 years 2 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

FREE iPhone/Android App Can Stop Snoring. Normally $1.99


I just launched my new app that helps to stop snoring and it will be free for the next few days. (on iPhone, free + ads forever on Android)

I'm a local developer, my website is if you want to see my other work.

A high pitched whistle can interrupt a snorer without waking them (It actually works as I've done it while backpacking).
The App compares sound levels over time to detect snores.

itunes link:
google play:…

If you or your partner snores download it for free in the next couple of days, I'd love to hear your feedback on whether it works for you.

Thanks guys.

Related Stores

Apple App Store
Apple App Store

closed Comments

  • +14

    Fun fact: you can't hear snores from outside the Pokeball.

    • +3

      I login just to vote this comment. Kabigon rocks!

      • +9


  • How can I tell it is working?

    • +8

      your wife will let you know how often it wakes her i'm sure :)

      But seriously, a good idea and worth a try at this price.

      • +1

        May be the other way :p

  • +13

    Wondering if I'll have dreams that I'm a dog, being called by my owner all night long!!!!

  • +17

    Will it stop my girlfriend from hitting me in the face when she sleeps aswell?

    • Snorlax Snore Stopper has a pretty creepy whistle, I hope it doesn't induce nightmares haha.

    • +4

      Probably not, there are multiple reason attached to women hitting us on the face, sadly you might never find out…

    • +11

      Hey! If it's only your face, consider yourself lucky.

    • +7

      The rep said will sell it for $1.99 after the special.

      • +1

        yea the iPhone version will go up to $1.99 in a few days or whatever price I decide at the time, I haven't 100% decided on a price yet.

        • +1

          Are you planning to sell Android version? As far as I know, if you publish your application as "free", Google Play will not allow you to change that.

        • +12

          jv, you're the grumpiest person on the internet. Without a doubt.

        • +1

          Maybe his wife is a snorer and it keeps him up at night?

        • +3

          jv has a wife?


        • +7

          jv is a real person? I assumed jv was just the embodiment of all the negativity in the world…

        • +2

          I think jv is a perfectionist, nothing wrong with that

        • +1

          @doperst - That is correct. That's why it's free with ads. That is also why the iPhone app is the bargain here and the Android app is just free advertising for the developer.

  • +25

    Can I suggest an upgrade that presents a graph in the morning of when it detected snoring during the night might be a useful addition. Together with the option to disable the whistling, would provide some proof, both against "I don't snore" and that the app makes a difference.

    • +2

      May be auto video record it :p

      • That's a good idea ;) Thanks!

      • Inb4 paranormal activity 5.

      • +1

        My wife recorded my snore as evidence … -_-"

      • +1

        Auto Audio [rather video] as phone don't have night vision camera's and no flash while sleeping, Thanks

  • Hopefully it will stop the snoring.
    Remember the key word is 'Can'.

    • +6

      Remember the key word is 'Can'.

      But you said will

  • +1

    Downloaded, will report back….

  • Why don't you make it run in the background? It's possible

    • +1

      I don't think it is possible on iPhone unless you're playing a sound the whole time. Might be possible on Android, I'll look into it.

    • Yeah, I use my iphone as an alarm clock with a dock, so I can't use this app unless I don't have the clock on (in which case I might sleep through my alarm clock due to a snore-free night!!)

  • +6

    Rep, make sure you tested it otherwise Apple can sue you for selling deceiving App. & you know Americans are champ in suing.
    just be aware!

  • +3

    tried it….what does it do by the way?
    upon opening the app…pressed DETECT SNORE….i faked one…then it played back a BEEEEEEEP sound ONCE…
    then nothing after that…..just dead silent even more snores are made…

    need a bit tweeking app??

    • -1

      this is based on scienceee mate!

    • Which version? They both operate slightly differently due to the different technologies involved but they both have a bit of a cooldown so you're not getting beeped/whistled at constantly.

  • My sleep is interrupted enough without a high pitched whistle to add to it.

    Will be interested to hear from those who try it.

  • How come the android one has to show ads while the apple one doesn't

    • +7

      Because he wants money for his work.

      And if he makes the android one free, he can never increase the price (it's a google play restriction: once free, always free). And probably not add ads either. Which means he never gets paid for it.

      I suppose a free one could be offered as an .apk download. Given author says it's going to get a big update for the "when you snored" feature, it would probably soon be redundant if anyone attempted to pirate the old version.

      Not sure how much ad revenue you're going to get anyway when the user is asleep though.

      • +13

        Should use subliminal advertising while you're asleep.
        Cures your snoring but leaves you with an undying urge to buy a Shamwow.

      • Ok i dont. Have a problem if he wants to make money. just wanted to Know why there was a difference on the 2 platforms and why one set of users seemed to be getting the longer stick, but fair enough if what you say is true

    • I'm guessing because it's going to stay free, while the iOS one will go up.
      Rep says "yea the iPhone version will go up to $1.99 in a few days or whatever price I decide at the time"

      • you wake up to look at those ads, so you will not be snoring.

  • +4

    How about a version for the possessed where it detects if you are floating 3 ft above the bed then runs a recording of 'THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU!!"

    • +2

      That's why I have a trip wire 3ft above my bed connected to a 1980s cassette player.

    • +2

      That's a bit trickier, you'd probably want to release a holy water squirter. It is also difficult to accurately detect height but maybe something like this would be possible in a few years.

  • +1

    Will I transfer all my money from my bank account to yours after using it?

    • +3

      Listen to your Snorlax… you Are getting sleepy… you will give me all your money and Star Wars collectables…

  • +1

    Left field question REP - have you ever given this to someone practising lucid dreaming?

    I am curious whether you could use it for that.

    • +2

      Bet OP never dreamt of that use.
      But how is snoring / sleeper's sound production connected with lucid dreaming. Used to do that in the 70's.
      Other Apps try to determine REM sleep state by amount of body movement.

      • +1

        Mm I guess if you are snoring then you are definitely asleep!

        It could stop you snoring, and be a clue that you are asleep.

        I know that my breathing changes when I am lucid, not sure if it's louder or softer though

        Was thinking that with a minor customisation it could play the sound at a set time - most dreamers have a rough idea what their pattern is.

        Lol at the 70s comment - I usually don't tell people IRL about lucid dreaming, makes me sound crazy!

    • I'd never even considered that as a possibility. But I don't really see the connection between the two unless you snore and lucid dream at the same time. Would you use the whistle as a cue inside the dream to know that you are dreaming? I can only think of Inception when I think of that.

      • +1

        Yes if you heard the whistle and it was not enough to wake you up it could cue you are asleep.

        Going with the inception theme - do you remember the spinning top - that's a check to see if you are asleep.

        Mine is generally jumping up and not landing, hence I know I am asleep :)

  • Looks like a pretty useless app, to be honest :) However, nice to have one for free.

  • "It compares sound levels over time to detect snores" I hope it doesn't blow the creepy whistle when other sound levels go up at night.

    • +1

      Think you downloaded the other App - the Humplax.

  • +2

    I don't believe these even works, I'm a deep sleeper myself, these things won't even work, even a siren alarm doesn't wake me up. So many of these apps -are all marketing strategies to get you to buy or try.

    • +2

      From GooglePlay Description - Snorlax relies on advice from those reputable sources & Yahoo Answers for the basis of this App!!!
      And even then not the top answers!
      One 'helpful answer' was well you could put a pillow over their face Would love to see that App!

      For more info on how the whistling stops snoring, check here: LOL!…

      Based on similar advice, I am developing Apps to cure hiccups, banish the boogie-man, and bring world peace. Free now, but normally costs a lot of money.

      Withdrew my '+'.

      • +9

        It is a well known fact that on the internet, Yahoo Answers is a valuable source of accurate scientific information that is provided by academics with PHD degrees.

        (Source: Grandma)

  • You should really be using a unique package name.

    'com.snorlax' is not appropriate. (Consider com.newage.snorlax ?)

    Also, is it really wise using Snorlax as your applications name?

    It may be legal (not sure, you should check this), but it's very unoriginal.

    • You could be right but there is an app called Pikachu and other such things I think so I don't think I'll get into trouble. I mean it is just a wombination (word combination) of snore and relax anyway so they weren't exactly original themselves.

  • +1


    • Believe me the real App's beep is not that long, but seems that ineffective!

  • +3

    How can it distinguish snoring from farts?

    • +6

      In theory it waits until it hears three snores within a timeframe before it whistles. So unless you're exceptionally flatulent.

  • +1

    should i download one for my dog??? he snors like a Mod: Foul Language

    • Can't see why it wouldn't work for dogs.

  • +3

    Here's an idea: Instead of downloading this app which will probably just wake you up heaps during the night, go and get yourself tested for Sleep Apnoea. I did and it will change your life.

    • +2

      How does you getting tested change my life?
      We are not sleeping together as far as I know..

      • Well if it turns out that you do have sleep apnoea you can then get treated for it. Sleep Apnoea causes you to stop breathing many times during the night which not only interrupts your sleep and makes you tired but puts extra stress on your heart due to less oxygen in the blood and increased heartrate to make up for it. My partner at the time complained about the snoring so I went and got tested. I'm glad I did.

  • +12

    You should probably remove the part of your post which says "According to some research", as people may become very critical when they discover your sources are Yahoo questions and Answerbag, as opposed to the British Medical Journal, for example. Your sources are considered forms of anecdotal evidence, as opposed to statistical evidence, where a study would be performed with controls (e.g. no sounds/sounds of different frequency or dB, hearing ability of subject; secondary factors such age, gender, smoker etc) and a minimal population set to show significance. Further to this, statistical evidence is still considered insufficient in science in the absence of peer-review for the methods of experimentation and analysis (hence why we have journals).

    Saying all that, I admire your effort and also believe smartphones can be used to build up useful anecdotal evidence to the point where scientists take interest and a cheap and easy cure may be discovered. If you repackage your app as a research tool to be used under medical advice (for legal reasons) you would be one of the pioneers in kickstarting a method for extra-large-scale early phase research (the app would have to be free to remove socio-economic influence, because according to thin air, the top 25% of income earners globally own over 90% of iPhones :)).

    Now for the bad. (Firstly, let me point out that until the research is done there may be no harm or perhaps even benefits). There is evidence to suggest that disrupting sleep may have several negative effects on the human body (including decreased wound healing and fatigue). The Wiki on Sleep references a few journal articles regarding this if interested. Snoring during "deep sleep" (Stages III and IV) only may not necessarily result in fatigue, but may indicate respiratory weaknesses to look out for. Snoring during REM sleep, however, is correlated with harmful sleep apnoea (not breathing), and often results in fatigue during the day. At this stage you may be more likely to just incorporate sounds into your dream, and whether it is good or not for someone suffering from sleep apnoea - only studies will tell.

    Just for an idea of the potential negative effects, here's an article about what some reseachers hypothesised regarding the potential negative effects of repetitive low-dB noises on the infirmed in a hospital setting.…… (same study, shorter article).

    • Ah good point, not sure what I was thinking. I think I meant, "my research into anecdotal evidence" haha but that was a bit misleading, removed. I don't think I'll repackage the app though as I've seen with my own eyes/ears the ability to interrupt a snorer by whistling. Two of my friends have also told me they've had success with this + the online anecdotes is good enough for me.

      • +1

        You're a sleep specialist?

        I love local dev, but i do tire of the crock apps that are coming out claiming to solve all my medical problems based on personal observation or personal 'research'.

        Seems to me this app will interrupt your snoring, by interrupting your sleep.

        If you have sleep problems, see a sleep specialist, who may refer you for a sleep study. You may need to join a waiting list to get Medicare to cover it…

        I only occasionally neg, but this one qualifies. This is not a bargain, but a waste of time for the uninformed or delusional.

        To finish, I hereby declare my love for jv.

  • +2

    Are you the guy who made that extend your life by 10 years app?

    • That's me. I've got 4 Apps out at the moment.

      • +2

        What are you working on next?

        You're like revolutionising the world one app at a time.

  • Does this also help reduce snoring of the butt?

    • You may want to try some Yakult or yogurt if you're having umm….gas issues.

  • I just tried and it does not pick up low sound snoring. I really had to do a loud snore at the mic to get this to beep…

    • In theory it should still pick up low sound snoring if it is done a few times. But if it sounds like people are having trouble getting it to pick up low sound snoring properly I'll send out an update that makes it a bit more sensitive (which will take 2 weeks to get approved but oh well). Which version (iphone or android) did you try on?

  • sounds good, hope it works

  • Definitely not sensitive enough - I have to snore into the mic to get it to pick up.

    Perhaps it's a girl snore thing?

    This was iPod btw

    • Hmmm I think I'll have to release an update with an adjustable sensitivity. I just really didn't want it going off by mistake so I've probably put it up too high.

    • -1

      Why negs? Put your comments where your mouse is!

      • Not having voted on your comments, but just thinking about some of the things you said.

        1. Wasting money on the App. Well its free. You are negging on what it will be rather that what it is.
        2. A: which is a personal choice (and/or maybe they could be jealous you can get onto their site..)
        3. B: So you sleep with your wife, others may not (sleep with theirs) :)
        4. C: Maybe so, go back to point1 above

        May like to look at

        Now back to my snoring…

      • +2

        I don't know about anyone else, but I negged you because the first line of your comment contains swearing and obvious spelling errors and is generally obnoxious.

  • +4

    Did not work for me….
    Slept on my back to make sure I was snoring, the only time I stopped was when I was when my wife hit me with my phone, telling me to sleep on my side and turn this @#%^ing this off.

    Good idea, just not executed well.

    Agree with the points about why is a free Android app being offered on here for free as a bargain?

    • +1

      Ah that's a shame. So the android version didn't work? Was it just going off when you weren't snoring? Thanks for trying it out.

      And as to why this is being offered here as a bargain is because the iPhone version is only free for the next couple of days and then it will go up to 1.99. I figured it would make sense to post a link to the Android version which is always free for those with android devices.

  • +1

    Cherrs bigears got meself a snore-whistler.

  • LOL…Does this even work?
    Sound SCAM to me but good thing is it's free.

  • +1

    Good idea. I gave it a try but the mic is way too sensitive and it keeps on going off.
    AS you can imagine i live in the tropical north and this time of year I have the aircon and fan blazing like hurricane Sandy on steroids which is likely whats triggering the app.

    • Slightly different - can't hear beep over low fan noise. Useless! Uninstalled.

  • Tried it last night. I guess it's picking up my snores, but everytime it whistles it wakes me up and I ended up having to turn it off to get some sleep.

    It's kinda working…if I am awake I can't snore lol. Need to have some way to adjust the whistle volume.

  • +1

    Is it still free if it wastes your time?

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