This was posted 1 year 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Baby Angelfish $9 Each + $14 Postage @ Sydney Aquascapes


New batch of baby angelfish in stock! All postage is combined, so it is $14 flat no matter how much you buy.

Angelfish are a great tropical fish, if your house gets below 20C in winter, you should have a heater, and they will eat flakes or pelets like any other fish.

Angelfish are said to be a little more aggressive, however we keep these (and their parents) in community tanks with no issue.

Please note that these are angelfish, they grow faily large and need at least a 40L tank to be happy. They will be fine in a smaller tank for about 6 months to a year at which point you will need a larger one for them.

Feel free to ask us any questions you have!

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Sydney Aquascapes
Sydney Aquascapes

closed Comments

  • Refunds for DOA?

    • Yup, 100% refund or replacement for any DOA

  • Would love a pair of the avatar variant. Any chance you guys might get hold of some? Or are they only in the us?

    • Havent seen them here so far, you can keep an eye out though.

  • be kind to the fishies! :3

    • +1

      We try our best! And make sure to try and educate any new keepers in the hobby on how to properly care for their fish

    • Dive a few times with Dave at night, you might change your opinions 😅

  • How do you post fish & ensure they aren't injured / killed or subjected to unnecessary pain?

    • +1

      They cannot, but nobody cares, not even the RSPCA. The RSPCA will accept reports of animal cruelty only when supplied with evidence such as a dead fish in its shipping bag. The telephone conversation was frustrating because they simply didn't want to know.

      • That's really, really sad.

    • +4

      We post them express post with plenty of water in breather bags, we usually dont have any issues.

      If you are talking morally, unless you are vegan, then one of your meals causes more animal suffering than a week of our business.

      I dont really think a few fish dying during transport to facilitate a hobby that actively tries to give fish the best life they could have is anything to be worried about at all, especially since we are financially incentivised to have them arrive as healthy and happy as possible.

      • Do you need a permit or special arrangement to send fish express post? Last I checked Australia Post does not allow live animals to be posted (refer to D3.5).

        I don't have a moral issue with it, I was curious as to if or how you mitigate risk to your product given postal workers' propensity to ignore fragile or handle with care etc. labels.

        to facilitate a hobby that actively tries to give fish the best life they could have

        You're trading live animals bred for the hobby, not rehoming rescues…who's being all moralistic now? Perhaps your (prospective) customers just want to know how you treat your goods and if you care for them as much as they do…

        • Do you need a permit or special arrangement to send fish express post?

          So the only reason Aus post has this rule is so they are not liable if anything goes wrong. They don't have any issues with this otherwise so don't care.
          We have found that Aus post is by far the most reliable postage service anyway, so there isn't really another better option.

          I was curious as to if or how you mitigate risk to your product given postal workers' propensity to ignore fragile or handle with care etc. labels.

          We pack them well and double-bag them in breather bags. Yes them being treated roughly is often the cause of issues, but its fairly rare.

          Perhaps your (prospective) customers just want to know how you treat your goods and if you care for them as much as they do…

          Sure! I didn't want to offend, I'm sure you take great care of your fish and pets and honestly care about how they are delivered to you. And I do aplaud you for that.
          Its just I hope you can understand how one can get frustrated with the absurdity of people decrying fish being posted (without which the whole hobby would not work at all (since how else do fish arrive at pet stores?)) while on the ozbargain side bar you can find being sold budget dog food, created by factory farming animals with close to human inteligence in horrid conditions bread only to grow fat and be killed effectively being tortured their whole short lives. The cognitive dissonance is just astounding to me.
          Which I realise you did not say in your origional post, and I am not accusing you off any of that or what I am implying. It was mostly to a reply wink which just gave me the image of a boomer, dining on their factory farmed salmon with mayo made out of eggs who's parents didn't move more than a foot in their life, calling PETA trying to get them to care about a few fish, who lived a life of comparative luxury, that unfortunately didn't survive being transported to another such caring fish keeper.

          And with all that said, even if much worse is going on in the world, that doesn't mean you shouldn't care about the smaller things as well. So I do want to be clear that yes, we are constantly working on how best to pack and send our fish so they have a safe journey, and asking about that is completely valid.

  • @Brandingo could I add these to my tank with guppies and Pleco or do you think the guppies would be too small to risk being a meal for the Angelfish?

    • They will be fine for a year or so, after that it will depend on the temprament of the individual angelfish.

      We keep them with neon tetras no problem, however guppies are a little slower, less fearful in general so its not guaranteed they won't have any issues.

      But usually if there are issues you will see it clearly before any guppies die. Keep an eye out for them chasing them around and biting their fins. If that isn't happening they will be fine.

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