Hi Guy,
We have a Samsung Smart IoT Wi-Fi Digital Doorlock SHP-DR708 https://www.samsungdigitallife.com/shp-dr708/
But we are having serious issues with it – plz see this vid to show the the unlocking problem: https://staging.streamable.com/1p54dy
The video shows that when I press the "[OPEN/CLOSE] button" from the inside to open the door the swtich doesnt move fully vertical. Then every time I have to manually move the locking switch to open the door from inside.
Please check the video link.
Moreover, it takes min 3 attempts from outside to unlock the door with fingerprint, code or even mobile app.
Please help to understand what might be the problem and what to do here?
Thanks in advance.
We have the same lock.
For the unlocking - need to check whether the latch is free or getting jammed in the striker plate as doors move and flex over time. For reference, if I unlock my door with the switch in your video, I need no force whatsoever in the full stroke of the switch. In your video it seems to have some type of resistance for the last part, it shouldn't be like that.
Leave the door open and rotate the switch open/close. Check to see whether its free to rotate or has resistance. If its free, then likely an alignment problem with the latch/striker plate. I would remove the striker plate and file a little bit out, remove some more of the door with a sharp chisel. (firstly check which one needs more material removed).
If it's the same, then the outer lock housing might not be aligned with the mortice section correctly. I would loosen all the screws a little that hold the lock to the door and then try the switch again. If it fixes the problem, then slightly tighten each screw while testing the switch to see where the threshold is where it binds.
For the fingerprints - register your same finger over and over again with all types of angles and multiples of the same. The reader is so damn sensitive/annoying that basically if my finger isn't perfectly clean, or pressed on the touchpad with the same/similar force of when it was registered, then i'm not getting in. The most annoying for me is if your finger is at all dirty, sweaty or anything, it wont open.
For the zigbang app, they recently broke it. Frequent disconnections/reconnections, app just says failed and doesnt seem to try to open it. Then it will open but come up with a message saying it failed. There was a period in the middle where it all worked fine, but I have given up with it.
Code should work all the time - never had an issue so you might have a faulty unit with that one.