What's Your Childhood Comfort Food?

Hey guys,

just wondering what is your childhood comfort food that you know you won't get sick of? If you don't have a childhood comfort food, can just be a comfort food you have now.

Mine is
1. Cooked canned corned beef and rice. I still cook this to this today without hesitation, I have a few cans of corned beef in the pantry just cause…..
2. Rockmelon juice with rockmelon strings. My mother had this tool that it will string fruit and she would always make rockmelon juice with strings kept in the fridge. It's also my favourite fruit as well. I would run to the fridge after school to drink it and get a fork and eat the strings while drinking.
3. My adult comfort food are crinkle cut chips, any flavour. Chicken, salt and vinegar, original, cheese and onion, limited edition flavours. I seriously love love crinkle cut chips…. I don't know why, it's my favourite snack of all time and when I get the munchies, I need chips. It has to be crinkle cut, I hate thins. If I can't get crinkle, next best thing is red rock deli chips as are thicker and crunchier than thins.

What's yours?


  • +3

    Wagon Wheels and Sunny Boys and the occasional Jiffy Donut.

    • +1

      Not what I expected from ozb's preeminent carbophobe.

      • Childhood Comfort Food

        • that you know you won't get sick of

          • @fantombloo: Oh…. I only read titles…

            • @jv: Apparently with "health" news too.

              • @fantombloo: Anyway, I know I won't get sick of them… I just don't eat them anymore…

        • +1

          Just wasn't sure you had ever grown out of your childhood, TBH :)

    • Sunny Boys!!

      Are they still around?

  • Dinner Winner.
    Shame it's slowly getting harder to find.

  • Nutella on toast.

    • Straight from the jar, & some of the jars were good for keeping as drink glasses. Still got a stack of those. But yeah, I'm like jv……I used to eat that. Those were the nutella days….

  • What else do you put with the corned beef?

    • +3


      Make it a fried rice

    • Nothing, just cook it and rice and mix it up. Sometimes I add cubed 1/2 cm potato when I can be bothered to cut them up, that's when I am feeling extra fancy

  • +1

    Egg sandwich

    Plan white bread
    No butter
    Sunny side up egg


    Cheerios sausages with Heinz sauce

  • 1 cent choc buds from the canteen
    5 cent crocodile
    saugage rolls in a roll from canteen (still do this though lol)
    canteen lasanga

    • canteen lasanga, with canteen thick cut fries/wedges

      *italian chef kiss motion *

  • +1

    Slightly related, and I may be late to the news, but did people know select Pizza Hut stores have brought back dine in???


    • +2

      all you can eat pizza and salad bar?

      i remember the corn and bacon chips
      damn that was gold
      and the unlimited soft serve, like sizzlers

      • Apparently, but not sure of the price.

        • +1

          looks like yes
          famous all you can eat buffet

          interesting definitely need to try it again (prolly be like 50 bucks…)

  • Fairy bread, except replace the rainbow sprinkles with chocolate rice

  • Butter, peanut butter and honey sandwich on cheap, thin, supermarket bread.

  • +1

    Easyway Taro Milk Tea

    • oh my god


      the OG! far out. Shoutout to fond memories i had of that one easyway in the brisbane cbd circa 2010 under the escalators that had the filthiest ceiling and shop overall, but still managed to get a heap of customers through there everyday…

      • +2

        back then large taro milk tea with pearls costed only $4.00..up until now, I still feel Easyway has the best taro milk tea - though it's not really a real fresh taro taste..but it's delicious….

      • +1

        I think I still have my loyalty card somewhere…

        • i still have this weird little big eye big head small body pink toy cat that was given away in one of their early promos , not sure of the year, but definitely should be before 2007

          i suppose really its prob a good thing it died in the arse - milk tea powders is not the way to go do it. And now spoilt for choice with so many options for fresh brew.

  • Roadkill

    • +1

      You might be one of my cousins…

  • Arroz Caldo

  • Strass sauce on toast with plenty of butter

    Baked Bean Jaffles

  • Ketchup fried rice and Apple Sidra. Luckily Apple Sidra is back in production again! Wonder if the taste will be different now though.

  • +2

    century egg and pork congeeee <3
    and plain french toast my dad would make (not really french, but french as in you'd coat bread in egg and just fry it)

  • Maggi noodles

  • Fish fingers
    Franklins No Frills Microwave Lasagne
    Peanut butter, honey & ham sandwich

  • Weet-bix. Breakfast, lunch or dinner. Cold or warm. Plain or cream or sugar or peaches

  • Homemade small coconut rounds with glace cherries in the middle.

    Black & gold choc-chip icecream tubs.

    Shayks flavoured milk drink in small cartons. It would thicken when shaked.

    Spring Valley Mango & Banana nectar. Apricot nectar in cans, Berri brand if I recall correctly.

    Chicken burgers from the school canteen, loaded with newly created "scientific" growth hormones.

  • Heinz tin sketti on toast with butter. Add cheese under sketti if I'm feeling fancy.

  • Toasted cheese sandwich. By "toasted" I mean done in the frying pan. And by "cheese" I'm referring to the sliced plastic stuff that imitates cheddar. That stuff was such a novelty, having previously only had that horrible orange Kraft Cheddar that didn't even need to be kept in the fridge.

  • Childhood:
    * Devon (fritz?) rolled around logs of Deb instant mashed potato
    * 2 Vita Weets with thick butter/marg and Vegemite in the middle, squeezed to make worms
    * Peanut butter, honey and banana sandwiches

    * Chicken Crimpy Shapes with Coles/Woolies avocado dip
    * Chicken 2 minute noodles with a sachet of cheese sauce mix stirred through
    * Buttered toast with processed chicken loaf (square is better than round!) and sometimes plastic-wrapped cheese

    I would have these maybe once every few years now, since I've lost a **** tonne off weight and want to keep it that way. But every so often a girl needs comfort… ;)

  • Chocolate Yogos.

  • Bacon and eggs. Loved it when I was a kid, and still do many decades later, lol.

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