I restore old hand tools as a hobby (things like bench vices, chisels, hammers etc). Up until now I've been doing most of my work using a combination of power drill, angle grinder and a tiny, purchased-from-Aldi bench grinder.
I feel like I'm ready to progress to something a bit beefier. I am considering something like this:
Most of the restoration process is about returning things to bare metal / polishing them up to a nice finish. I don't really do that much actual grinding (unless I'm fixing up something like chisels that are completely munted). So maybe a 'regular' bench grinder with a grinding wheel and polishing wheel would be a better option?
And, other than buying new, maybe I should instead keep an eye out for one of those vintage green bench grinders that every old dude seems to own?
Max budget would be around $400, but I'm pretty cheap lets be honest, so the cheaper then better.
Your thoughts and suggestions greatly appreciated.