This was posted 1 year 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Gillette Labs Blade Refill Cartridge 8-Pack $25.50 (Click & Collect or in-Store only) @ Chemist Warehouse


Me think this is a good price for the Gillette Labs Blade refill.

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Chemist Warehouse

closed Comments

  • So these don’t fit on the other Gillette razor handles?

    • +1

      Fits all GilletteLabs razors: use with GilletteLabs with Exfoliating Bar and GilletteLabs Heated Razor

      won’t fit the very common fusion or mach handle types.

  • Haven't touched Gillette since their sexist anti-male advertising. I don't go around encouraging my son to commit illegal acts so this isn't for me.

    • -1


    • -1

      yada yada yada….

    • Was it the best a man could get?

      • Definitely not.

    • -1

      It's probably haemorrhoids. Usually butt hurt fades more quickly. Commiserations to the little apple.

      • Companies that make out men to all be neanderthals who teach their sons to hate women are a haemorrhoid.

        • +1

          They did nothing of the sort. If anything Gillette was suggesting the complete opposite - respect for women. Your response and the responses of other thin-skinned, looking-to-be-offended EQ-deficients is quite possibly something a neanderthal might have done though.

          The ad highlighted certain behaviours not solely confined to, but far more common to men than women. That you either didn't recognise those behaviours, weren't aware that they were indeed quite common and offensive - if at times unintentional - behaviours (a classic example of casual sexism obtuseness here if you need one: or simply refute that they are behaviours many women experience is a reflection of your ignorance and lack of EQ, not Gillette's "anti-male" stance.

          When you get time away from wiping the outrage-induced spittle from your chin you might want to search for 'casual sexism' in the workplace and inform yourself before your pollute your son's mind any further.

          • +1

            @Igaf: I'd upvote you 100 times if i could.

            Some of the language from the neanderthal in question is utterly bemusing.

            Any company that wants to lecture me on morality, imply all men are toxic, and hold me accountable for the actions of the worst men doesn't get a cent from me.

            The what? I wasn't sure if this guy was trolling / taking the piss or legitimately has his knickers in a knot via him apparently being personally held accountable for the actions of the worst men, lol. I do wonder, though, when someone is so aggrieved by such a tame ad what the cause is, maybe sees a bit of himself in some of those men i guess.

            Anyway, i dont really imbue everything with politics the way right-wing snowflakes do but im happy to use Gillette if it will annoy the whining pissbabies !

            • -1

              @Iggemo: You can call us "whining pissbabies" (how old are you??) and snowflakes all you like, but at least we don't let razor blade peddlers dictate our morals and we don't need them to remind us to be decent human beings.

              • @syousef:

                at least we don't let razor blade peddlers dictate our morals

                Lol, how old are YOU? Accusing Gillette of unnecessary moralising while lying in order to make a point. As a rational male adult my opinion is that Gillette took a socially responsible and ethical stand, which they knew would make many of us uncomfortable and upset the usual mob of unthinking pissants (bonus outcome there). I can appreciate some people not likely the style of the ad, but the message itself ought to be beyond criticism for any well-adjusted "moral" person.

                • -1


                  Lol, how old are YOU?

                  Old enough to understand that your aggression and abuse in support of an ad that you supposedly support that is against "toxic masculinity" is absolutely mind blowingly devoid of self-awareness. Or does abuse and toxicity only count if it's directed at a female?

                  Accusing Gillette of unnecessary moralising

                  Oh I see, so you think that ad was necessary to sell razor blades. Hmm, does every other company selling them know this?

                  while lying in order to make a point.

                  So if you don't like it, it's a lie, is that it?

                  make many of us uncomfortable and upset the usual mob of unthinking pissants

                  Did you just abuse yourself?

                  • -1

                    @syousef: You're still at it? You complained about people responding to your hyperbolic and obviously invented notion of what the Gillette message was and expected no response? You do understand that argument/discussion is (a minimum) two way street presumably?

                    while lying in order to make a point.
                    So if you don't like it, it's a lie, is that it?

                    Lying is a difficult concept for some, I agree. It appears you're struggling with the concept so I'll explain.
                    You made outrageous - and slanderous - claims about a company's ad in order to justify your boycott stance (which most, including me, acknowledge is your choice). I replied challenging you to provide evidence for your (obviously fabricated) claims to test their validity. You didn't provide any evidence because it didn't exist, you'd invented things and attributed them to Gillette, something I and any rational adult reading your comments already knew.

                    We "all" get worked up at times, saying or writing things we probably wouldn't have 'in the cold light of day'. Happily there's a remedy. We can acknowledge that we got carried away a little, and withdraw any wild accusations we might have made. We can even aploogise if necessary, although apologies obviously need to be sincere.

                    • -1

                      @Igaf: Slander is a verbal false and damaging accusation, not a written one. You actually mean libel. I did neither.

                      I did provide evidence, which you ignored. But even so failing to provide evidence doesn't make something untrue. So yes, lying is a difficult concept FOR YOU. I didn't "invent" anything. I'm not that creative. Since the controversy was real and involved others coming to the same conclusion. So the accusation that I invented anything is very much a lie.

                      You really expect me to apologise, when you accuse me of slander, not knowing what slander means, and you accuse me of lying when I did not, but can prove that you did?

                        • @G-rig: Yes I'm still "going" if by "going" you mean sticking up for myself when it comes to your ridiculous accusations.

                            • -1

                              @G-rig: Sorry can you repeat that? This "neandrethal" was too busy "wiping the outrage-induced spittle" from his chin.

                                • -1

                                  @G-rig: I should hope your whole street has it's razors sorted with 5 blades.

                              • -1

                                @syousef: Have another look at who said what and why, and try not to quote out of context. Before you do that go back and read everything you've said on this deal - including the infamous now-deleted comments. I contributed the spittle comment which iwas apt then and moreso now.

                      • -1

                        @syousef: Strictly speaking yes legally it's libel but in common parlance slander covers both. I think of these comments as conversations, as do many people so slander is an appropriate term. That's why you'll typically see words such as 'you said' etc instead of 'you wrote'. Both slander and libel fall under the defamation umbrella.

                        I'm not going to repeat what I've already said (written) about the patently false accustaions you made - which I probably have a copy of in my laptop clipboard and which should be retrievable by this website in any case. Should a person acknowledge that they made wild, fallacious claims on a website in the heat of the moment? Well, imo that depends on how extreme the comments were, how big the audience was, whether anyone took umbrage etc. Whether someone will admit their error depends on many things - including "moral" and ethical values.

                        This is pretty much a storm in a teacup, as was the archetypal knee-jerk reaction by a small minority of mainly reactionary right wingers to a serious ad about a very serious issue (an issue which interestingly you have yet to acknowledge exists) so I really don't care what you do either way in this instance. Not obsessing and particularly maintaining perspective is important for our health.

            • -3

              @Iggemo: The irony here is absolutely mind blowing. Calling someone you don't agree with a "neanderthal" and those you agree with "whining pissbabies" in support of an ad that targets "toxic masculinity". No self-awareness at all, is there?

              And mods are still MIA on that one.

          • -2

            @Igaf: Gillette literally told you that men typically stand by while women are bullied, which isn't true. They told you men need to take responsibility for the actions of the worst men. I hate to break it to you - but there will always be scum on this planet - both genders. Whipping yourself over their bad deeds won't make you a better man. And good people - both genders - typically DON'T stand by when someone is in any kind of distress. Good people don't need the peddlers of razor blades to serve them a sermon about how to be decent human beings.

            • +1

              @syousef: Ignoring the fact that your take on the nessage is extreme - so exterme that you haven't got over your perceived hurt half a decade after the event - this opinion suggests you dont have even the vaguest notion of what casual sexism is, how it is manifested in workplaces and societies, nor how easy it is to occasionally fall into it. I'm happy to acknowledge that my EQ isn't anywhere near that perfect and that I've undoubtedly transgressed more than a few times during my life.

              What was your take on the women's march to Canberra, when the doddering fool Morrison - who gave us a perfect example of (hyperventilated) sexism with his public grandstanding over the Holgate decision to reward AP execs with Cartier watches - didn't come out to address them? There was a huge swell of public support from men (and women obviously) for that protest, and the message involved, because unlike you, they (we) recognised the problem and where the main responsibilty lay.

              • -1

                @Igaf: Dude, the only thing I'm ignoring now is you. Not even going to read your rant. Troll someone that might.

                • @syousef: Yet 4 minutes later you respond to a later post of his. 😂

                  Ya' couldn't make it up.

                  • -4

                    @jackspratt: Yeah I responded to his blatant abuse which you are now piling on to mate. Well done.

                    Couldn't make it up indeed.

                    Mods are MIA obviously.

                      • @G-rig:

                        So what do you shave with at least once a day, I'm dying do know?

                        Clearly not enough to read the rest of the thread.

                          • -1

                            @G-rig: Still can't be bothered reading I see. I have said elsewhere in this thread exactly what I buy and how often I shave. I'm not going to repeat it to someone abusing me who can't be bothered reading it.

                            Don't let actual evidence get in the way of your trolling though.

                  • @jackspratt:

                    Ya' couldn't make it up.

                    Yet he managed to. Fortunately most of it's now gone.

                    • -1

                      @Igaf: Yes, I had your abuse removed.

                      • -1

                        @syousef: Abuse? I possibly overeacted to your hyperbolic nonsense with some hyperbole myself - see an irony there - and the mods did the right thing. Out of interest, when you reported my comments did you also tell mods that you'd slandered a company which regularly features on Ozbargain, or did that slip your mind?

                        • -2

                          @Igaf: Careful of making legal accusations. You've accused me of lying, and now sllander. Better be able to back that up mate. I'm getting very tired of your "hyperbole". I don't think you know what that means. What I said was not nonsense. And you definitely well and truly crossed the line into abuse, and continues to do so. The only person lying here is you. Cut it out.

                          • -1

                            @syousef: I reserve the right of reply but I'm also aware of the dangers associated with engaging people with abnormal fixations, so hopefullyI won't need to exercise trhat right.

                            You've picked the wrong target to threaten "Dude". I know very well what slander is, and the difference between the legal proof required in this country and the commonly accepted meaning. I suggest you do some reading on both. After what you've written on this deal, you telling me, or anyone else, that they've crossed a line or lack self-awareness is both laughable and palpably ironic.

                            • @Igaf: There was no threat there whatsoever. If I were making a thread, you'd know it, and no doubt report it.

                              It's funny that you think I have the abnormal obsession and a lack of self-awareness but you're the one making demonstrably false accusations and calling me names over a toxic ad that caused a huge stir you are still intentionally unaware of. There is slander here, but it's not aimed at any company.

                              Right of reply? Reply all you like. I'll continue to report you.

                              • @syousef:

                                …. a toxic ad that caused a huge stir ….

                                Just because it caused a stir (huge is debateable) among certain like-minded people, doesn't mean it was toxic.

                                Woolworths deciding to not sell Oz Day tat caused a huge stir, as did Taylor Swift inviting people to register to vote - both with the same like-minded people as above I suspect.

                                • -1

                                  @jackspratt: Yep, as Waleed Aly opined years ago, social media amplifies things enormously and it's a HUGE mistake to think that opinions or hot issues in those environments are reflected elsewhere.

                              • -1

                                @syousef: What false accusations "Dude"? Spit them out. There's no denying what you wrote about Gillette to try and defend your opinion, nor is there any doubt that it was slanderous nonsense.

                                There was no huge outcry among the general public over the ad and whatever angst it caused certainly dissipated quickly. It barely caused a ripple anywhere other than the USA, and we all know who and what drives the hyperbolic outrage over there. Don't we? In case you missed it there was a certain court case involving Newscorpse [sic] you might like to catch up on. Tip of a very obvious iceberg. Conservative hypocrisy writ across the heavens for all but the stupid and wilfully blind to see. You can read about Gillette's annual revenues, growth rates etc here:…

                                History shows that in this country (many) women were fed up to the back teeth with the continuing public bellittling, the casual sexism, the obvious discrimination - and not just by men. There have been many examples of different standards being applied to men and women by the media and also by self-declared bastions of society - Christine Holgate (who I've already mentioned) being just one obvious victim of the double standards.

                                I don't report people I'm debating. They can say what they want about me, it's water off a duck's back and I'm quite capable of defending myself.

                                • @Igaf: "There was no huge outcry among the general public over the ad and whatever angst it caused certainly dissipated quickly. It barely caused a ripple anywhere"

                                  You can google the "ripple" it caused. It was a big deal. BBC reported "Gillette faces backlash and boycott over '#MeToo advert'"

                                  On Youtube "It currently has 23,000 likes and 214,000 dislikes, at time of writing - and that's increasing all the time."

                                  214,000 people and counting at the time - and they're the ones that could be bothered on a single YouTube video.

                                  And LOTS of traditional media reported on it at the time - many morning shows and talk shwos. Lots of videos and posts. Then there's Reddit.

                                  It was talked about everywhere. You're either ignorant or being disingenuous.

                                  You're not debating me. You're refusing to accept reality and accusing me of nonsense you can't prove like "slander" which has a very specific legal meaning as opposed to your nonsense "commonly accepted meaning". You're name calling. You're harassing me. You're just becoming too big a waste of my time to deal with. Go away, you utter troll.

                                  • @syousef:

                                    You can google the "ripple" it caused. It was a big deal. BBC reported "Gillette faces backlash and boycott over '#MeToo advert'"

                                    So your premise is that everything the BBC reports is a big deal? Interesting. Yes we all know that the ad caused a stir - it was designed to do just that. There was plenty of support for the ad among commentators and the public, plenty of both confected and real outrage, and FAR more complete indifference from the hoi polloi who had more important things to deal with.

                                    Wrt the numbers you found: They seem very small, but you do understand how social media campaigns and statistics work presumably? How many bots in those votes?

                                    Let's assume all those 214,000 were legitimate (highly unlikely, but it makes little difference as you'll soon learn) and examine their statistical significance using just 3 'countries' where I know the issue was aired in msm alone.

                                    What's the adult population of the USA, UK and Australia in round numbers? 260M, 40M, 20M - so about 320M. 214K out of 320M is by my calcs just 0.07%. The actual % would obviously be FAR lower if I included all the countries where the ad was shown and dropped the age range to say the mid teens.

                                    Have a read of these and see what you think:

                                    • -2

                                      @Igaf: No my premise is not "everything the BBC reports is a big deal". Since that isn't what I wrote, and since I'm sure you're aware that only the largest YouTubers achieve the kind of viewing numbers you're suggesting are required before something is "a big deal', you're just proving without any shadow of a doubt that you are a troll.

                                      As for what i think of that ad "inspiring a cultural shift" I also told you, what I thought of that earlier. That "cultural shift" has resulted in a lot of injustice as the presumption of innocence got thrown out the door. But I'll bet you are team "number 2 on the bed" regardless.

                                      • @syousef: Others can read and judge for themselves whether anyone's trolling. In the adult world we call responding to comments argument, or debate, or discussion - all of which can be messy, emotional and sometimes out of control.

                                        Those links I provided have calm, rational discussion on the ad and the topic it addressed. I really hope you take 5 minutes to read them.

                                        • -2

                                          @Igaf: There is LITERALLY nothing I can say that you won't counter with arguments that don't stand uip to any scrutiny. So I welcome others judging.

                                          The links you provided just confirm your own bias. Even the BBC, known to be very left leaning, acknowledges the uproar, and you won't concede that. Instead you rant about millions of people, therefore hundreds of thousands of views don't matter. I've seen the same thing from flat earthers, moon hoax deniers and the like - they think they're arguing heroically if the present easily debunked nonsense to "support" their claims, while completely ignoring or dismissing anything presented that doesn't fit their world view.

                                          Also I love how you'd never heard of this controversy a few messages ago and have now become a calm and rational expert. You're entertaining - I'll grant you that. When you're ready for an honest debate, let me know. I sincerely hope you are trolling because the alternative is just too sad.

                                          • -1


                                            Also I love how you'd never heard of this controversy a few messages ago

                                            I'm perplexed /s [sic] as to how you could possibly know what I know/knew about the Gillette ad. Care to elaborate? Allow me to save you some time and disabuse you simultaneously. Despite your hysterical claims to the contrary I was acutely aware of the ad and the temporary disturbance it had in the mainly right wing universe, primarily in the USA, because I'm a relatively big consumer of social and political "news" here, in the UK and in the USA. I've probably commented at some point on previous Gillette ads where the usual suspects gave us the pleasure on their inanity.

                                            Was there uproar? Only in the minds of a certain demographic - a tiny proportion of the adult world as the numbers demonstrate clearly. In reality after the dust had settled and the usual cabal of moronic right wingers barely capable of clicking a like/dislike button had lost interest there was some very good discussion on both the ad and the issues it was highlighting (issues you continue to ignore- an interesting moral dilemma you might like to contemplate).

                                            The links I provided contain rational, intelligent adult discussion of (among other things) complex social issues and attitudes. I selected them randomly because they do just that, without the puerile, hyperventilated, ideologally blind baggage often associated with culture wars. You'd do well to read and abosrb them, and others (there are myriad similar commentaries), IF you're actually interested in the topic.

                                            • @Igaf: Perhaps I'm confusing you with one of the other trolls.

                                              I've been called a neandrethal, a pissbaby, unhinged, acused of slander etc. etc. I've been told how insignificant hundreds of thousands. I have lost track of the utter nonsense you people are coming up with.

                                              All because I despise a preachy, sexist ad by a razor blade peddling company that insists that good men have to take responsibility for the worst men, and dared to say that I've chosen not to buy their product. Clearly their message to be a good man by abusing and harassing other men has been taken to heart. Can't see the irony, can you?

                                              The best a man can get huh? GO AWAY.

                                              • -1

                                                @syousef: Yes, I said you were unhinged - my apologies. What I meant was that some of your comments - especially the slanderous (libelous) falsifications were unhinged. They're since been deleted thank heavens.

                                                I can understand your lack of remorse for the falsifications (as I said, a storm in a teacup) but given your statements about morals I can't rationalise why you continue to dodge the social/moral issue itself and instead continue to obsess with shooting the messenger (Gillette)? Seems to be a huge disconnect there. Have you no actual interest in the social analysis of something which led to a rally outside parliament in THIS country and a subsequent huge swing in the female vote?

                                                Btw I'm glad I entertain you. It seems I've missed the mark because reality checking and education were where I hoped to make some progress. As we all know though, hopes and expectations are often wide apart.

                                                • @Igaf: Yes I believe people telling me they are trying to educate me when they call me unhinged and a liar. That's perfectly rational. And you're calling me unhinged?!? Hilarious.

                                                  Genuinely curious if you actually think there was an apology in there, or if you're being facetious. All you're doing is doubling down. There were no falsifications, just as there was no slander. You don't seem to understand the meaning of either word. If you're going to play fast and loose with definitions, you're in no position to educate me or anyone else, and your ability to judge whether someone is lying is completely impaired.

                                                  • @syousef: I've already been crystal clear but since you asked so nicely I'll make it as simple as possible.

                                                    • Yes I apologise for saying you're unhiinged.
                                                    • No I don't apologise for implying that your fabrications were unhinged.They were unbalanced and disturbed as per the meaning of the word used.
                                                    • You can deny what you said until you're blue in the face but you and I, and anyone who read your now deleted comments know the truth. I found my clipboard copy, do you want me to refresh your memory?
                                                    • For someone who claimed some higher moral ground I find your fabrications difficult to rationalise, except for the reason I've already mentioned - you got carried away. Understandable and forgiveable given that this is, ta da, a storm in a teacup.

                                                    Any response to my question about why you're avoiding the casual sexism issue, or do we simply assume (quote from above) "that you either didn't recognise those behaviours [in the ad], weren't aware that they were indeed quite common and offensive - if at times unintentional - behaviours …. or simply refute that they are behaviours many women experience?"

                                                    • -1

                                                      @Igaf: That is not a genuine apology and you know it. Genuine apologies don't include "but" or "and" and don't double down on a different accusation.

                                                      There was nothing "unbalanced" or "disturbed" about what I said. You aren't apologising. You're insulting me. Again.

                                                      And again blatant lies. I did not "deny" anything I said and there were no "fabrications" except in your own mind.

                                                      Casual sexism may be common in your circles, but I don't tolerate that crap, which is exactly why that ad is insulting. Anyone raised right - by parents, not corporations I might add - knows better. Even though I don't tolerate the behaviour, I do not accept that I am responsible for the behaviour of men who chose to behave like that. I just don't hang with men who treat women like garbage or encourage that behaviour. If you see it all the time, maybe find different people to associate with.

                                                      Seriously, how do you live with that level of cognitive dissoance. You're out trying to bully someone - calling them "unhinged", "unbalanced", "disturbed', accusing them of "denial" and "fabrications". But you call this an apology? Are you trying to DEMONSTRATE "toxic masculinity" to make yoru point? Is that it? Because this behaviour certainly doesn't demonstrate a stance against it. Even more abhorrent is the all male pile on. Absolutely ridiculous. Just wow. Mind blown.

                                                      • -1

                                                        @syousef: Time to remind you of your fabrications. How you deal with them is your business.

                                                        You claimed the following: that Gillette told parents to teach their sons to hate women, that they said you were a deadbeat dad and a woman hating criminal. If you think those claims are real or balanced then I suggest you seek further agnostic adult opinion.

                                                        Your final sentence is puerile, but telling. I could mock it but for your sake I won't. Suffice to say that I doubt anyone sees casual or blatant sexism "all the time" and nothing in the Gillette ad suggested so. The point about casual sexism is that in some cases (examples provided in the ad) it's so ingrained that we may barely notice it. Gillette was asking us to stand up and be counted when we see it - as difficult as that may be in many circumstances.

                                                        • @Igaf: No I did not claim "Gillette told parents to teach their sons to hate women". I claimed Gillette were stating that parents were encouraging their children to hate and mistreat women, and somehow needed Gillette's moral guidance to cut it out. This is very clearly happening in the "boys will be boys" section of the ad where men literally in a line en masse are laughing as their boys taunt girls. Your lack of comprehension is not my problem. It is yours.

                                                          How on earth do you make any assessment of what I do or don't notice? You don't know me. It's just another insult. When I see sexism and mistreatment, I call it out and/or move on/move away/no longer associate with a person that's doing thsi. It's not an attractive quality in a friend.

                                                          With every post you add multiple new insults - this time the highlight is "pureile". You could mock me for it but won't for my sake? Oh how kind of you! You're such a wonderful human bering! I should fall before you and worship at your feet so I can learn! Such disingenuous nonsense.

                                                          So stop lying about being apologetic or trying to educate me. You don't fling abuse at someone you are trying to apologise to or educate. It is plain to see that such a claim is absurd and untrue. You have no such intention. You should also stop lying about being against toxic "masculinity" when your actions demonstrate it in every post. In fact if you look back at them it would be hard to argue against the idea that the whole point of your last few posts has become to put me down, all the while virtue signaling. You don't have a leg to stand on. BE GONE TROLL.

                                                          • -1

                                                            @syousef: I didn't have to interpret you comments, I have a copy of exactly the words you used. I'd take the kid gloves off and tell you some home truths but in your case I think that's dangerous territory. You've heard the old joke about which organ controls the body? After 5 years it's time to unclench those butt cheeks.

                                                            • @Igaf: No you didn't use exactly my words. Another blatant lie. You're now going to using a boxing analogy about "taking the kid gloves" off to hurt me and make a joke about my penis. No "toxic masculinity" there. No sir. You've learnt your lesson from Gillette real good, uhuh.

                                                              Congrats. You win the absolute most extreme case of Dunning-Kruger I've seen in a very long time. You think you're great at arguing because you keep coming up with new insults, but in reality you're proving exactly who you are to anyone that reads.

                                                              Are you done embarassing yourself?

                                                              • -1


                                                                You're now going to using a boxing analogy about "taking the kid gloves" off to hurt me and make a joke about my penis.


                                                                Yes we are done, the warning signs are flashing all too brightly.

                                                                • @Igaf: Done. Well you cooked your own argument.

                                                        • -1

                                                          @G-rig: Still piling on? I saw your earlier like. You two are living proof that people who like this ad don't understand how not to be toxic.

                                                            • -1

                                                              @G-rig: You mean pointless threats like "taking off the kid gloves" right? Right?


                                                                • @G-rig: This conversation isn't exactly genius level, and I am doing plenty of other things. Geez I wonder why you've chosen to direct your comments at me and not Igaf?

      • -1

        Just choosing not to give money to a company that makes all men out to be woman-hating deadbeat dads. The best a man can get is a condescending lecture that makes him out to be a thug? I don't think so.

              • @G-rig: It was a really big deal a few years ago. It wasn't just on the Guardian. Gillette got a lot of backlash and pulled it. Any company that wants to lecture me on morality, imply all men are toxic, and hold me accountable for the actions of the worst men doesn't get a cent from me. It's not rocket science, and it's not a major protest. You just don't give money to people who abuse you if you don't have to.

                  • -2

                    @G-rig: I wish I was claiming that I never used good that were made unethically. Your point of course is that such is impossible. I still don't have to choose to give my money to a company that insults me.

        • +1

          You’re not wrong mate. That was a seriously shit ad. I remember seeing it on TV and being appalled, can’t believe I forgot about it. Must be because there was so much similar material around at the time and like you say they had to take it down after all the complaints. Good riddance.
          Especially the part where his mate stopped him from chasing after the hot chick and said “not cool”. He might have been about to hook up a date, possibly leading to his future family and that is supposed to be “not cool “.

          Hey what razors are you using syousef and do they give a really close shave?
          I haven’t really been that impressed with my Gillette fusions. Might even go back to Mach 3 like g-rig unless you have a better solution?

          • @Skatez: I have thick arabic facial hair, shave once or sometimes twice a week, and I find most twin or triple blade disposables are fine. I just avoid the cheap no-name brands because those suckers do hurt and leave my face looking like it's been in a war. Zero brand loyalty and I buy them in bulk if they're on special and I've used them at least once so I know they won't be wasted.

            Can't wait for someone to come after me and tell me how wasteful I am using disposables. So I'll also tell you I clean and re-use them until they are blunt and hurt to shave with. As soon as starts scraping and not shaving, I pull out a new one. A single disposable will last 2-4 weeks typically. I probably have about 3 years of blades in my cupboard, so I don't have to think about it. None of them from Gillette. I ran out of those about 3-4 years ago.

            You don't need to spend $30 on a handle, and take out a loan to buy something with more blades than a wind farm to shave.

            • +1

              @syousef: 🤣😂🤣 Cool bro, sounds good and I don’t think it counts in a bad way environmentally if it is an essential item. Thanks for the reply 👍

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