Like the facebook page and fill in the form to claim your free 4GB USB!!
Ends 6pm 28th October 2012 - HURRY!
Like the facebook page and fill in the form to claim your free 4GB USB!!
Ends 6pm 28th October 2012 - HURRY!
Is this legit?
Literally just one way to find out. Cheers OP!
And therein lies the valueless nature of Facebook's 'Like' system;
people willing to enhance the reputation of a company with which they've had no prior contact, on the promise of receiving a discount. 'Likes' are not worth the energy required to click the damn button.
i would hardly consider 'liking' something "enhancing its reputation"
if you assess a company by how many likes it has, then you are an idiot
I fully agree; so what are 'Likes' for?
FB measuring system for how opinionated you are
By 'liking' a page, you will get constant updates on your wall page. Considering some people won't 'unlike' this page until they receive their free USB, they'll have a window of 2-3 weeks to promo garbage.
just use a fake fb account.
mine is full of wall posts and crap from pages i liked just to get a freebie.
I hope so, I just gave them my email :(
you use your real email address for facefail? hahahaha
i would be very surprised if this is any more than email gathering for spamming but who knows. glad i have my facebook email going into a gmail account i never use so no loss either way :D
just make a dedicated spam email, if you do regularly sign up for stuff through ozbargain
I hope so, I just gave them your email :)
Is this legit?
A page not appearing to belong to anyone in particular that is mousetrapped, and is asking for your personal information. Is it legit? I doubt it.
It belongs to, check the root of the Facebook link and you'll see they sell piles of garbage. There isn't enough personal information in the page that Telstra hasn't leaked multiple times.
All I can say is Freetober isn't finished yet, thanks OP.
They put a fair amount of effort into their website if it ain't legit (not that that proves anything). And the same item appears on their site too:…
This page was not found from my iPhone. Is there another link?
It's a Facebook app
Nice! One for me and one for mum :o)
Or none for me and a slap from mum :'(
Cool stuff.
Hope we get it
dunno, couple people on ozbargain seem to register multiple times and abuse free giveaways leading to a stuff up towards the end where everybody cant get 1 :(
There will always be people out there doing those kind of stuff. They may have to go through the registered and disregard the duplicates, giving out 1 per person
I feel the quality of the USB will be very questionable
but for free, might as well try
—also i assume the USB will be branded with the 'promotions only' logo an details
that is, after all, what they do.
nothing a standard blade cant scratch off though
Keep the receipt for refund and warranty purposes :-)
Agree though.. would not trust it with anything important.
I wonder if the "hogs" will get to it and try to order 20 or 30 then brag about it later?
Anyway if we get one thats good… if not, heyyyy :-)
how do you get it?
I don't see it either.
seems like it's gone. doesnt link to the app anymore
I think it's been finished. The link doesn't working.
ahhh poo
deal expired?
yup. looks like it.
dead :(
please mark as expired and yeah i took my "Like" back.
Good, i was beginning too think i was too retarded to find the form…
lies are free
USB 1.1 for sure
where is the dislike button… 9 usb sticks only?
you know a deal has been ozbargained when the offer expires before the official end date
promotions only? ozbargained only
Maybe they noticed the extra 1000+ likes in the last 1.5 hours. OzBargained!
yup was around 1800 likes when i first looked. now 2700 :)
wow, looks like i got it before they had to take it down, wondering if i'll really get a usb drive at all actually..
where is this form to fill out? i liked but nothing happened.
There is no form. The giveaway seems to be over.
not working…been trying for about 2.5hrs now
Apologies fans.
The server form went down. ozbargained!.
I have put the form back up and happy to provide you with a free usb for your like.
Apologies for the inconvenience
Promotions Only
I can still see the form, however I've filled it in before this was expired.
Anyone who negs WILL GET SHOT!
I got it in the nick of time!
Hello Ozbargainers
Due to the overwhelming demand we are going to have to shut down the promotion early.
Get your details in as it closes at 6pm tonight, Sunday 28th October
Stay tuned for a new promotion in the coming weeks
Apologies for all the excitement
Promotions Only
At least we know its somewhat legit :D
l think l might have put my address wrong, can l pm you to fix it?
Sure. Just PM your postal address and the email address you used on the online form and Ill fix that up for you.
Promotions Only
Your setting does not allow new PM?
worked ok for me just now
"closes at 6pm tonight, Sunday 28th October"
so it's meant to work :)
yes, lol, some people posted above it wasn't working for them!!
it wasn't working for a while, but they've re-activated the deal :)
So how exactly does this work?
We click 'like' and put in our details and then we're given a 4GB USB? What's in it for the promoter?
Can we just 'like', put in our details, and then simply 'unlike'?
you can unlike when you get your USB :)
There are a fair few peeps posting on their wall asking about the link. The reply from Promotions Only is to send them a PM with your details if the above link doesn't work. Their page is Hope this helps.
Or there seems to be a new link on their facebook page that you can only seem to see on the desktop facebook page.
in before 6pm!
I wish they'd make their mind up, it's just after 5pm AEST so this should run for another hour.
I noticed that their graphic said AEST so I edited the deal and then saw posts saying it had expired so changed it back to AEDT.
Now the graphic says AEDT.
daylight savings: a pain in the ass for all
4 minutes too late. lol. :(
damn :(
Has anyone actually received their freebies? The only freebie I got was the Pantene shampoo/conditioner sample…
1 year 6 months later…
closed this morning !
That would be why the deal is marked as expired.
Thanks for the overwhelming support for our USB giveaway!
Apologies to those of you who experienced a difficulty accessing the form on Sunday afternoon as our website crashed due to the high demand.
We originally wanted to run the giveaway until midday today, but as of sunday afternoon we were already over our quota level and had to stop the offer at 6pm.
If you had trouble submitting your address details at the time of your 'like' (before 6pm yesterday) please private message our team through Facebook.
For those of you who 'liked us' after midday on Sunday there will be a slight delay in posting your free USB. We have ordered more stock and it should be arriving within two weeks. We will send them out as soon as they arrive!
Thanks again for your support.
Promotions Only
thanks for the update, I was a late Sunday liker so I'll be in the second shipment ;0)
unless i did my math wrong, the deal was only posted after midday sunday.
so we'll all be on the late shipment.
Heaps good! just what i wanted to hear. 2 weeks and another to post. still a freebies a freebie :)
The giveaway was posted on OzBargain at midday Sunday the 28th, but was originally launched through Facebook on Monday 15th October.
Promotions Only
the power of ozbargain ;)
It had been almost one month, I still does not receive my usb. Can you check whether you have send it out ?
you could try sending them a PM, but i doubt they'll reply.
They haven't been online since 4 November
I have received it; thanks PromotionsOnly
wow that was quick. did you sign up after it was posted on OZB or before? and which state?
Signed up after it was posted on Ozb; and I'm from Brisbane, QLD
I received mine today too. Thank you Promotions Only!
got mine today (in adelaide), black one too looks cool. ran a verify/speed test on all 4gb and was fine. definitely worth the asking price
Test finished without errors.
You can now delete the test files *.h2w or verify them again.
Writing speed: 4.79 MByte/s
Reading speed: 15.2 MByte/s
H2testw v1.4
thanks got mine today too tasmania
got mine today and I have to say the build quality is surprisingly good :D
are they durable enough to have on your keyring as intended?
Yes, It looks & feels like a real key
Got mine A++
Sweet. Got mine today - Melbourne.
Received today with thanks.
got mine as well. thank you
Got mine today! Very high quality as far as I can tell and the speeds are like any other USB 2.0 sticks.
done and done