This was posted 12 years 5 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Scrabble Deluxe - $26 Delivered


This normally retails for around $80-$100 in Australia, Ozgameshop were the cheapest I found at $55.

Use the code above to get 10% off.

Price should be £6.97 - 10% discount (£6.27) + £9.99 Delivery = £16.26 x 1.553 (GBP-AUD) = $25.25

A special Scrabble set with good looks and improved functionality. Features a low-profile, in-built turntable.
Contents include: 4 Racks, 100 Tiles, Tile Bag, Rules Sheet, Playing board with pin locking system and 4 letter distribution cards
Age 10+

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closed Comments

  • -1

    shipping is

    Royal Mail Airmail £9.99

    thats so expensive!!!.. thehut/zavvi normally only charges £0.99

    • +4

      probably why these guys don't get too many deals posted on here, good job the discount is so big on the game to make up for the expensive shipping.

  • +1

    awesome thanks I just bought it. Board games are so expensive for what they are!! and no one seems to mind. the only thing more of a price rort is birthday/christmas/greeting cards

  • Grabbed one for my mum, thanks.

  • +7
    • Never mind.

  • Thanks OP! Nice find. The old scrabble board is dying and looks like a good one to get :D

  • in-built turntable

    Looks like a good price but gonna stick with my original Scrabble set. Turning the board and having to be careful not to muss the letters up forms part of the game.

    • I think the board has grids on it to keep the tiles in place.

      • Yeah, I know but… it's just this whole awesomeness overload thing. Why does a Scrabble board need to do that?

        There's so much unnnecessary cleverness these days that things begin to lose their original charm.

        • +2

          so that there isn't any fighting about who the board faces.

        • Why do you feel your personal preference needs to be voiced? Attention seekers rolls eyes

        • tenyearguarantee

          We normally turn the board to face the person whose go it is. I thought everyone did that?


          Erm… your post is a little strange to be commenting on, but given you're a body bulker the hostility and confusion is understandable so you're forgiven.

  • Thanks for posting this… Just grabbed one =)

  • +2

    very good deal, and very tempted to get it.
    but honestly i feel i would only be playing scrabble to justify the purchase

  • got 1 cheers mate for the find &effort to post!!

  • Seems like a good deal, but there are many different deluxe versions out there…. I'd be concerned it might be this fairly plasticky one (…) in which case a standard version might be better…..

    • that one has a 'raised grid' for keeping tiles in place
      not the pin-locking system of the OP one

    • yeh the part number MATN7861 of the OP's post matches the clevelandsdiecast link so it looks the goods.

  • +9
    • +4

      Bugger… wish you'd posted before I purchased! Still, $25 not too bad for Scrabble

    • +5

      After looking at the Amazon reviews, I now regret this purchase.

    • +1

      Was considering purchasing this till I read those reviews. Thanks! Considering the RRP one would expect better quality especially with the term 'Deluxe'

    • +2

      I was in the checkout section about to puchase, when I thought to read all the comments here. Bad reviews by all on Amazon. Thanks for pointing it out.

  • +6

    And here I was playing scrabble standard like a peasant.

  • I just bought but no paypal confirmation or anything………. could be a lost $25

    • I got paypal confirmation..

    • -1

      I got my paypal conf also, works out to be $26.36.

  • Good price but the reviews aren't very good

  • Is the checkout button not working for anyone else?

    • yeah didn't for me - had to do the usual (disable noscript, ghostery, etc).

  • +2

    damn yeah i bought mine from toysrus for around 90 bucks last year

    it looks so much better than the original crappy scrabble card boards

  • Whats the coupon for?

    • To get it at the price it is listed for, so u get yr 10% off… :/

  • looks like they are all gone :(

  • Snagged one yesterday

  • I cant find it! must have sold out, or if it was a mistake, they have worked it out and removed it from their site. dammit!!! Hubby requested this for christmas!!

  • Just got a refund for this. They must of cancelled the order. Thats poor customer service no email at all

    • No refund received on my end, perhaps you were too late? I placed my order around 2PM on Sunday.

    • I received a refund also (notification from PayPal). I requested my order be cancelled though, so I assumed it was a result of that. Now I'm not sure how the refund came about but happy that it did.

      (Purchased 28/10/12, ~1.30PM)

    • +5

      Just in case you haven't received it, I just got this through from buy4less:

      Good Morning,
      First of all I would like to apologise for the follow message, there was a major computer error on Friday and Saturday 26th and 27th of October and some of our items have been relisted with the incorrect price on them, you have bought one of these, Deluxe scrabble, we are unable to fulfil this order as we do not at present have this item in stock to send out to you. The item should not have been relisted.
      We are at present trying to find out what caused this error so it does not happen again.
      I can only apologise for this and I have now fully refunded you for this order.



      • +1

        Got the same email

      • -3

        Same email here, and refunded in full

  • +3

    Yeah, got it too. It's actually wrong: "you have bought one of these"
    Uhm, nope, I bought two! :)
    Oh well, refund received. Kind of relieved, after reading the reviews of Amazon.

    • Heh, agreed… actually quite happy with the refund lol

  • yeah got refunded.. used 28 degrees card… depends on the current rate, may lose money in conversion..

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