Beware 5% Cashback from Declined (and Customer Service Is Shocking)

I've had great experiences with topcashback to date (cashback seems to track quickly, they offer better rates and conditions than some other stores etc.).

Despite a fairly poor experience on a previous attempt to purchase from, I thought I'd give it another crack.

What happened previously is I contacted customer 'service' after the site refused to process any of my payment methods. They responded to tell me my transaction wasn't successful 🙄 and instructed me to check with my bank/try layer - before promptly closing the ticket. Of course, they didn't bother to read my request which spelled out clearly that I'd tried for several weeks with about 4 different payment methods, confirmed with my bank that the issue lay with with giftz and not the card/bank etc.

I made another purchase, this time for the $150 giftz branded gift card that is described on the site as follows - The Giftz eGift Card can be used to purchase any eGift Card available on, giving you access to hundreds of brands so you can choose exactly where you want to shop!"

I tried to redeem the giftz branded gift card yesterday and was frustrated to find it wouldn't work. Meanwhile, my money is tied up with this lot (and still is).

I contacted them again via email, explaining that I'd purchased the e-gift card and wanted to redeem it but it wasn't working (there's some kind of issue with the security code on the card). Their response was pretty unbelievable…

"We apologize for the inconvenience while placing the order. The order you placed was not able to be fulfilled due to a technical issue during the fulfillment process. Note that gift cards cannot be used to buy other gift cards."

Surely this is just down to yet another case of their apparently Australia based customer service lacking the most basic reading comprehension. If not, it's straight up fraud.

I asked them what the point of the giftz gift card that's advertised on their own website as being able to be used to purchase other gift cards if they have a policy against using it? They haven't replied. It looks like they've closed the ticket after their dismal attempt to answer my question (again) 🙄.

I thought the current issue was frustrating enough to deal with when I learned this afternoon that they ALSO declined my cashback on this transaction (giftz, not topcashback)! I was very careful to remain within the bounds of their terms and conditions to remain eligible for cashback but it seems they're prone to a little 'creative interpretation' of their own rules and policies.

If they want to change the rules, that's fine but they can't do it retrospectively.

I've lodged a claim with topcashback to have the denial reviewed.

I don't know how they normally handle this sort of thing but I'm sincerely hoping it leads to a review of their business relationship with Were it me, I'd want to avoid subjecting my customers to this sort of poor experience.

I'm interested to hear of other's experiences with this store (giftz), whether via cashback or directly.

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TopCashback AU
TopCashback AU


  • @TopCashback AU Rep

    Now's your time to shine

    • +1

      Not really TCB's issue though, from reading OP, seems to be more about

      • now that i spent 84 years reading that titanic double vhs collectors edition length post - yes, this does seem to be a issue.

        i literally just skipped to the

        I've lodged a claim with topcashback to have the denial reviewed.

        bit and thought Id tag rep.

        • +1

          Yeah understandable!

        • +3

          The way I see it is that there are two separate issues, although it also took me a while to comprehend it…

          • The fact that customer service is saying a Giftz eGift Card cannot be used to purchase a gift card on Giftz is bizarre and worrying, because I thought that was the whole point (and only purpose) of a Giftz eGift Card. Assuming this was Giftz customer service saying this, this is in my view a Giftz problem.

          • The fact that cashback has been denied appears to be a TopCashback problem, because it looks like the exclusions list on TopCashback is not up-to-date. I suggest this, because MyAMEXShop has already updated their exclusions list to specifically mention Giftz eGift Cards. I guess you could argue that Giftz could do better to ensure their partners’ websites are up-to-date, but at the end of the day, the (likely) out-of-date terms are on TopCashback’s website.

        • Aw, come on. You didn't like my essay? Completely fair point. Writing succinctly isn't my strong point!

          I appreciate you tagging the rep. Didn't know you could do that.

      • No, technically it's not, but if I were the TCB rep, I'd certainly be pretty concerned if this were happening to our customers after navigating to/purchasing from one of the retailers linked on our website.

        Whether it's reasonable or not (and to be clear I don't think it is!), I'd be concerned that the good bame/reputation of TCB would be 'tarred with the same brush'.

        • -1

          definitely should at least address it even to say if it is or isnt their issue as they are trying to build a brand name on this platform..that is already well dominated by SB and CR

  • ChatGPT
    The writer shares positive experiences with TopCashback but recounts frustration with Despite a previous unsuccessful attempt to purchase, they tried again, buying a $150 gift card. However, when trying to redeem it, they encountered issues. After contacting customer service, they were informed the purchase couldn't be fulfilled due to a technical issue and were told gift cards can't be used to buy other gift cards, contrary to the website's claim. Additionally, their cashback for the transaction was declined by Giftz. The writer questions the integrity of Giftz's customer service and expresses hope that TopCashback will reconsider their relationship with Giftz due to the poor experience. They invite others to share their experiences with Giftz.

    • And further summarised:

      The writer shares a positive experience with TopCashback but frustration with Despite a failed purchase attempt, they bought a $150 gift card from Giftz, only to find it couldn't be redeemed due to technical issues. Customer service's response contradicted the website's claims about gift card usage. Additionally, their cashback was declined. The writer questions Giftz's integrity and hopes TopCashback will reconsider their relationship. They seek others' experiences with Giftz.

      • And further:

        The writer faced frustration with despite a positive experience with TopCashback. They bought a $150 gift card from Giftz but couldn't redeem it due to technical issues. Customer service's response contradicted the website's claims, and their cashback was declined. The writer doubts Giftz's integrity and wants TopCashback to review their relationship. They seek others' experiences with Giftz.

        • Hmmmm. That's embarassing. Might need to do that next time.

  • +1

    Hi @PleaseNotChokey, thank you for bringing this to our attention. I work for and will be addressing these issues. Firstly, I can confirm the Giftz eGift card can be used to purchase any eGift Card on, I will be investigating our customer service response to yourself and escalate internally . Could you please private message me the issue you’re experiencing with your Giftz eGift card? Secondly, we have a number of products that are excluded from any of partnership programs which is stated on our website in the terms of sale: under ordering and payment item number 4. This information is shared with our publishers however I will reach out to TopCahsback and get them to update their T&Cs.

    • I have shopped via both cashback sites many times and all cashbacks were declined. Shopback added special terms much later after my purchases and now your store was supended on it. Why would you even bother to participate such a scheme?

      In short, only trashes are cashback eligible.

    • +1


  • OP must be new as there are allot of posts about declined cashback transactions.

    • Giftz is real culprit here, who probably tricked them to promote but refused to pay sale commission later. Hence, Shopback has suspended it.

      I am not surprised that TCB ditches it later coz only trashes are cashback eligible, which causes more trouble than benefit. Feel free to check out its exclusion list. FYI, Cashrewards has never listed it.

  • Hi all, thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will be reviewing our partnership with Giftz to see if we can come to a better solution for all.

  • Hi everyone, just a quick update to let you know that we've worked through these issues with and they have agreed to honour the cashbacks from transactions prior to 15th February. We have also agreed to continue our partnership with Giftz - please see their merchant page live here: Please make sure to read all the cashback terms and exclusions.

    • The Giftz rep above said the list of exclusions for cashback programs is listed in the Giftz terms of sale, and is currently listed as:

      Giftz eGift Card, All Activ Visa variations, Mobile Pay digital Mastercard, Spending Money Mastercard, Pocket Money Mastercard, 7-Eleven, Appliances Online, David Jones, Bunnings, Big W, BWS, EG Fuel Card, Dan Murphy's, Woolworths Supermarket, Everyday WISH, Webjet, H&M, Harvey Norman, Flight Centre, and Total Tools

      However, the list of exclusions on TopCashback currently looks different:

      all Active Visa variations, Mobile Pay digital Mastercard, Appliances Online, Uber, Uber Eats, David Jones, Bunnings, Restaurant Choice, Big W, BWS, EG Fuel Card, Dan Murphey's, Woolworths Supermarket, WISH, Village Cinema, Webjet, H&M, Harvey Norman, Flight Centre and Total Tools purchases.

      Can you please confirm whether the list of exclusions on TopCashback is actually correct?

      • @WookieMonster the exclusion list on our website is the most up-to-date. We've refined our exclusion list with to give you the best possible outcome.

        • +1

          What’s the current exclusion list? The link is empty but still says up to 7% off

  • I have raised this issue in the comments section of other posts.
    its a known issue, along with the ghost $2500 daily limit, and something they refuse to resolve. (randomly flags you as going over a daily limit when you havent)
    I have just made a transaction through myamexshop, which got reversed, despite i having an extensive purchase history with giftz.
    I made two more transactions that were accepted, outside the myamexshop environment after the reversal, on the same day.
    I would suggest everyone in similar situations to files disputes with the myamexshop cashback system and let amex deal with it. at least amex is privy to my transaction history and can shut down any claims of suspicious transaction justifications.

    I have also stated before, when giftz does this, machine learning will start to flag you as a suspicious transaction on other platforms unless its nipped in the bud.
    @AustinBlack how about you realize there is a problem and rather than placating a few people here by "looking into it" instead action a resolution?

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