Commbank Yello Rewards Locked

Hey everyone,

Ive had a Commbank credit card and then the Smart Access everyday transaction account, and I had the Yello offers show up. But around Dec23-Jan24, they stopped completely.

Googling it up shows some OzB threads where a lot of members are complaining about it not showing up with a response of "do x amount of transactions" for it to re-appear.

So ive done like 30 transactions (zip pay payments - dont know if those count) in Jan, and Feb offers are still not showing up.

Sent them a message too, no response.

Interestlingly in the main page it says "Your offers are locked", whereas if you scroll down and click "View All", then the gear icon, it has an option to "Opt out of offers" implying I have opted in.

Has anyone managed to get the offers back by have the transactions condition met?

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  • +1

    Have you tried contacting Commbank?

    • +1

      Sent them a message too, no response.

      • +1

        They only reply to messages sent from your Yello Rewards account.

    • Checked my email again:

      "Thank you for contacting CommBank Awards Team.

      Unfortunately, we are unable to assist you with your enquiry/request as this is out of our scope.

      Please contact Direct Banking Team on 13 222 1, visit or visit any CommBank Branch to get the right assistance with your enquiry/request.

      Please Note: We're unable to forward emails to Direct Banking Team as they can only assist with enquiries/request that are received via phone on 13 222 1. Direct Banking Team will need to speak to the customer and authenticate the account for security reasons before actioning any banking related enquiries and requests.

      Thank you."

      • Calling them always works better than messaging them, although who knows how long you'll be on hold.

      • Yep - thats the bank that just made $5b profit.

        Mate, they have so many departments I once went in there (with appointment) as new president of a club to deal with changing everything over to new committee members, and had to SEPERATELY deal with the EFT machine department, the Commbiz department and the accounts department.

        Spent two hours there with other committee members on THREE occasions, and the accounts stuff was sorted, but nothing else was, and remained not sorted for almost 12 months after. Also got nasty letter we had to pay for EFT machines we had handed in because apparently we hadn't, then when they said they were going to collect them from us they went to some office in Queensland, as that was the address they were registered to. We were a go-kart club solely based in WA. Nothing to do with Melbourne.

        The profit is obviously made by having no customer service of any kind.

        I'd like to say they are the worst but our personal bank isn't THAT much better.

        • The bigger the corps get, the slower/more inefficient they become esp if competition isnt much

  • +4

    Mine's been locked since they introduced it…

    • +1

      Mine works, use it all the time.

  • From the Yello FAQ:

    You’re unable to claim cashback if you use a payment platform like Afterpay, Zip or PayPal.

    • +3

      I think OP is talking about hitting the 30 transactions in order to get Yello Everyday Plus using Zip Pay payments, rather than missing out on cashback due to using Zip.

      But I think it is possible the Zip payments are not counting towards the transaction total.

  • +3

    Don't worry, you are not missing out on much. The offers are crap.

    • Just after the Amber offer to switch providers, that one has a unique code generated.

      • What's the offer?

        • Save $120 off your energy bill with Amber

      • Just put an offer in classifieds, I'm sure there are pple that won't be using theirs.

  • might be minimum monthly spend to unlock?

    • 5 x $1 spend unlocked it for me.

      • lol I take it back then

      • Do you have to wait for the transactions to finalise?

  • +2

    Commbank offers are useless most of the time anyway. You get better than that by joining amex for a month and churn if you don't like it

  • +1

    I was able to unlock Yello by doing 5 x $1 transactions at Coles selfserve checkout, after they were no longer pending.

    I tried doing 5 X $1 Beem transactions but no luck with that.

    • +1

      Thank you, could be that Zip Pay isnt counted, will try normal transactions then.

    • I do Paypal to transfer 1c x 5 times, which has worked for months.

  • 3 x $1 transactions at Coles and 2 x $1 transfers to another bank accounts did the trick for me.

  • +1

    pretty sure zip pay aren't counted, 5x$2 debit card payments against my water bill does it for me ($2 is the lowest amount they accept)

  • My Yello offers are unlocked and I hardly do any purchases except lottery tickets. Most of my transactions are bpay credit card payments, internal account transfers, mortgage direct debits.

  • Yes, I have.

    I did 5 x transactions to a non CBA bank account, but used my PayID that contained my name. I thought it would be fine because it was a different bank. But when I asked them, they said it doesn't qualify because it's to an account I own.

    After I chatted with them via the app and got the below explanation, I did 5 transfers to the same bank account, but instead of using PayID I used BSB and Account number, and made sure my address book didn't have my name in it for that account, and Yello unlocked next business day.

    They must have a very rudimentary name checking system in place.


    Below was the response from the chat agent:

    I can see what the problem is. You need to
    make at least 5 completed outbound
    transactions per month to be eligible for
    Yello Rewards.
    These need to be made to third parties.
    Payments or transfers to an account
    where you're the account holder, joint
    account holder or a cardholder are not
    considered a payment or transfer to a third
    You need to make either 5 card purchases
    or transfer that are not to yourself. The
    below transaction are not eligible.

    • +1

      but instead of using PayID I used BSB and Account number, and made sure my address book didn't have my name in it for that account

      I don't think they are checking against the Address book name. I sent it using BSB/Acct to a non-CBA account, with my name in address book, and it unlocked Yello.

      • Beats me then! 🤷🏻‍♂️

        • +1

          Banks have never been diligent on checking who the BSB/Acc target is - just look at all those people who have been scammed sending transfers to modified BSB/Acc details, or people depositing money to a typo'd account number.

          Its one simple thing that would stop so many scams and incorrect transfers - if the bank did a check and confirmed account name details with who you're wanting to transfer to

          • @aragornelessar: That's why I assume it was just an address book check or something…nothing to do with the actual, real account holder info. I have no idea why/how they knew it was my account at another bank, other than the PayID.

            • +1

              @John Kimble: Ah I gotcha now. PayID gives you a name reference though isnt it? When you do a PayID transfer (via mobile number or email), it tells you the name of the owner of that PayID. That never happens with BSB/Acc in my experience with bank transfers. I reckon thats how they saw you owned both (or at least someone with the same name as you)

    • How long after making payments did they activate yello?

  • I used bsb and account transfer for $1 to my accounts and that works fine.
    I also do a BPAY to waterbill 5 x $1 too

    Both setup weekly.

  • -1

    Any yello members not going to use the free 12month “kit” membership sign up code ?

    I would love to try it out on my OzBargain kids to teach them chores for cash/savings.

    Thanks in advance
    Ozb parent.

  • +1

    Commbank Yello has removed benefits to credit card holders. thats what I was told. Used to work for my with my mastercard but no more. Benefits are locked is all I am getting since commbank yello started.

    new eligibility criteria here ->

    I ended up opening a smart access account and just served one month waiting period and made 30 transactions. My yello rewards are back as of today

    • yeah mine got unlocked this month too, i did the whole transaction thing in feb, opened a month later.

  • i stopped getting offers soon after Commbank Yello was introduced. I've got a cba credit card i solely used for reward offers and a debit MC linked to a CDIA account. so i guess for me to requalify i would now have to open a new Everyday account? if one opens a Streamline Basic account cba waive the requirement to deposit 2k for concession card holders like health but would such account qualify still for the Yello offers or does it have to be a smart access every day account only?

  • Yello is locked and ive never seen an off. Don't know how to unlock. Seems utterly useless.

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