Just wondering if anyone has anyone done the numbers on costs for using tank water with an electric pump vs mains water?
Obviously tank water is free if you can gravity feed it or have solar but when you need to pump it with an electric pump is it still going to work out cheaper?
Water Tank (Pump Electricity) Vs Mains Water Cost

The prices involved are so small it isn't even worth thinking about.
Still paying sewer fees if they run sewer past your property (even if you're not connected)
Key factor would be the capacity of the water tank.
The pump on your tank only comes on when you need it to, hardly worth worrying about IMO. But healthy water from your tank (filtered through a ceramic filter for drinking, or some other whole house filter) priceless.
Don't forget to add fluoride
Optional if you wear a tin foil hat.
You may get free bugs and taste depending on where you live.
You would just filter it though. I've lived on a property with only rain water.
The services charges make up most of the water bill. The usage isn't that much. You'd need be off mains water for it to be worth it.
You need to factor in pump replacement costs, most of the pumps provided by project home developers are low quality. In most cases tanks are more trouble than they are worth, also charged stormwater systems can damage your house.
Tanks are definitely worth it for rural, remote or large blocks that need irrigation.
You are looking at about 1.5kWh per kl (https://www.sydneywater.com.au/content/dam/sydneywater/docum…), work that out with your electricity price and water supply charge.