Just got the email for another free Minimix from the Crave series. Last one was good. Only a 10 minute mix, but hey its free.
Just got the email for another free Minimix from the Crave series. Last one was good. Only a 10 minute mix, but hey its free.
searching this album on torrent last night but can't find it yet
anyone got album 1-6 want to share? :)
Nice one :-)
is this really a bargain? I've never heard of a DJ charging for their mixes
This is THE BEST for hip-hop fans
what an idiot.
shakes head
is this really a bargain?
yes, if it free
I've never heard of a DJ charging for their mixes
which planet are you on?
$28 Crave Vol. 7
Yeah too many oldies here, go to Sanity and you will find 2-3 DJ mixes in the top 40's
Such a cheesy crappy mix! Absolutely hated it.
Clearly music is a personal choice but this is no reason to neg, If I negged a free Aerosmith song I would get flamed
Having said that this is very current music and the style of hip-hop/dance is what most young people listen to
So your either a really big nerd or most likely an old fart
Or your just a commercial mainstream turd who bops to what ever is played on the radio, just because.. it's played on the radio..
Go listen to some flo-rida you drop kick.
Regardless of musical taste, these mixes are so poorly done, no skill what so ever. I can't believe this garbage is actually sold, for money!
More Importantly, a minimix promotion is not a bargain. This was never intended to be sold.
Not a bargain.
so you listen to Aerosmith while clubbing? Sure some rock songs can be played at the club, but leave the DJs to do the mixing.
How is this a bargain.
Please read the Voting Guidelines before voting.
Please let us know how you can legally do this?
2 u* can download all the songs in her mixes for free regardless.
Music taste varies person to person, this is ozbargain, not ozmusictastes
If you can get something for free that your normally have to pay for, then in my books it is a bargain.
This tells me other ozbargainers agree
Looks like no one watched SBS last night… I thought she represented Australia well in the 1st Asian "Eurovison".