Samsung Purposely Knives Customer's TV to Weasel out of Repair

Pinned top comment contains the latest update from the customer @saywhat7414

All types of BS from Samsung and Reddit on this one, even worse than the 70% feedback rating on Samsung Australia's eBay store

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  • +4

    Damn, that's some shocking eBay feedback.

    They're were also the most complained about company to NSW Fair trading in August last year -…

  • +1


  • +3

    F Samsung

    Had a ****ed experience with their redemption process for bonus watch6 if I had known it was going to be such a **** around I would have just got another iPhone lol

    • -1


  • Press S

  • +2

    Wow, that's a shocking story.

    Original reddit post…

    Video ( jump to 15:18 to see damage)

    After I had an issue with a Samsung order, I attempted to contact the company through various means and never got an response.

    One attempt was via Samsung members. Some of the other posts were shocking. As an example, here's Samsung reselling a returned product -…

    • +3

      Looks like reddit took down that post. Dodgy AF

      • Shocking, but not surprising.

    • +1

      Samsung has no clue as to Australian consumer law.

      Makes ed offers first without telling restrictions.
      Comes back later and claims that they take govt bribes.
      So if you don't bribe them then it is full price?

  • So buy a Sony OLED then?

  • -3

    NGL though but 1 dodgy repairman doesn't represent the whole company.
    Also is it just me or is it a bit fishy that the guy was recording his living room?

    • +3

      Most likely it happens all the time and no one knew because most people don't record their living room.

      • Most likely it happens all the time

        /s right?

    • -2

      You didn't watch the video did you?

      • Oooh
        What did you see that no one else did?

  • +2

    Is there a tldr?

    • +26

      Guy orders a tv. Reports screen blemish. Tech comes to fix it. Guy says the TV stand was unlevelled during repair. Tech comes to fix it. Later the guy finds another dead pixel. Same tech comes and while the guy is out of the room, knifes the screen. Guys warranty is voided due to the cut. Guy had hidden camera footage to show the tech knifed the screen. Samsung says sorry and gives him a new TV.

  • +3

    Lucky the camera was facing the right side of the TV, who knows what would have happened if he cut it on the left.

    Just to add a few speculations on why he did cut it:
    1 - They are contractors by Samsung and get paid more (commission etc..) on non-warranty repairs
    2 - They are Samsung employees but was instructed by upper management to try void warranties and do dodgy stuff like this
    3 - From the commentator: He didn't have the spare part in his truck thus waiting 1 to 2 hours for the spare part but he didn't want to wait

  • +3

    dodgy samsung, its always been

  • -1

    still wont repair my S7 after it was exposed to water and ACCC ruled in our favour re:water damage and then the battery vented, the battery venting opened the phone, so i removed the battery and doing this was tamper damage. I had to keep a warranty denied battery venting phone (pictures of venting) until ACCC ruled to get a refund.
    thinking of going NCAT

    • +1

      Phone? As in from 2016?

      • yes issues happened in 2018 within the warranty period

  • +6

    Samsung would not have instructed the technician to do this.

    However Samsungs warranty procedures possibly foster or encourage avoiding repairs and ended up creating this behaviour.

    • -3

      You didn't watch the video, it answers this.

      • -2

        Who would watch such a slow talker that only complains.

  • +2

    This is the update from the customer:

    Thank you so much for covering this. I loved the video and your way of telling the story. When you reached out asking to use the video, I was not aware of the history between you and Samsung (I have seen a video or 2 in the past, but they were about Amazon). Going back and watching your other videos, I am rethinking my stance of defending them like I have been the past few weeks. While I do have a lot of Samsung products, and I feel they are good quality for the most part…the other things they do, I am not ok with. It is pretty frustrating to learn that a company I respected, might not be so respectable after all.

    When my reddit post got deleted, I was devastated. The post was at 1.5 million views (after only 2 days) and had 500+ comments that I spent hours responding to. There was a lot of good, important discussion in there that is now gone (or is it gone? people are still commenting within the post)…but this video makes up for it (Streisand effect FTW). Funny enough, the post I made on the official Samsung reddit (r/samsung) is still there, because I was not allowed to upload the clip that I put in the other post, all I could do was explain the story and put a link to my youtube, so Samsung can't have reddit delete that one…its beautiful irony.

    Anyway, there are a few things I want to add to the story so hopefully this gets pinned. I'm not gonna go over stuff I covered in my video, you will have to watch that if you want all the details leading up to "THE CUT"…Here is what happened after:

    When I contacted Samsung (CEOs office) back on November 20th to inform them of the situation, I gave them the video, and told them I was going to release it on New Years day, so they should prepare for any backlash from it. I could have released it before Black Friday and maybe messed up their sales (if it went viral fast, which it could have), but I choose not to. They called me a week later, I spoke to someone named Christian in the CEOs office. He apologized, told me the guy was fired, said all the top brass watched the video and were appalled by it. He had the Service Center send me a new TV within a week (with free setup and takedown of the old one) and that was that, never heard from them again. Fast forward to yesterday (Feb 7th)…and I get a call from Samsung at 2:40pm. Funny enough, just 10 minutes before at 2:30pm, my reddit post was removed…

    The caller was Nick Webert, senior director of Care Field Service Operations. One of the first things out of his mouth was "I just saw your video the other day"…yeah right, there is no way he didn't see it 2 months ago, everyone at Samsung was probably talking about it. Anyway, we talked for 1 hour, he said they are going back through the technicians history, and calling all past costumers to see if they experienced any issues with him (great news). He then offered me a choice from the Samsung catalog as a "gift" because of what I went through (why not do that 2 months ago?), so I chose a Washer & Dryer that stack, and he agreed and promised to hook me up. From time to time during the conversation, he would switch into a different speech pattern, like he was reading a script that he didn't have time to rehearse. After telling me about the gift, he switches into reading mode (and it is really cringe, like the worst voice acting you ever heard), and says (this is word for word, I am listening to the recording as I type it out):

    "You know, this whole process really saddens me, and I know that the video is out there, is there any way, and btw, this is not in lieu of the gift, but is there any way you maybe could possibly pull that video down so we don't have that Samsung Care emblem and persons face on it that we are suppose to be protecting from PII Personal Identification Independence. We are suppose to be protecting them, and the video shows his face and his badge."

    Wow….he actually managed to say all that with a single breath. Honestly, I can't help but feel bad for the guy, because he obviously has a lot of pressure being put on him to fix this situation, but it is too late for that. They should have tried that 2 months ago, not that it would have done any good. He should be doing damage control, not cover up. Get in front and say "Look this happened, we trusted our employee and he betrayed us"…don't have reddit posts deleted, and definitely don't ask the victim to remove the video showing how he was victimized (TBH, I do not feel like a victim thanks to that video).

    Last thing…I want to explain how I was gullible enough to fall for the circuit breaker trick: When I called them about the problem, they asked me to unplug everything that was connected to the TV, so I unplugged everything (about 8 things between 2 surge protectors). When he asked me to flip the breaker, I thought about that, and thought to myself "Ok that is easier than unplugging everything"…If I had cameras around the room, he probably would have waited for the power to go out, so it wasn't only to distract me, but to cut the cameras off if there were any….so yeah, that is all. Thanks again Rossmann

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