- An Entrant is entitled to receive the following entries into the competition:
One entry when they enter their details online at wwwyourchancetowin.com.au
One entry when they complete a competition survey and/or request a topic sheet during an
online entry at www„yourchancetowin.com.au
One entry is available to an Entrant who:
completes and returns a competition ticket for entry into the competition, and
an additional entry should the ticket include a competition survey or questionnaire
that has also been completed by the Entrant.
Three entries for each family member, friend or acquaintance that an Entrant refersto a
Partner who may potentially utilise the services of the Partner. The family member, friend or
acquaintance must not have previously been introduced to the Partner or already be known
to the Partner.
One entry is available to each Entrant who:
books a phone consultation or physical appointment, and
- follows up the booking with a phone consultation, or
follows up the appointment with a physical appointment
with the Partner to investigate the possibilities Of using the Partner's services and/or to
discuss their financial situation.
Three entries will be available to each Entrant who completes or settles business with the
Partner. If a couple (two or more people) completes business with the Partner, then only one
person in the couple will receive the entries (not both).
One entry is available to each Entrant who contacts a Partner via:
SMS or social media
an email or other internet related contact
who specifically requests an entry into the competition.
Three entries are available to a Business Associate who refers one of their clients directly to
the Partner.
Three entries are available to each staff member Of a Business Associate who generates the
referral to the Partner.
This not a daily competition
Number Of entries permitted
20. Entrants will be limited toa maximum of one entry per week in relation to entries from clauses 14(a),
(c) and (g) in aggregate.
21. Entrants will be limited toa maximum of one additional entry every six (6) weeks in relation to
clause 14(b).