President Donald J. Trump lays out his professional and personal worldview in this classic work, a first-hand account of the rise of America's foremost deal-maker
Trump: The Art of The Deal Paperback $19.25 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon AU

Last edited 09/02/2024 - 20:58 by 2 other users

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@SBOB: Fair enough. I thought you were talking along the lines of what he would allow on 'X' and state in a political sense.
Agreed, he's a business man and will do what he has to in a business sense to stay as competitive as possible.
"Misinformation" or "Disinformation", the buzz words Liberals created to hide the truth.
Why are there negative votes? It's down $4?
There's a few snowflakes trying to make a political issue out of this excellent deal
Lefties have never been known for their math or reasoning skills.
Because people are Muppets and vote how they feel about Trump instead of the deal.. go figure, they do the same for Jordan Peterson.
According to CamelCamelCamel it’s down 25c from its regular Amazon price of $19.50. Going from that source, no, it’s not a deal.
Still too expensive for toilet paper.
90 cents for fuel when trumpet was in power. Food was cheap, Cheaper rent and interest rates by a mile. No wars. cant really compare that to biden he loves sniffing kids and eating ice cream and falling over.
You overestimate the effect of the leader on the economy. These factors had very little to do with them or their policies.
But no mean tweets.. so theres that 😂
Who was friends with known convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein? Was it…
A) Joe Biden
B) Donald Trump
SIte needs a 'sort by controversial' comments option!
Expensive toilet paper!
Scythic 55 min agonew-1
@vid_ghost: Is Covid an issue now? Suddenly it is just like a common flu, like he said.
Follow the money. Look up how much money the giant pharmaceutical companies made selling the so-called "vaccines" that do nothing.
The depth of plain ignorance here astounds me…How dare you claim that Covid vaccines do nothing. The J&J/Astrazenica can kill you with catastrophic blood clots and the Pfizer/Moderna can kill you with myocarditis.They're pretty good in that both types target younger people for causing premature death, when younger people are the least at risk from Covid. So what you do as a Public Health expert like Brett Sutton Order of Australia is dispense with any medical ethics and informed consent and use the coercive power of the State to force all the younger working age people to take them, with no mandates whatsoever for the older vulnerable population.
I would have thought trump would have paid more for us to order this rubbish
A book on how to be like a business man who took more risk and was consistently out performed by the stock market. Not to mention the complete lack of ethics, they should pay you to read it, that is the only valid deal on this book.
They would have to pay me to read this
Honestly don't understand how or why people are brainwashed into thinking either party in any 2 party system is going to treat them well. Yet you talk about a duopoly when grocery shopping and they seem to understand how it reduces competition and screws them over. No one who survives in politics at the moment is likely to have anyone else's interests at heart. Thinking that they will do anything for you is delusional. Neither the right or the left in any country is acting reasonably. If I even mention the obvious, blantant and destructive irrationality of either side I am at risk of both those mobs (and that is what they are) "cancelling" me. All this crazy in the name of fairness and freedom, of course. In any case how can anyone that claims to hold traditional values support a man who has been documented, and even seen on video behaving so badly?
Great Man. Great book. Highly recommend this book.
+1 all proceeds going to E. Jean Carroll <3
Trump would put fake Trump on the cover of time magazines on the walls of his hotels…. its commitment to something I guess.
A garbage book from a garbage human, ghost written by someone else. Why is this relevant now? Does Trumpy need help paying his legal bills?
What's the difference between this book and John Howards Lazarus Rising? Howards book has 880 pages so it burns for longer.
why simp any of these weird rich men
Because if you don't, the lefties win.
Not hating someone just for the fact that they are wealthy = simping. Got it.
What a steal, $20 to own the libs… I would love to know how many people faux fawning over this have actually ever read it.
Tramp no good
Donald Trump is one of the greatest presidents in American history, even though extreme left-wing Democrats and liberal media have posed significant obstacles during his presidency.
Look at America now, millions of refugees have been added within a year, North Korea didn't test missiles during his presidency, he withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal, assassinated Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps leaders, and Iran dared not support Houthi armed forces to block Red Sea traffic.
Look at the world now, China is eyeing Taiwan, Putin invaded Ukraine a few months ago, while Macron in Europe is still cozying up to Putin.
Moreover, now that the Democratic Party is in power in the United States, they are still smearing and witch-hunting Donald Trump. They resort to extreme measures to slander and defame someone whose approval rating surpasses the current president, Biden. This includes accusing him of sexually assaulting a woman older than him decades ago in a department store fitting room, and when the false accusations fail, they sue Trump for defamation demanding $84 million in compensation. Such tactics are truly sickening.
Surprisingly, there are still over sixty narrow-minded people disliking this comment.
Sadly you are wasting your breath.. You cant reason with NPC who are controlled by irrational emotions.
You might get neged for your comment but don't worry, morr people support what you believe than the snowflakes online.
?? I think your reply is meant for someone else bud.
I agree with you and up voted you.
That must be why he lost the popular vote, twice. #facts
Yes.. but there is a reason for that.
- Dem voters are mostly in cities
- Dems ballot harvest
- its easy to harvest an entire apartment block and dense urban cities than country side where more Rep voters reside
- More Dem votes are likely to be cast as such
- If more Dem vote vs Rep then its fair to assume Trump would not get "Popular" vote.
So while it may be "fact".. as you say.. its also skewed data that needs context. Do not give context is dishonest.
But since you like "facts". His polling is smashing anyone elses for next president. Enjoy 😊
@vash5: So more people support Trump (your quote) but he can’t win the popular vote because of Democrats.
Man you guys love contorting your brains to explain everything. If anything you’re online circle jerk groups make Trump seem more popular than he is in the real world.
Also, if you’re going to add “context”, gerrymandering by Republican’s would be some crucial context to add.
His polling is smashing anyone elses for next president
We’ve been repeatedly told for 8 years by Trump supporters polls are bullshit and not to be believed. Should I start now cause it shows Trump is in front?
@Randolph Duke: Imagine believing that killing Iranian General and almost starting WW3 while pulling out of nuclear deal was a good thing. Putin invaded Ukraine because of Biden hahaha.
So more people support Trump (your quote) but he can’t win the popular vote because of Democrats.
You are merging two separate talking points into one.
- Popular vote was relating to last US election
- Polls are in relation to upcoming election
Man you guys love contorting your brains to explain everything
No you're just a goose who cant read 🤦♂️
Also, if you’re going to add “context”, gerrymandering by Republican’s would be some crucial context to add.
Context.. Dems are letting in millions of illegals to prop up seats. Criminals, terrorist, murders and they gerrymander as well.. whats your point?
We’ve been repeatedly told for 8 years by Trump supporters polls are bullshit and not to be believed. Should I start now cause it shows Trump is in front?
Proff is in the pudding.. Biden has lowest approval rating of any president and you and everyone else has been worse off since his been in power.
They have been trying so hard to get Trump out of the election. Why would they bother if they didn't see him as a major threat.
Dems are letting in millions of illegals to prop up seats. Criminals, terrorist, murders
Do you actually believe this?
and you and everyone else has been worse off since his been in power.
In what ways has everyone been worse off? What policies has Biden instituted that's made life worse?
They have been trying so hard to get Trump out of the election. Why would they bother if they didn't see him as a major threat.
Because there is consequences for your actions - if Trump has broken the law (multiple laws) why shouldn't he be held accountable?
@Randolph Duke: You simply refuse to engage in rational discussion based on facts. The difference between us and individuals like you lies in our acceptance of differing opinions, while you resort to personal attacks. It's quite unbecoming. Apart from ad hominem attacks, you are unable to refute the contributions made during Trump's presidency that others have cited. You oppose Trump just for the sake of opposing him. Our admiration for Trump stems not from his personality, but from his governing principles. Moreover, democracy is not such a noble term; Socrates died under the mob rule of democracy. Your inability to tolerate differing viewpoints and resorting to hysterical personal attacks here is no different from the past Athenian mobs.
you are unable to refute the contributions made during Trump's presidency that others have cited
I've engaged with 2 posters in this thread who has not raised anything in our discussion about Trump's contributions during his presidency.
but from his governing principles.
What governing principles do you believe Trump has and will bring to the table next time? Based on what I've seen during and post his presidency the only principle he seems to have is what's best for himself and subverting established institutions. Here's a very recent example: there was a bipartisan bill to deal with border security which got shutdown because Trump doesn't want the any attempts to address it in a campaign year.…
Is that's what's best for America?
You oppose Trump just for the sake of opposing him.
No, I oppose him due to his woeful performance as President and his behaviour before & since.
Moreover, democracy is not such a noble term
Democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time. What do you think would be a better form of government?
The difference between us and individuals like you lies in our acceptance of differing opinions,
I accept you have differing opinions, I just think anyone who supports Trump is wrong. I see no redeeming qualities in another Trump presidency for the US or the world in general. The first time was bad enough, the second time will be worse.
@Randolph Duke: During Trump’s tenure:
Economically: The U.S. experienced explosive economic growth, low unemployment rates, no border refugee crisis, and certainly not such severe inflation.
Militarily: Trump authorized the killing of an Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander during his tenure, and Iran dared not support Hamas and Houthi militants in the Middle East. North Korea did not launch missiles, nor did it conduct new nuclear tests.
You always think that "democracy" is such a noble term, but the United States should actually is a republic. Democracy is just a result, not a process. Democracy should not be used as a "stick" to beat others, just like "environmental protection." You can see the radical environmental organizations now, when faced with carbon emissions and pollution of those of all dictatorships combined, they are meek, but when faced with entrepreneurs and government leaders of democratic countries, these "environmentalists" are aggressive. Democracy and environmental protection are just results, not processes. In fact, the United States is a "republic," and I suggest you take the time to read "Roots of American Order by Russell Kirk." We have a basis for discussing the various problems that have arisen in the United States.
In today's society, discussing political topics requires a high level of historical knowledge and logical thinking. In my grandfather's era, people had a better grasp of these knowledge and events than modern people. If you truly want to understand the world, you need to start by understanding Judeo-Christian monotheism and why our current life is built on such an order. I cannot discuss these topics with you in a small forum comment. I have recommended the book to you; after all, I am not in public office, and leading others is not my job.
@smartazz104: More fun than postings random comment to one party between two people engaging is discord.. but hey you do you because this world is full of plenty of special people like yourself.
@vash5: Here are some facts:
In 2020,
81,283,501 people voted for Biden74,223,975 people voted for Trump
In 2016,
65,853,514 people voted for Hillary62,984,828 people voted for Trump
And your multi-point "reasoning" can be basically summarised as "more people voted for Democrats, which is why Trump didn't get the popular vote"… sounds like cope to me.
@Vanceer: Sigh.. Smart enough to post last two elections but not smart enough to see if there is a pattern of behaviour or if more Dems are registsred to vote than Reps.
I would tell you to go back to school but these days the standards are so low that wont even help you.
Dem - 65,915,795[2]
Rep - 60,933,504[2]2008
Dem - 69,498,516
Rep - 59,948,3232004
Dem - 62,040,610
Rep - 59,028,444Around a third of registered voters in the U.S. (34%) identify as independents, while 33% identify as Democrats and 29% identify as Republicans, according to a Center analysis of Americans’ partisan identification based on surveys of more than 12,000 registered voters in 2018 and 2019.…
Give or take that's approximately a 14 million difference in voting power across the total US population.
Democrats are about as left wing as the LNP.
wow trump causing more chaos here than china
Yes.. TDS is very alive and well in AU
Can't believe how much Aussies care so much about America and Trump.
Where do you think we get our culture from champ?
We’re more closed aligned with the UK in terms of humour/demeanour than the US in my experience, although certainly media/trends are driven by the US.
Media, fashion, entertainment, politicals.. point proven and why people care.
@vash5: People care because their shiny black boxes tell them to care, get rid of the shiny black boxes and people would care far less
@lookingforadeal7: And at the same time those boxes also shed light on the lies.. for those who care to listen. Double edge sword now im afraid.
Do you pay tax?
If so, do you like it going towards either the creation or funding of the USA / NATO war contribution?
I don't.
Hint, war has very little to do with anything other than money.
USA policies influence where our tax dollars go. Democrats at this point are utter warmongers, Trump offers an alternative.
Toilet paper has really gone up in price since covid.
Toilet paper joke was already made a couple of times.
About the US immigration
GOP blocking the bill/Ukraine aid.
expensive toilet paper that
I love armchair activists, who needs Netflix?! I eat my popcorn
Holy smokes, I had no idea Australia had this many Trump fans. This is legit scaring me.
I’m equally surprised. Was a joke post & look at this.
Anyone with half a brain recognises that Trump is awesome and hilarious.
And anyone with no brain recognises that Trump is awesome.
Tell this lawyer with a finance degree how brainless he is.
Only 5 left in stock at so better jump on this great deal before they run out !
Came here for the comments.. but whooaaaa… way too many to wade through.
I had to get on my desktop computer just so I could easily read this epic thread.
@FXx: nope, dont think he's a chinese shill at all.
But i think, like all massive companies or billionaires whose wealth is predicated on certain markets within the world (consumption, but mostly production based), to believe they are unable to be manipulated or their behaviour isnt impacted by such external forces, well… i guess thats where our belief of the world may differ.