Hi, is there any Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra offer available now?
Missed the pre-order offer. If I trade-in S23 Ultra now, what would be the best way to get S24 Ultra at lowest price, without the contract offers?
Thanks for any suggestions.
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra offer?

If you can't be bothered selling on FB Marketplace, Mobile Monster usually buys 2nd hand phones at a better price than trade in. If you want to take advantage of trade in deals, sell your S23 privately, and source any old phone to trade in instead.
Likewise, I wouldn't personally switch from a S23U to S24U. Besides the flat screen, the phones are fairly similar. Most of the 'Galaxy AI' software tricks will come to S23U later in a software update. Some people also say the new 5x lens is worse than the old 10x lens.
I upgraded from s23u to s24u after paying roughly $350.
Couldn't tell any difference but s23u would probably lose $350 in value by next year so might be better off upgrading themWhich offer was that?
jb hi fi have an extra $400 trade in value on top of trade in price for your existing phone. You then pay the difference to buy the phone outright. You can buy jbhi gift cards for a 10% discount which you should be able to use to pay the difference but you need to check first
You'd be much better off selling your S23 Ultra via FB marketplace than trading in value, Ausurion and Samsung without any bonus trade in will give poor value. Sell it private and then put those funds towards the new S24 Ultra. Though personally, i don't think it is a significant upgrade from the S23 Ultra to the S24 ultra to warrant splashing the additional cash out IMHO.