Hi just seen comments on the turtle crisp/chips offer at the moment. About making your own at home, has anyone mastered this? Have decent balanced flavors?
Bound to be healthier than pre packed ones!
Making Your Own Potato Crisps/Chips
That maybe true the last bit! Ditch the health bit anyone made good flavoured crisps , especially salt and vinegar flavour lol ,and saved a bit of money too!
In my opinion, you will spend way more time & spend way more money than buying a pack.
Cheers mate
If you want salt and vinegar flavour, get a spray bottle to store the vinegar in. Then you just spray it on. Sprinkle the salt after.
Now you just have to figure out how to make the chips. Best of luck.
Haha great idea🙏
u can dry dehydrating veggies
i tried sweet potato
used a oven, its difficult cause you need to get temps right
need it to be thin
most likely burn
or be too thicksome turned out good but was tough! (i'm pretty bad in the kitchen lol)
Can you link the offer you are referring to please.
Web search microwaved crisps. Thinly slice potatoes (like in a mandolin) and microwave them for a few minutes. They are actually pretty crispy when they come out but lose their crisp quickly. Not as nice as fried chips but surprisingly okayish.
I have been enjoying Kettle's avocado oil chips. Really tasty and not so bad for you. On sale at Coles at the moment
Despite being more expensive avocado oil is a great cooking oil.
Carrot sticks may not be a bad idea, if you had a savoury sauce to dip them into it could be a fine snack.
Bound to be healthier than pre packed ones!
Why's that?
you may find that your 'at home' ones absorb more oil and are indeed less healthy. it'll also cost you a lot to make them. just buy them.
Probably im assuming from all the added ingredients not just spuds or oil
Can no longer afford Kettle chips at $6/pack in Albo's Australia
Yea at that price will have to grow the spuds in the back garden aswel!
Time for a change of gov't to rectify chip prices?
Yep no shortages of anything when Scomo was "running" the joint
and stuff was cheap.
:)I wonder if the beetroot shortage has something to do with Albo
Just sprinkle Old Bay seasoning on them.
Buy a food mandolin (https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=veggie%20mandolin&qs=n&…)
Thinly slice up a bunch of sweet potato or veg of your choice (Beetroot, carrot and other root veggies work great as well), place them in a mixing bowl and tip in a small amount of your preferred oil & a sprinkle of of salt. Then whack them in an air-fryer to bake, or a dehydrator (https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=food%20dehyrator&qs=n&f…)
Once dehydrated or air-fried, sprinkle what ever herbs or flavoring you want to season them with.
Seems unlikely to me.
Commercial one will almost definitely have less fat (the less fat in the chip, the cheaper it will be to manufacture, the more profit will be made).
Flavours maybe "healthier", but then you could just buy salted/original "flavour" and add some herbs or something if you think that's really going to make a difference.
If you're actually worried about the healthiness of your chips, probably easier/cheaper and healthier to just to eat fewer chips!