Saw these are "on special"! I have slowly been moving my storage boxes over to the 60L ones.
Stock may vary per store. It comes and goes at my storage very quickly.
Can highly recommend these! Very good quality!
Sorry, I fixed, I listed PowerPass price. It is $14.53
PriceHipster has it as normal price at $14.53
I don't even know why this deal was upvoted. My invoice from 6 months ago shows the Montgomery 60L was $13.80 inc gst for PowerPass holders. Did they jack up the price, then reduce it recently to look good?!?
pretty sure powerpass discounts vary from account to account
Reviews suggest the Montgomery and All Set don't stack, and the Montgomery appear to be discontinued - so explains the price I guess.
that's my biggest annoyance with storage tubs from Bunnings - you choose something to standardise to and then come back for more months later and can never get the same thing. rather annoying!
kmart does this too. encourages sales, i guess.
encourages landfill, i guess
Yes… ESPECIALLY those table legs/stands.
Another annoying thing about this. I bought about 5-6 of the 100L (Grey Lid) ones about 2 years ago, Montgomery ones then about a month or two ago, I went to buy another 10 (Green Lids) more and what do I find…the lids have changed shape and can't stack with my old ones.
Take your old lid in and swap it over.
Repeat at a different store…
My Bunnings actually managed to sell the new boxes with the old lids for a while.
Hmm, maybe that's what mine is doing lol, I just commented below that the two brands do stack as the lids look identical….
I've purchased multiple sizes over the last year or so. Can confirm they apparently brought out a new design for the 100L ones. I have 2 in the garage still with the sticker on the lid saying, "New design".
2 downvotes from 2 who were dropped on their head as a baby and never recovered.
I can confirm that the 60ltr and 100ltr from Montgomery and All Set DO stack together, the lids I have for both look identical, in fact so do the tubs. I've got approx 40 60ltr units, and need another 20 or so, so was very wary with them stacking, but happy that they do.
That's a lot of spare crockery to have.
Ha, 50% is old kids stuff, family heirlooms and stuff my wife can't bear to throw out. The rest is storage for normal garage stuff. And some crockery of course!
Pretty sure I paid that price in January, thought it was every day price
They are terrible do not purchase them. All the lids bend in the garage heat.
mine hasn't and its been cooking for 2-3 years now
i also go this for cheaper a few years ago too. normal price was roughly $11 for the 60L and $18 for the 100L. i also have the old one just before this with the yellow lid. it was a shiny yellow lid, but i like the new more matte green lids better.
Bollocks they are shite.
Sorry you've had bad experience with them.. mine are stored in 2 sheds in Kalgoorlie, where the last few months 30 - 35 degree days have been the norm.. and maybe one out of 40 units has bent. I took it back and got it swapped over now questions.
no issues with mine and i stack mine 4 or 5 high as well, and no issues. very durable too, i drag mine and throw mine because that stuff is heavy. my garage is a damn brick oven too.
perhaps you got a bad batch, but mine are fine and doing there job well.
Have had these in the back of the ute (not exposed to the weather, behind glass) for like 2 years, baking hot sun, still perfect. YMMV
If you’re around 60 L I can recommend the $14 Kmart Heavy Duty as I bought both of them for my garage storage and definitely the Kmart is slightly higher quality and not so flimsy as the Bunnings one in my opinion.
Yeah nah, I probably have 50+ of the Montgomery HD containers all 100L back when they were yellow lids, and now green lids, I don't think I ever paid more the $20 for 100L
50+ (o.O) wut on earth do you have a small warehouse out the back?!
I have a few of the yellow lid ones too all around the place. The one on the deck has withstood the test of time for a couple of years now in our good old Aussie weather lol
I would hope their quality is still the same.
100 sqm shed with the Bunnings Rack It 1000 across two sides. Living the dream.
Do you live in a castle? Or a warehouse
yea, i agree. i own both the shiny yellow, and the matte green. i think it was roughly $11 for the 60L and $18 for the 100L. those are the 2 sizes i own.
Can these handle hydraulic acid?
Do you mean "hydrochloric acid" ?
Couldn't get his tongue around that one?
That would hurt.
no stock
Most likely your local does have stock. Bunnings just doesn't like tracking stock on the Montgomery boxes. Most likely because they seemed to have just removed the identical product from ALLSET in the last few months. My local has been saying OOS for a couple months but they always have a stack of the 100L's up to like 2m facing the middle walkthrough, and more in the isle next to it, along with the other sizes. Just grabbed 2 more 100L's the other day after laughing off the OOS message on the website when I was double checking the price the other day.. 😅
Unsure if that's a "sale price" or a "it's been on clearance for months price" - got these last May for $13.80 each as the PowerPass price according to the app.
The lids don't feel too good so if stacking make sure the containers on top aren't too heavy
They have the strongest plastic smell you can get from this type of box. Driving home was only possible with all windows open and I guess I was about to see rainbows in the sky on a sunny day.
Just leave them out in the sun and let them gas out. I've tried many and the Montgomery brand and been the best by far for the money.
Yeah.., stronger the smell, more toxic by sounds of it >.>
Second this. Bought 4 when moving back in 2022. Can't remem exactly but the lid or the bucket was made using recycled plastic and it just smells way too strong, most likely toxic too. And to add to that, in a rage I smashed a lid by accidentally stacking other boxes on top lol. Regardless they stink and I'd steer clear. Any contents stored in these containers will inherent the strong plastic smell.
At officeworks the ezy clear plastic food grade containers are good but I haven't found decent opaque large containers. I just use the larger sistema from bigw or wools.
It might be some Bunnings.. 😅
All the ones I ever buy don't smell at all, atleast from the 60L to 100L range.
We bought a couple two months ago.Very strong smell, agree. Washed with detergent twice, rinsed, aired, sun-dried, then 'potpurri'd' since seems to have done the trick. Wouldn't have bothered with the potpurri if they weren't storing clothing.
no deal just an everyday price
slightly off topic - but is there anyone who makes long or tall and flat-ish storage boxes (within reasonable budget)? maybe around 100 x 50 x 25 cm-ish?
don't even bother, these are simply the worst
Don't know what you're on about, I have brake rotors, calipers, and pads in one, maybe 50+ KG, hold by the handles and the arse hasn't fallen out of them.
Tina Turner wouldn't have been caught dead with one of these.
Costco 100L ones are much much sturdier
agree.. shame Costco doesn't sell the smaller ones
I hate these - the lids crack when touched.
I touched the lid of one of these today and it didn't crack - so I guess that's not true?
Did you bake yours? 😅
All of my lids are pretty solid when a good amount of flex. Probably had a 20kg, 60L box sit on another 60L for a few weeks and there's only a slight bend to it.
The tubs are great quality but lids are brittle plastic. 3 out of 5 of mine have cracked lids on the edges after 18 months.
Word of warning - I bought these for outside storage - annoyingly after rain, not only does a big pool form on the lid as it’s sunken from the lip, but water got into the inside of the tub despite the lid being properly seated. Wasn’t happy Jan
Most likely box was overfilled and/or you stacked too many and the box itself warps a little and doesn't allow the lid to completely align.
I was up until 4am last night reorganising 2x 100L of unopened and bubble-wrapped wera/knipex etc tools and kept encountering this problem. Best solution is to lay longer/wider items up the walls of the box so it doesn't allow the sides to flex (as opposed to layering things that can bulge the sides once you add enough layers of things). Also, don't overfill to the top otherwise, when you push the lid to try and seat it, the items inside might compress sideways and flex the box again and won't let you seal it properly with the lid.
I wouldn't bother stacking these if you need them to be fairly waterproof unless it's light things or atleast lightly packed.
Not sure why all the upvotes.
As others have noted, this is normal price, alteast for the last 6+ months when I've been going back and forth to my local buying a couple different sized boxes at a time..
Not an "on special' item by any means..
I paid the same price in Jan 2024, I'd say this is normal post Xmas tub price with a small discount. Happy to share my picture from when I was buying. Not going to neg the deal though cause I find the price reasonable.
This is Ozbargain.
We post deals, not everyday prices because we think it's reasonable.. 😅
Well this post is literally proving you wrong.
"The option you selected is out of stock at this store. Select a different option or check availability at…"
So are the 10 other stores nearby >.<
Segway, but related.. I looked at these and they seem very light duty. But so does almost everything… I don't know of a brand that will offer good, sturdy storage that will most likely still be making the same storage in 5-10 years time. Tactix seem to be the best option (not cheap) and also a bit odd in size/stacking wise.
Are there are brands I should check out?
The Tactix are great. Yes they're pricey but they actually last.
What have you found odd about stacking? You do have to get sizes that complement each other, but the different sizes are designed to stack on one another.
Id like it if they made them with the same footprint, or 1/2 size footprint, or even 1/4 sized, but with different heights also. So you can stack a combination of different sized containers, but they equal the same size as one of the big containers. I hope that made sense.
Ikea SAMLA do this ok, but they aren't the best containers out there.
Someone noted above, 50kg worth of brake parts and still going strong.
I have 2x 100L boxes I just sorted the other night with unopened tool kits, wera, knipex all filled to the top, has to be close to 30 - 40kg each aswell and no flex when carrying.
Prices vary by State I assume?
Montgomery 60L Grey And Green Heavy Duty Storage Container With Clip Lid
I/N: 0127215