Recommendations for a Gaming Console for an 11 Years Old

I am looking for a gaming console to gift to an 11 years old in family who hasn't been exposed to gaming yet. I am myself not into gaming and am definitely not updated with all the models and the current gaming ecosystem. I grew up in no-internet era so my go to were Super Mario, Battle Tanks, Roadfighter, Pacman, Prince etc and at a later age I was introduced to AoE, Doom, etc games. I hope I remember those games' names correctly.. lol. I don't recall the console brand I had as a kid but it was some non-popular one (maybe a cheaper dupe of Nintendo) and there used to be cassettes those days which would have about 100 or 250 games on a cassette.

Which brand console and model would you recommend? How many built-in games does it come with as default? Is there any other expense involved apart from the original purchase price unless one wants to buy more games?

This is probably the very basic info for avid gamers but it will help me get upto speed and make a decision. If you can shed some light on any regular deals (on OzBargain) that I should keep an eye on, it will be helpful too. Thank you in advance!


  • -1

    a raspberry pi and motion blue is all you need, just plug and play

    • Can you please share the links of these items? Do you connect them with laptop?

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    I recommend a arcade joysticks, a machine you can vs with, will be fun with family.

  • Its not a console, But Meta Quest is quite good for VR gaming. With it there will be some level of physical activity involved too.

  • push bike, trampoline, pool, soccer, footy

  • -1

    Video games
    Social media

    Pick one to introduce it to an 11 year old.

    Which is worse for health and development and why?

    • +1


      back in school, the kids doing Marijuana were the ones that never studied and got better grades than most of the students

  • Get a modded xbox360\PS3 with a big inbuilt 1TB HH and pre-installed games. Should last you some time.

    Saves money in the long run of buying games frequently

  • Get a basketball stand system and stick a Nintendo poster on the backboard

  • -2

    Why get them into gaming, just creates laziness,obesity and a lack of social skills. Get a hobby or take up a sport, even fishing. To many kids sat in a shut room eating chips doing nothing.

    • Most his friends have some sort of gaming device (which I normal these days, I guess) so he feels odd one out. I have ordered a cheap handheld device ( with memory cards upgrade, screen protector, etc it will be under $100. Not super expensive. Let's see how far it goes.

    • What an archaic response, next you'll say playing video games causes mass shootings.

      Video games are a hobby and you can have more than one hobby.

      Anecdotally, I've seen more overweight fisherman than gamers.

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