Would You Recommend a Goose-Neck Sink Tap WITH or WITHOUT Pull-out Hose?

Hi fellow kitchen users. I'm putting in a new kitchen, all new sink and appliances etc. The whole 9 yards! I'm thinking of a gooseneck tap for the sink (I think they are called). There appear two basic types, those with a pull-out hose and those without.

I don't have any experience of either, so I was wondering what people think of the pull-out hose type. Would you buy again in hindsight or not. Several that I have seen on demo and in showrooms etc, the hose does not retract all the way back when let go. This would drive me crazy. I also think that they would ""wear"" more since they have flexible hoses, vs simple metal pipe.

Would appreciate your experiences.

Poll Options

  • 34
    I have a gooseneck tap on my sink with pull-out hose and WOULD BUY AGAIN if needed.
  • 6
    I have a gooseneck tap on my sink with pull-out hose but WOULD NOT BUY AGAIN if needed.
  • 9
    I don't have a gooseneck tap with a pull-out hose, so couldn't comment.


  • ALWAYS pull out.

  • they have a weight attached to the hose that's meant to retract it. doesn't work that well for me.

    would rather the pull down type such as this: https://www.bunnings.com.au/methven-chrome-gaston-pull-down-…

    • -1

      Is Bunnings plumbing stuff okay?

      A lot of their other products areas seem to be very low quality.

      • Such as?

        Most of Australia is built on Bunnings stuff lol

        Their tapware etc is all fine and meets the necessary standards and expectations

        • Such as?

          Electronics/powerboards. Their Controltech boards are some of the worst I've come across- one of their 4 way extenders had two of the sockets go bad (internal alignment problems). Their BBQ ranges seem very much on the flimsy side.

          First time I walked into a Bunnings I was blown away by how large these stores had gotten, my second thought was "hey, this is a clone of Home Depot" down to the escalator arrangements. Then over the months is was "wow, a lot of this stuff right off the cheapest production lines they could find in China". And they've crushed all of the old, good hardware stores out of existence.

          So I have never considered them for plumbing (and probably wouldn't- I want my fittings to last decades, not years).

          Most of Australia is built on Bunnings stuff lol

          Which is why when I bought a place, one of my criteria was "cannot have been built in the past ten years, probably done to low standards"

          • @rumblytangara:

            Which is why when I bought a place, one of my criteria was "cannot have been built in the past ten years, probably done to low standards"

            that has absolutely nothing to do with bunnings and everything to do with government deregulation and corruption.

            Their BBQ ranges seem very much on the flimsy side.

            Can't disagree there to be honest. They're made to be used once on australia day and then thrown away or never used again.

      • +2

        methven is their premium line
        long warranty for parts and labour so should be ok quality

      • +1

        Go with Abey > Caroma > Dorf > Methven > everything else

        More durable, more stainless steel, less plastic, better warranty

  • Great for rinsing but it also stores a lot of water. Takes time to flush if you have used hot then want a drink free from boiler water.

    • Would never have thought of that. Interesting point. Thanks

  • I have had a goose-neck non retractable, a goose-neck retractable and now I have this one which is a goose-neck with a rubberneck.
    If I had to say no to one, it would be the retractable goose-neck. I find them less value than the other options.
    Also this is obvious, but cheaper products had no granularity. The tap was off or full bull, hot or cold. If you are a little weird freak like me you need to try some out and usually go more expensive to get that granularity.

    • Good point, but I wonder how one can try them out when as far as I know virtually non are connected to water in showrooms!!

  • -2

    Don't have one
    but I guess the pull out area inside tap will get full of yukky gunk and be hard to clean

  • -2

    I dont have one and have survived without for quite a while now.

    Id imagine they just encourage more water use.

  • -1

    sounds like a part that could fail and be costly to repair

  • +1

    I've had this for a few years and it is really useful, I use it all the time. The sort of thing I didn't realise how good it was until I had one


    Only issue it has it has gradually stopped retracting smoothly and I now have to push it in, suspect something has become gummed up. I have also had to tighten it quite regularly as the head works its way loose and leaks.

    • Thanks for your honest feedback!

  • I recently got one with the pull out hose and love it, much more convenient then without for cleaning the sink or different parts of dishes.
    Haven't had any problems with the hose not retracting yet.

  • I have a gooseneck but instead of it having a pull out hose, the taphead and hose are within a spring like design and its able to removed from its mounted position to use the head freely. It kinda gives you some of the flexibility of a pull out hose but without the complexity and potential problems they can give. Not everyone's taste but it's another option for you.

  • Thanks for your comment.

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