Logitech MX Vertical Mouse - Warranty - ACL Claims

I recently encountered a frustrating issue with my Logitech vertical mouse. The left click had become unreliable, requiring extra effort or a second click. After some Googling, I stumbled upon several Reddit threads detailing the same problem, with the recommended solution being the replacement of microswitches through a somewhat daunting disassembly and soldering process.

Undeterred, I discovered that some users had success with Logitech support, receiving replacements for their faulty mice. Armed with this information, I decided to give it a shot.

A bit of backstory: I purchased the mouse in December 2019 and finally received it in January 2020 after some delays from this deal..

I reached out to Logitech support, went through the troubleshooting steps, and submitted my proof of purchase. To my disappointment, they promptly responded, stating that my mouse was out of warranty, and they couldn't assist.

Refusing to accept defeat, I replied, referencing the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) website. Specifically, I highlighted the section regarding 'acceptable quality requirement, 'with a focus on 'durability'.

Unfortunately, they still rejected my claim.

Undeterred, I fired back, expressing my intention to escalate the matter through the ACCC. I also made it clear that I would refrain from purchasing any future devices from the brand and wouldn't recommend them to others.

Lo and behold, my persistence paid off! The support officer transferred me to another representative who offered me a replacement mouse.

The moral of this story is clear: don't shy away from citing ACL and ACCC when faced with warranty rejections. Going straight to these consumer protection references can be the key to a successful resolution. So, next time you encounter warranty issues, be armed with the power of your rights and keep pushing until you get the solution you deserve.

Similar ACL story from @nickbose



  • +1

    I purchased the mouse in December 2019

    Just buy a new mouse, good luck with arguing ACL with Logitech customer service, then again, they are reasonably good at times.

  • +1


    “You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try.”
    ― Homer Simpson

    but good work!

  • +11

    You got lucky with goodwill, through persistence, but wear & tear items after 4+ years of use doesn't seem like a fair claim against a manufacturer.

    This is one added reason why costs keep increasing and products are more expensive here than most other places.

    • +1

      never had a mouse fail, have few others from the MX line going strong, some 10 years.

      to me it felt like a design flaw as other users have exactly the same issue, for others it happened a lot earlier.

      • +1

        The ergo mice never seem quite as good, I went through two M570s that lasted about 18 months each (I only paid $25 for them though, so I wasn't too worried). My MX Master is in need of it's third battery and I only bought it in 2020 - maybe I should quote the ACL at them until they give me a replacement too

        • +1

          give it a go, no harm trying

    • In general I'd agree with you, but FWIW I think Logitech really did put the wrong microswitches into that mouse. When mine started failing, research on a fix led me to someone who did an astoundingly thorough deep-dive on the components and their specifications.


      I don't think I ever watched the full hour-plus of info, so I might be wrong here. But my takeaway at the time was that I needed to replace the dead component with a different specification instead of like-for-like.

      All in all, it was a tough repair, but I absolutely love the form factor and capabilities of that mouse so I'm glad I was able to fix it myself for half the price of buying a replacement.

  • -1

    Undeterred, I fired back, expressing my intention to escalate the matter through the ACCC


  • +2

    Jeeez you had a $98 mouse for over 4 years and think you're right under ACL? They probably agreed so you would go away…

    • +1

      I 100% would and do cop verbal abuse from management for just letting out of and non warranty claims through. Just not worth the drama some days.

      • +1

        Oh 100% - the time and stress ain't worth a $98 mouse lol.

    • I've also realised the OP has quoted an ACL store of similar time length but the other store is a $1200 speaker 🤣🤣🤣

    • +2

      this is OzBargain, every dollar counts

  • Poor target, OP ordered two speakers. Hope target still exist after 4 years, otherwise OP will post here "Where to find Target".


    • that got cancelled 😂

  • updated OP with reddit thread

  • I've had some good successes with the ACL in the past.

    Well worth pursuing if you feel the product you purchased has not been manufactured to the quality standard that the manufacturer has implied (eg: through marketing saying it is designed for Australia's harsh conditions, or the product costing more than competitors products implying higher quality parts have been used).

    • +1

      I've had some good successes with the ACL in the past.

      I couldn't play footy for 12 months thanks to ACL !!!

  • 4 years seems OK for a mouse especially if you are using it a lot.

    • +1

      I expect the MX range to last a lot longer, if you look at the Reddit thread, it seems more like a manufacturer defect

  • +1

    Similar story with me as well, purchased in Feb 2020, got a replacement sent out to me in October 2022.
    Had to remind them of the ACL, and of the previous logitech mouse which had lasted me 8+ years.

  • Had a similar problem with my mouse click on my MX Vertical - tried blowing compressed air but the problem comes back very quickly. Mouse was only purchased Aug 2022, and Logitech chat kept insisting the warranty is expired, and refused to acknowledge the ACL.

    The only way I would get them to budge is linking to their own website which mentions the ACL at the bottom - https://www.logitech.com/en-au/tos/limited-hardware-warranty…

    However, they said they will need to escalate to a supervisor and I will have to wait for an email response.

    Let's see how it goes - doesn't feel very convincing so far.

    • +1

      The supervisor should authorise the replacement.

      • Yep, they finally caved - but they said the replacement will not be covered under warranty, and gave me the whole 'one-off exception'. Attitude seemed quite reluctant to honour this ACL warranty, very different to how Apple does it in store.

        Ah well, glad they did - appreciate this post!

        • +1


  • I'm always amused when people expect the ACCC to get involved.in single cases like this. Sure you can threaten all you want but the ACCC won't do anything in such a small matter like this

  • Easiest buying stuff from officeworks, they usually just give you a refund or new one over the counter.
    (did so with one or two fitbits that ended up playing up).

    I have several MX verticals, some have louder clicks than others I think.

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