This was posted 1 year 1 month 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

HP USB Wired Keyboard KU-1156 $7 Delivered @ Australian Computer Traders



"Another el-cheapo keyboard deal" quote by master calmago 2023

anyone that picks express delivery for $19 gets jail time and public shame

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Australian Computer Traders
Australian Computer Traders

closed Comments

  • brand new?

    • Should be. They did a lenovo keyboard last time, comes in a plain cardboard packaging but was BNIB

    • Yes - New in Box, on receipt.

  • +1

    Feels like the lenovo keyboard was much sleeker than this one. Got 2 of those last time, not sure I need any more though.

    • This one has media keys though, not sure which is the better keyboard though in terms of feel etc.

  • +12

    anyone that picks express delivery for $19 gets jail time and public shame

    Go to Jail
    Do Directly to Jail
    Do not pass go
    Do not collect $200

    • +1

      Do Directly to Jail

      You gonna go directly to jail for that mistake and grammar mate.

      • +4

        I’ll just take the next two days off from work.

        • +3

          Don't forget you need to roll double sixes to go back on Monday.

        • You totally missed a chance to double down on your grammatical prowess and use "to" or "too" instead of "two".

    • +1

      I would like one delivered on the wings of a Dodo with a gold tipped beak please.

    • +5

      I can afford this keyboard.

      I won second prize in a beauty contest and collected $10!

      • +2

        Income Tax. Pay $200

        • +1

          The monopoly board should be updated with inflation prices. The $20 note should probably be $20K.
          Instead of having Train stations, they can be RTX4090, Tesla, Private Schools.

          • +1

            @congo: New Monopoly Australia 2024 Edition:

            Salary $150K
            Super Tax $100K
            Old Kent Road $1M
            Mayfair $100M

  • Ordered two. I got two of the chiclet style ones last time, can never have too many keyboards with numpads.

  • " Let this keyboard be the starting point for completing your dream. "

    LOVE IT!

  • Seem to recall tACT have done this HP keyboard before but they ran out of the original one and changed half way through to a different model or was that the Dell keyboard. I know ACT has done the HP at least twice and the Lenovo once and seems like a Dell at one point as well. Can never have too many keyboards or wired Mice in case you get a machine which comes with no cables good to have IEC C14 to AU Power.

  • Bought 2, thanks!

  • Thanks, will replace my filthy one at work with this.

  • +1

    just remember you will get the very best $7 will get you in a keyboard lol.

  • Got two as well , thanks. Maybe you ran out of the HP one and swapped with a Dell last time? Either way I now have five of your $7 keyboards and I’m sure at least three will come in handy at some point. Many thanks ACT and @froogletom

  • Now I just need some more HP Mini 800 G4 or G5 I forget the model but as long as they are SFF or UFF and I can jam in another 2.5” SSD and a more RAM and maybe bigger NVMe SSD. I can start offloading some tasks to Gen 8-10 CPU i5 or i7 CPUs Might be time to plug in that 24 port switch.

  • Nice keybaord

  • +2

    These are actually far superior in terms of the "flat key" keyboards that HP now supplies with their desktops. Would prefer this type of keyboard over the newer one anyday.

  • Got one thank u! Needed a cheap one for parents who didnt care if wireless haha

  • To all those who bought two
    How many desks do you have 😂

    • I have no idea who's buys 1 let alone 2. The only reason would be they have never used a mechanical or they have a mechanical but use this at night so the wife doesn't wake up while playing forkknife

  • Ordered one, i'm not sure how you could make money on this, even if the stock is free, it would cost $6 in freight and packaging.

    • Same. I think maybe this is a way to get rid of their stock (a lot of people would only buy wireless these days) while attracting people to have a browse of the site? Idk

      • Ozbargain advertising cheaper than facebook ads i guess!

      • +1

        Not sure wireless is that important for a device that sits in the one place all the time near the PC… wireless just means charging. Doubt you'd see too many wireless keyboards in an office.

        • I see thanks.

  • Is this keyboard wine proof, asking for a friend.

    • +1

      At this price, just buy two. One for when your "friend" spills wine on it. The second one to smite your friend with.

      • +1

        It would need to be a +1 keyboard.

      • +1

        and a model m to really teach your friend a lesson. can't drink wine with no teeth

  • Do the keys click?

    I got the Lenovo which is too quiet.

    • Knowing HP they will probably try and sell you a ClickPaq

  • -1

    are the lenovo slim keyboards better

  • Do these have proper raised caps? I can’t tell from the angle of the photo

    • Actually they don’t

  • -3

    Zionist keyboard lol

  • +1

    Got one, Finally can chuck away the small silent Dell Keyboard at work!!!!
    I am sending it back for a refund, if there is no clickey sounds though.

  • Recently bought Dell keyboard for $6 at MSY.

    • Delivery not included?

      • -2

        its included

  • Any chance for a KB + mouse combo deal?

  • Quality is really good, i think they are making a loss on this

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