• expired

iPhone 5 for an Extra $10 on The Old Vodafone $45 Infinite Plan

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Hi guys,

I receive a call from Vodafone today, my contract have finish a few months ago. They ask me do i want an iPhone 5, which only cost an extra $10 per month if I sign a 24 months contract on my existing plan $45.

thats a pretty good deal as the new infinite plan cost $80.

For those that are still on $45 infinite plan, try calling vodafone see are you eligible for the $10 extra for the iphone 5.

$10x24=$240, you can sell the phone for at least $799 on ebay, make a few hundred dollar profit.

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closed Comments

  • inb4neg

  • +4

    i don't think that's a deal available to the rest of us..

  • +4

    This is only valid for the small number of people who are 20ish+ months on the $45 infinite - you won't be allowed to move to this plan if you're not on it already. Good info, but probably not a deal?

    • +3

      I'm one of those small number of people who are 20ish+ months Voda infinite.

      The thought of 24 more months of Voda Infinite Pain isn't a deal.

  • after cancelling contract with them in January 2011, three months in.
    i bought two x iPhone 4 from Vodafone for 10*24=$240 total.
    best deal evar…

  • I am on the same plan and I got it for extra $6 when I called them and asked for the iPhone 5. I was able to sell the phone for $810.

    • but your paying $45 X $24 = 1080 and you paid $144 for the phone = ~ $1200
      You can get similiar value on the TPG plan for $17 or tthe live connected one for $11 or so
      Or get a prepaid Redbull (12 months + 3 free extra) for $365 for unlimited

      You my friend have been ozbargained by Vodafone "I thought id never have to use that phrase"

      • I don't think so. I am paying about $17 for unlimited calls and unlimited sms.

  • +3

    Aren't you paying $55*24=1320? Buy phone from ebay and use liveconnect will be cheaper and slightly better network.

    • It depends, the plan he's on is unlimited calls, which LC don't offer. If he's a super heavy user, this is actually a good deal.

      • On the assumption he's not in a congested area..

  • I resigned my partner a few days ago. $1 per month for the 16gb handset plus 1GB data, total cost $46 per month.

  • thanks i'll give them a call tomorrow, i'm on 12 months plan for 4S expiring this month

    • If you are on a 12 month plan they will only offer you another 12 month plan, not 24 months

  • If you are with the RAC you can get a 10% discount for the life of the plan when re-signing.

  • +1

    Not a bad plan if you want to stay on vodafone network. But if you want to make the most of your Iphone 5 on a superior network (telstra), this is what I am doing at the moment:

    1) Bought my unlocked iphone 5 16 gb black off the ebay for $830.00
    2) Load up on Telstra $30.00 pre paid starter packs which were on sale for $10.00
    3) At the end of my recharge every month, port out the number to another network using a $2 sim
    4) Port your number back to Telstra by using one of the $10 starter packs. This plan is not unlimited calls but it works perfectly for me as they have free calls on Encore plus plan between 6 pm and 6 am everyday.
    5) Rinse and repeat for awesome experience of the 4G network.


    • +2

      Wow, now that's dedication. Although everyone loves saving money on a good deal, IMO this is probably too much effort for all except the most dedicated of OzBargainers.

    • Why did you pay $830 for the iPhone 5, when you can buy it from Apple for $799? Serious question, not trying to be a smartass.

      • It took me 7 days to port from Voda to telstra and there was nothing wrong with my d.o.b. Too much effort to save 50 bucks with the porting to and fro. I rather save money buying the iphone from the apple store than paying a premium on ebay. (i got mine outright on my third attempt)

        • I have done it 3 consecutive months as of now and took me just about 2 hours to port out and then port it back to Telstra again. May be I was lucky.

      • Boss, didnt wanted to wait for 3 or 4 weeks for the phone to arrive. I bought the brand new and sealed phone within the first week of its release with all the receipts and paerwork. So I didnt feel spending $30 extra was too much. Cheers.

      • Boss, didnt wanted to wait for 3 or 4 weeks for the phone to arrive. I bought the brand new and sealed phone within the first week of its release with all the receipts and paerwork. So I didnt feel spending $30 extra was too much. Cheers.

    • All very well IF it works - recently ported my number back to Telstra after using up the last of our $13.70 Woolies Mobile recharges, and it took them FOUR DAYS to port my number. And the difference is, you have to fork out the $830 beforehand.

    • @tendliya
      You sir, are a legend!

      • Thank you Dear Sir. All the tricks were learnt right here in Ozbargain.

  • Thanks, my 45 infinite plan just finished yesterday. Great Deal!!!

  • Note that all plan on most network can be upgraded 3 months prior to its expiry date so they can keep you in their existing network so do not worry about waiting until it finished. Just call them up and negotiate. Good luck all

  • +3

    Vodafone… You'll get better service with 2 paper cups and a string.

  • -1

    Deal is not available to everyone.

    • +2

      ….but neither are a lot of other deals which are here on ozbargain!!

    • please point to the rule that says a deal has to be available to everyone….

  • Hi … this is still working for existing customers. My dad is still a couple of months from contract expiry and he got the iphone 5 for $6 pm - 24 month contract.

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