• long running

Band 3 Discounted Parcel Post Rates for 12 Weeks (New Customers Only) @ My Post Business


Long-standing deal. Automatic Band 3 savings on MyPost Business accounts. Once activated lasts 3 months at band 3. Great for eBayers etc.

Previous long running deal post

Steps: Sign in to your My Post Business account Click the arrow next to your name, and click "business details" Go to "promo codes" and enter code: Retail$B311 Message should pop up saying "Promo code applied! It will be ready to use in the next couple of hours."

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Australia Post
Australia Post


  • +4

    New Customers Only

    Nope. I just use the Gmail full stop trick and have had no issues for the last year. Just takes a few minutes effort every 12 weeks.

    • Can you explain this please, I'm pretty dense.

      • +1

        There is heaps of info on the net that explains it better than I could.

        Here is one example.

        • Thanks,
          So basically you setup a new account with your existing gmail?

    • Or just use https://simplelogin.io/ and delete alias when done

    • Wait till you learn about +

      • craigoss will have his mind blown

    • +1

      @Muzeeb Do you need to create a new Australia post business account with new email id every 12 weeks? With same ABN?

      Or can you change the email address in the old Australia Post Business account with new email address every 12 weeks and apply the code again?

      In the 1st case, isn't it difficult to compile all the data/expense at the end of year?

      • +1

        New account technically but all the info is sent to the primary email address.

        I don't run it as a business, just selling shit on marketplaces.

    • Thanks. There's nothing else to worry about with it though? Like, on my current APB account I have my address as return sender and I've created many online orders. If I create a new account with the same return address, that's not gonna get me flagged?

  • Band 3,pfft im band 69

    • Don't get too ahead of yourself there.

  • Thanks! Worked for me. Existing account.

  • +1

    even with band 5, the savings are crap

    • +2

      Better than no saving at all.

      • This should become the new new ozbargain tagline/motto.

  • I'm on band 2 with my business account, wondering if it's worth attaining band 3 naturally or just creating a new account every 3 months

    • -1

      do the math

      • Well I guess the benefit is that I don't need to keep creating accounts and all my orders are in one place

  • looking for someone's actual exp:
    if sending <500g in same city, post current price is $10.6
    so with this band3, I can get 30% off = final $7.42?

  • Still working.

  • Promo code applied! It will be ready to use in the next couple of hours

    Interestingly, the is available immediately to new orders, but it may not show under "send&save" for a few hours

  • im on band 5 and the savings are dog crap still

    • OWN packaging or Flat rate boxes/satchels?

  • -1

    Auspost….no thanks.

  • +1

    Auspost got the band 3 back together

  • +1

    Just tried, get the error "This code has already been used."
    I don't recall using it in the past.

    Edit: New customers only - as in, no one that has used this deal before.
    On the previous post's comments it says:
    If you have used the coupon code before, you cannot apply it again. You'll need to create a new account.

  • This is a good deal. Thank you!

  • +1

    No band 28

  • works , thank you

  • Im already band 3

  • Legend! It still works, will save alot of $$ on ebay sending especially international. Was previously on band 1 because I was using sendle as it was cheaper most of the time.

  • For someone who already has Band 3- does it make the ebay Prepaid 3kg satchels cheaper or is it just postage labels?

  • Im on band 4 now

  • +1

    Still working, though note it now forces you to set a mobile phone number (which you can't delete) and it only allows that mobile number to be on one account (it will delete it from other accounts and trigger emails).

  • +1

    After using Aramex, I never want to go back to AusPost, so convenient not going to the post office and having cheaper prices than the band 3 for most cities.

    • Is it reliable and as fast though? Do they have dropoff locations as well?

      • Wouldn't call the reliable or fast, but I don't care if I am offering free postage, I give my customers the choice between AusPost and Aramex 9/10 choose Aramex because they don't want to pay, I think you can drop it off if you want however I don't really need to, the drivers always come to me on time, unlike CouriersPlease, don't even get me started on them! A parcel to Melbourne with Aramex costs me $7.50 without having to leave my house and AusPost with the Band 3 is around $9, and I have to make time to go to the post office.

        • Yeah that's fair. I'm from New Zealand and here Aramex have a really poor reputation. Slow & lots of lost parcels. But these last few weeks I've maybe only sent 10 parcels and had delays or missing/redirections on half of them. They did pay up and compensate quickly for the 1 missing one though, and it reappeared soon after so got a nice payout there.

          I actually prefer the drop off at post office as we live in a apartment/lobby system and pickups are tricky. And I like that you can just bring a QR code and they will print it for you.

          Is sendle any good? They seem quite a bit cheaper for larger parcels. I will probably try them in the future.

          • @Liger Zero: Sendle for me was okay for a bit, however most of their deliveries contracted out to CouriersPlease (sometimes Aramex here and there), however I found myself contacting CouriersPlease support at one point 5 times a week because of an issue with parcels and I got sick of it, and to add onto it my courier, usually just won't turn up for days, not even marking them not available, just literally not turning up and leaving it blank in the system and skipping it, it got quite frustrating and I've found Aramex always turn up to pickup on time, if CouriersPlease actually decided to pickup, I'd go back to them probably as they are a LOT faster, but they don't so here I am with Aramex, haha.

      • +1






        GOD no

        But really, I’ve had no problems with them. Heard some top notch horror stories from here over the years though

        • I've found them to be VERY hit or miss, some deliveries take up to 3-4 weeks, the courier/s on my run are amazing, the lady on the desk at my local depot has one of the worst attitudes ever, their online "support" doesn't exist, nor does "AIAP claims" department in my experience, so if an item is lost or damaged you're out of pocket yourself.

    • @7bobas You're in for a rude and abrupt awakening! Good luck!

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