Where can I find cheap, good quality T-shirts?

Hey guys,

I was looking through my closet today, and situation critical - I'm down to my last 5000 T-shirts. So I'm looking to buy either plain shirts, or shirts with minimal design; I'm more concerned about the quality to be honest.

So, if any of you guys know of any websites/shops that sell cheap, good quality T-shirts, I'd be grateful if you shared them.

Thank you.


  • Try www.asos.com They have lots of items on sale and there are some pretty decent quality brands. They also have free shipping to Australia.

  • You think you're situation critical? I'm down to my last 1000 T-shirts!!

  • Blank shirts from about $3.50 + delivery, but note minimum quanitity (not likely an issue if 5000 is a low number)

  • I've got a few dozen cheap tee shirts (asos, threadless etc) and a handful of good ones (lacoste, armani etc). I honestly wear the good ones more than the cheap ones. Cheap tees are a bad investment.

    Amazon and Macy's ftw for quality brand name tees.

  • +1

    Try Alibaba if you are thinking of ordering 1,000 or more (from China). Some even have 10k minimum order at less than $1 per T-shirt. Recommended if you go through really large quantity of them :)

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