Click on 40% coupon and also 10% promo code to bring final price to $8.5.
One order per account.
Click on 40% coupon and also 10% promo code to bring final price to $8.5.
One order per account.
Why are so many Chinese brands all caps and random letters?
That's just the Chinese language
I am Chinese but I have no idea wth is that bradning in Chinese lol.
No. It's cause Amazon requires a trademark so they just put in random letters.
Amazon requires brands to have a registered trademark and random letters are easier to trademark than actual words
i tried to search about the brand but they does not say anything about their name
Grabbed one thanks OP
Thanks OP
Thanks OP!!!
Just so that everyone is aware. Dara transfer is only usb 2 level
good for charging laptops. cheaper than aliexpress
WHAT? i don't get tech, how can 100W USB C ve USB 2 data speed?
All 100W needs is thick though power conductors and an eMarker chip to indicate the supported power level.
Meanwhile higher transfer rates require extra data lines but don't care about power.
The two sets of requirements are orthogonal. A cable can support high power, fast data, both, or neither.
Most power cables are used to connect to a charger, so there's not much point spending extra to add the extra data lines.
tl:dw = there's 4 additional conductors required, separate to those that carry the charging current. Presumably that adds significant cost due to most of these things being hand hade at some level, way more wires to juggle while soldering, and way more chances to get it wrong (higher reject rate/lower quality)
Great, just made a purchase at 12:30am this morning LOL.
Will return it and purchase it again
Where is the 40% Coupon?
Same issue
40% is gone the time I comment here.
ONLY Save 10% promo code: EYK4M2BJ
No 40% off coupon code
yep 40% gone
Damn, i snoozed, i loosed :(
Well I snossed, and I lost
It is $16.99 to me, so even with 10% off it is NOT 8.49
Just checked….bought this twin set on October for $5.94 on some $11.95 off promo
I've been happy with all the INIU stuff I've bought recently
Anyone got a good cable they can recommend that supports this charging rate and 10Gbps or 20Gbps transfer speed?
You will have to buy a thunderbolt cable or USB 4 cable which is about $25 per metre.
dunno but first glance looks to me like the plug would be too big outside to fit into my iPhone cover
Great quality cable and and well packaged
Coupon reappeared for me just now, may be worth checking if you missed out last night.
Got the deal, cheers.
Deal is back on
Worked for me just now. Thanks Yogi555!
Deal seems to be over.
50% coupon on this at the moment for those who still want one
I seemed to have missed it again. Currently says 15% coupon.
Back again
Currently says 30% coupon.
Don't mess up like me - I didn't click "Redeem" on the 10% promo code.