• expired

$11 Sack of Crap (OR NOT! ?) + $6.99 Shipping LUCKY DIP


First Post… So I'm a sucker for these kinds of things…

Ends at 11AM today QLD time. Try your luck, you may get more than you bargained for!!

This is the description on the site:

Santa’s $11 Bag of Crap Sale

The super famous $11 Bag of Crap Sale is back and better than before, plus this time we have called in Santa to give us a hand!

Life is like a Bag of Crap, you just never know what you’re going to get! You get to choose the category you want your crap to come from - This category is for all the Randoms out there, so if you want something entirely random you’ve chosen the right category! But aside from this you have no control over what you get and we have no control over who gets sent what, it’s a lucky dip.

Be adventurous and see what santa has up his sleeve for you this time around, plus if your bag of crap doesn’t tickle your fancy you could always re-gift for secret santa or start stock piling for stocking fillers – Christmas is only 2 months away!d

For all of you 1-day newbie’s out there, the $11 Bag of Crap Sale is random, mystery products with a minimum value of $11 and a maximum of over $500. There is a limit of one of each category (men's, women's, Random) per order.

For all of you experienced 1-dayers, were you quick enough to grab yourself a Bag of Crap last time…?! Did you ’miss out’ and get the tub of Chupa Chups and headlamp, or did you score big and get the Wii Console and Sports pack? Whatever the result, you know the drill - it’s a lucky dip and we hope you open a bag that’s worth more than $100. There’s heaps of awesome stuff up for grabs - we can’t be bothered making money - we just need to clear this stuff out!

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closed Comments

  • +5

    did you notice the lump of turd in the corner, i think it might be indicative of what you may find inside

    • I didn't notice it behind all of those flies.

      • Been there everyday for about a week now. Click for more flies…

  • 1st sentence "I'm a sucker"

    should have stopped there…why would you even make this gamble

    • now i know how 1saleaday and cotd stay in business

  • I've gotten one of these from zazz before, without knowing what's actually in it you can't say if it's a bargain or not. Paying $11 for $11 worth of stuff you may or may not want isn't a bargain, it's a lucky dip.

    • Same - I got an obnoxious little device that has buttons on it and when pushed it plays prerecorded insults in an american accent.

      Needless to say I wanted my time and money back.

  • +4

    How the hell is this a bargain?

  • hmm would prefer a few examples of what is in them… but yeah, might be good for Secret Santa or work/school Kris Kringle…

    lol i was going to get one just for as per above however:

    with shipping!
    Total: $17.99 AUD

    lol too much of a gamble for an 11 dollar item!

    • Got one for adult: Okley T-Shirt (lucky my size) and some other crap
      kid (For my son): Barbie princess headphones. Had then to go to DS to get some for boys. Now both of them are not used.
      So no, not this time.

  • +3

    Yeah a few years back I bought a few bags of crap from COTD and Zazz.

    From experience it's stuff that never really sells and nobody wants. It's a waste of money overall since its never anything that you actually need.

    It's more of a gamble than a bargain.

    • closest I got to something like this is bought box of baby stuff from COTD before, it was actually pretty useful for fillers for baby showers and gifts… let alone our own baby…

      as i said above, this type of stuff is usually great for gift fillers - I'd categorize it as gambling though…

      • +2

        great for gift fillers

        only if the receiver can never find out who it came from.

        • +1

          Funny if both sides are unknowingly gifting the same items. After both ppl open their gift they stare at each other with a dumbstruck look & ask, "did you by any chance get this from…". Facepalm!

  • +2

    No doubt the 'value' of the items will be at RRP (which they probably made up). They could send you two pens which apparently valued at $20 each.

  • +2

    Crap Sale is random, mystery products with a minimum value of $11

    random, mysterious products are cheaper on ebay.

    this is not a bargain as there is no way of telling what the 'real' cost of these items is elsewhere.

    • +2

      Unless someone else has a $12 sack of crap?

  • I've bought the bag of crap in previous years, once I received some brilliant kids building blocks (kinda like jumbo lego). Was great as a gift for a friends child, value was approx $30.

    Other times I received an XXXL shirt.. useless..

  • Got a crappy size small t-shirt last time … absolute rip-off and a waste of time

  • It's a great way to get rid of tonnes of unwanted stock.

    They don't actually have to send anyone anything valuable.

  • Yeap.. they should just dipose of all the rubbish and claim it as a tax writeoff.. rather than foist it onto unsuspecting new & repeat customers..

  • +1

    They are just saving on disposal or dump fees. Not a bargain.

  • +1

    got a crappy t-shirt last time which is used to wash my car :)

    but couldnt help myself and still bought it again LOL

    • let us know what you get this time!

  • +3

    What a joke

    But I love the carnival showmanship "For all of you experienced 1-dayers" roll in the suckers

  • +1

    Yeah right. Paying $11 to take excess or written off stock from 1-day.com.au

    Oh and the killer message - "No refunds or exchanges"

    Worse than COTD!!!

  • +2

    I got suckered in last time……never again! DO NOT DO IT

    All I got was a tshirt with the 1-day logo on it, so basically I paid $17 for a an ad for their company that was specially made for this bag of crap sale (not leftover stock at all which was advertised.

    Used to buy from them all the time, not after that.

  • Have never participated in these lucky dips before, so I bought it yesterday. I'll keep everyone updated in what I get :)

    • Good luck cos you'll need it :P

      • Well if it turns out to be absolute rubbish, I'll be unsubscribing to their newsletter and never buying from them again. :) would never recommend them to anyone as well :P

        • Prolly get the same tshirt…(sry if I jinxed you)

        • that would suck, since I bought all 3 LOL

        • I think shirts are all they have.

  • Ahhh I just got sucked in before reading all these posts… Bought all 3! lol

    Will see how it goes. I do like mystery stuff though.. So fingers crossed!

  • +2

    $11 Sack of Crap

    Only $3 here !!!


  • yeah i got the same tshirt, the kind they give away for free at competitions, grand openings, crap-a-thons etc…
    ps who actually got a wii console last time?! genuine buyers no ringers please, as photo may be asked for proof!

  • Twenty dollars for an unknown item? Why, sir, you mistake me for a fool!

  • +1

    Haha, I bought all three like a sucker. But in the past I've done REALLY well out of the box-o-crap things.
    My flatmate got a pair of small women's shoes, yet I got a breathalyser and heaps of other good stuff. YMMV.
    Good for Christmas crap though.

  • +4

    Only Zoidberg would fall for this

  • +1

    Can this be used to fertilise my garden?

  • So what did everyone get who bought this? I got a box of 24 homemade Christmas cards which are worth I'd say around 50+ and a 1kg box of assorted Pringles. So not too bad on it as a whole. :)

    • I got exactly the same! If only my Pringles weren't crushed ><'

    • still haven't received mine, hopefully the fact its taking a while means its something big/good/expensive…but i seriously doubt it lol :S already regretting dishing out $18 for this, pringles are $2-$3 and i'd have no use for christmas cards, so fingers crossed :P

  • Ok, just got mine a few minutes ago and i finally understand why people were warning me not to fall for this crap! i got one item- a small hammock-type/hanging chair sort of thing with ropes and a block of wood (not really sure what to call it). It seems so cheaply made that it can't be worth the "minimum $11" value that these items were meant to be worth. I doubt it'd even hold my weight- more of a kids thing-which is odd considering i chose the mens/male bog of crap ;(. Not even gonna bother trying it, either gonna go to a friend of mine that has a dog (to use as a cusion) or straight into the bin if even she doesn't want it…:S


    • LOL, something like that would be worth atleast 11 bux… think you might be surprised…but they did say sack of crap!

      what did everyone else get?

      • +1

        I bought a sack of each like a sucker, but I kinda like the idea - no dumber than buying a lottery ticket, and generally probably better value…

        Anyway, one box has shown up containing: 6x Pringles, 24pack Christmas cards, and Swarovski earrings and pendant set.

        Not bad for a single box of crap, but if that's all I get sent I'll be pissed off!

        • would have been more than happy with all of that lol

        • I think that was for buying all three though

        • aaah i see..

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