My Ultimate has lapsed and im now looking for the current best method for getting 36 months ultimate for a low cost. Is it still buy Xbox core then convert? or is this no longer a valid way of getting it cheaper
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate

what benefits does ultimate give? i'm only looking for pc game pass
cloud streaming. I use this all the time.
I'm here trying to work out a damn acronym. If the TDL is til day light then I think I've got it.
Same boat … Need to figure out how to continue at the lowest possible rate.
So it sounds like…
Buy 3y Core + 1m Ultimate from places like Eneba
Add Core to account first to account
Activate the 1m Ultimate and in this process it will take the 3 year core and give you 2y UltimateIf you try this out, please let us know if it works.
So I did a round of price checking and it looks like cheapest is $64 AUD for a 12m Core is from G2A for Brazil tho. So I am not too confident how and if it will work for account with AU (activate with VPN etc).
Assuming adding Brazilian Core months is not a problem, the prices break down as below so I made a decision it's not for me.
$64 for 1x 12months Core
3x= $192
Plus 1m Ultimate at $18
= $210 AUD for what will convert to 2 years.
So $105 AUD per year = $8.75 AUD per month.Compared to what was around $5 AUD per month 2 years ago when many of us jumped onboard.
As I really only play Forza Horizon 5, and it's on special so $50 to buy outright, I might just buy that single game.
I originally got some value out of also playing Starfield but we all know how that turned out so I have not really gotten more value besides Horizon.
Did you end up going the Brazil route?
I can't find the thread that has the Turkey VPN guide :(
Based on this the conversion method works as of 2 months ago but the ratio is now 3:2 not 1:1