Just thought I'd lighten it up a bit with positive experiences with companies.
EB games. They always seem to do right by me (save trying to get me to sign up for their magazine everytime I walk through the door).
They've given me the sale price on items when they didn't have to, advised me to wait a couple of days before buying an Xbox (in this particular case) because the deal included a new game and their online store is as customer-focused - they gave me free postage after I paid, refunding me the balance, basically because I said I didn't realise there was a code for it and also had no issue refunding me a couple of dollars because the sticker on the game was cheaper than the price I paid.
A good store which values its customer-base and obviously run by video game enthusiasts, not clueless guys who don't know what they're selling.
Also, their return policy is great and pretty hassle-less.
A happy-chappy, here.
Lowest means best:
1 Myer
3 Toys R Us
5 Woolworhts
6 Coles
50 Aldi
100 Auspost